满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Tom has ________ that he lives a happy l...

Tom has ________ that he lives a happy life.

A. a so well-paid job              B.such a well-paid job

C. so a well-paid work             D. such a well-paid work


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:汤姆有一个如此好的工作,以至于它有一个幸福的生活。such +a/an+形容词+名词的单数+that从句,是一个固定句型。所以选B 考点:考查such的用法。  

We must be strict _____ ourselves _____ our work.

A. in; with  B. with; in  C. in; in   D. with; with



—Would you please drive _________________?  My train is leaving.

—I’d like to, but safety comes first.

A. better     B. more carefully

C. more slowly  D. faster



—Natural disasters are dangerous!

—Yes, ______ earthquake that happened in that area killed ______ number of people.

A. the; the   B. the; a     C. an; the   D. an; an





1. 我最喜欢的明星是周杰伦(Jay Chou), 他1979年1月18日出生于台湾,他和昆凌结婚有一年多了。

2. 他很有音乐天赋,钢琴弹得很好。

3. 他认为古典音乐具有永恒价值,也擅长西方乐器。 他成功地融合了传统和现代音乐。

4. 他的成就不局限于音乐界。在2005年,他还在电影《头文字D》(Initial D)中担任主角。

5. 我相信……


1. 第5点必须用一至二句话展开合理想象;

2. 词数90个左右。

My favourite star is Jay Chou.










Do you understand “OMG” when you receive a piece of text message like this? Its meaning is “oh my god”. Have you seen Brb (be right back), gr8 (great), cya (see you)–it’s a lot easier to use abbreviations (缩写) when we text, isn’t it? But while we might think nothing of it, there’s an ongoing discussion that text messaging can have a bad influence on people’s grammar. Many believe the abbreviations are giving students bad habits when it comes to spelling and punctuation (标点).

Some teachers say that texting and social networking cause students to be lazy when writing. A study showed that young adults who often use text messaging find it rather difficult to turn back to correct grammar when needed.

But another view is that text messaging has no influence at all. Many people consider it to be a language of its own. We could compare it to a foreign language which students learn. This doesn’t have any influence on their native language.

Whether it’s bad or not, it seems that text language is becoming very popular. According to another study, 64 percent of teens said they used informal (非正式的) “text language” in their writing.

But it’s not just a matter of language. Students who text a lot during class may have difficulty paying attention. In another study, students were asked to complete a questionnaire on how many text messages they sent and received during class. On average, students sent more than two text messages during classes lasting 50 to 75 minutes. The study showed that students who often text during classes can’t easily keep their attention on the lesson, which will surely harm their learning.

Topic Use abbreviation    1. ____ texting


Students sent more than two text messages during classes lasting 50 to 75 minutes.

A study showed 64 percent of teenagers used text language in their writing.


Text messaging can have a bad influence on people.

Abbreviations are bad for students’ 3.__ and punctuation use.

Young adults find it hard to return to correct grammar once they have got  4.____to abbreviating.

It is hard for those who text a lot to pay attention in class.

Text messaging can hardly influence people.

It is considered as a language.

It could be _5.____to a foreign language which students learn.


Using abbreviations can make it easy to send text messages.

No matter it’s good or bad, “text language” is becoming more and more popular.



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