满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

任务型阅读:阅读短文,根据短文内容完成表格。 Do you understand...


Do you understand “OMG” when you receive a piece of text message like this? Its meaning is “oh my god”. Have you seen Brb (be right back), gr8 (great), cya (see you)–it’s a lot easier to use abbreviations (缩写) when we text, isn’t it? But while we might think nothing of it, there’s an ongoing discussion that text messaging can have a bad influence on people’s grammar. Many believe the abbreviations are giving students bad habits when it comes to spelling and punctuation (标点).

Some teachers say that texting and social networking cause students to be lazy when writing. A study showed that young adults who often use text messaging find it rather difficult to turn back to correct grammar when needed.

But another view is that text messaging has no influence at all. Many people consider it to be a language of its own. We could compare it to a foreign language which students learn. This doesn’t have any influence on their native language.

Whether it’s bad or not, it seems that text language is becoming very popular. According to another study, 64 percent of teens said they used informal (非正式的) “text language” in their writing.

But it’s not just a matter of language. Students who text a lot during class may have difficulty paying attention. In another study, students were asked to complete a questionnaire on how many text messages they sent and received during class. On average, students sent more than two text messages during classes lasting 50 to 75 minutes. The study showed that students who often text during classes can’t easily keep their attention on the lesson, which will surely harm their learning.

Topic Use abbreviation    1. ____ texting


Students sent more than two text messages during classes lasting 50 to 75 minutes.

A study showed 64 percent of teenagers used text language in their writing.


Text messaging can have a bad influence on people.

Abbreviations are bad for students’ 3.__ and punctuation use.

Young adults find it hard to return to correct grammar once they have got  4.____to abbreviating.

It is hard for those who text a lot to pay attention in class.

Text messaging can hardly influence people.

It is considered as a language.

It could be _5.____to a foreign language which students learn.


Using abbreviations can make it easy to send text messages.

No matter it’s good or bad, “text language” is becoming more and more popular.


1.when/while 2.Opinions/ideas/thoughts 3.spelling 4.used 5.compared 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:该文介绍了我们在发送信息时,可以使用缩写形式。并且介绍了人们对缩写形式的各种看法。 1.根据第一段中it’s a lot easier to use abbreviations (缩写) when we text 可知发短信时用缩写更容易,所以填写when/while ,当……的时候。 2.Opinions/ideas/thoughts 根据But while we might think nothing of it, there’s an ongoing discussion that text messaging can have a bad influence on people’s grammar. Many believe the abbreviations are giving students bad habits when it comes to spelling and punctuation缩写对发展学生的思想和正确使用标点有害,所以填写Opinions/Ideas/Thoughts/views。 3.spelling 根据Many believe the abbreviations are giving students bad habits when it comes to spelling and punctuation (标点).可知许多人认为,缩写是给学生在拼写和标点符号方面带来了坏习惯。故应该填些spelling,拼写。 4.used 根据原文But it’s not just a matter of language. Students who text a lot during class may have difficulty paying attention.可知但它不只是一种语言。学生在课堂上的文本可能很难以注意。这时我们就应该用缩写形式,所以填写used,被使用。 5. 考点:任务型阅读。

完成句子  按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,并将答案写在答卷标有题号的横线上。


Bad weather may                                ________________________on time.


According to the record, the computer engineer _______________________________ the law.


I _____________________________________________________ his advice at that moment.


The population of China___________________________________________ of Australia.


He ____________________________________________________________ new products.


With the help of GPS, we ______________________________________________ his home.



动词填空   用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答卷标有题号的横线上。

1. --- Why didn’t you go to the cinema with us yesterday afternoon?

--- I ______________ (wait) at the station for my uncle from Beijing.

2.What a pity it is _________________(not translate)the novel into Chinese! Teenagers of your age in China must be interested in it.

3.The flowers you are looking forward to ________________ (sell) out if you don’t order them in time.

4.The police _________________(search) the whole city for the missing boy at the moment..

5.He said they ___________________ (not climb) the highest hill if it rained the next day.

6.You can’t imagine how much difficulty the company had_______ (offer) the graduates more job chances.

7.It is said that the price of the meat ________________ (rise) in the past 3 months.

8.---Mum. When can I use the computer?

---Not until it _________________ (repair) the day after tomorrow.




1.I think this is the ___________ (silly) mistake I have ever made.

2.They didn’t tell us the news. They wanted to keep the secret to ____________(they).

3.One who is always telling the __________ (true) is worth our trust.

4.Understanding yourself is very important to _______________ (build) self-confidence.




1.He seldom __________ (回复) to the e-mails his friends send him.

2.To get away from the polluted earth, humans are thinking about moving ________ (在某处) else outside it.

3.The girl has been ________________ (缺席的)from school for a week.

4.Good ________________ (发音) will impress others and make yourself confident.



In early November of 1503, during Christopher Columbus’ fourth and final trip to America, his ship was seriously damaged in a storm. Columbus and his men had to live on a small island for several months while they tried to repair their ship and return to Spain.

At first, the local people on the island were very kind to the European visitors, giving them all the food and clothes they needed to survive. However, as the months passed, the local people became more and more unhappy with their guests, who were tricking and stealing from them. Finally the locals decided to stop helping. Without food or any way to leave the island, Columbus’ group was soon in serious trouble.

Luckily for Columbus, he had a book about the stars and planets on his ship. It described the movements of all the objects in the night sky. The book, written by a well-known German scientist, said there would be a total lunar eclipse (月食) on the evening of February 29, 1504 and how long it would last.

Columbus worked out the difference in time between Germany and North America. He then had a meeting with the local leaders just before the eclipse would take place. In this meeting, Columbus told them his god was angry because the local people were no longer giving food. So his god would take away the moon to punish them. At the moment Columbus finished talking, just as he had planned, the moon began disappearing.

The local leaders grew frightened and quickly agreed to provide Columbus with food and anything else he wanted. But first, Columbus’ god had to return the moon. Columbus told them he would have to discuss the idea with his god on his ship. Knowing the moon would stay completely hidden for about 48 minutes, Columbus returned just before the moon began to reappear. From that day on, until they finally

left, Columbus and his men no longer had any trouble getting the food they needed.

1.At first, the local people helped Columbus and his men by__________.

A. giving them food

B. building a house for them

C. repairing their ship

D. providing them with a book

2.The local people became angry because the Europeans__________.

A. looked very different

B. had nothing to trade

C. were cheats and thieves

D. wanted to take their land

3.What did Columbus do after returning to his ship on the night of the meeting?

A. He discussed the problem with his god.

B. He waited for the eclipse to finish.

C. He read about the stars and planets.

D. He told his men what happened.

4.What can we learn about the Europeans from the passage?

A. They all believed in god.

B. They never returned to Spain.

C. They admired the local people.

D. They caused their own problems.



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