满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

This happened in London. It was November...

This happened in London. It was November and the weather was very wet and cold. A Frenchman had caught a very bad cold. He coughed day and night, so he decided to go and get some medicine for his cough. As he did not know much English, he took out his dictionary and looked up the word “cough”. But the dictionary did not tell him how to pronounce(发音) the word. He thought it over and remembered that he had learned the word “plough”. He remembered that it was pronounced[plau]. So he thought that c-o-u-g-h must be pronounced [kau].

Then he put on his coat and hat and went to a chemist's shop(药店).When the man in the shop asked him what he wanted, the Frenchman said, “I want something for my‘cow’ , please.” The man in the shop looked at him. Had he heard him correctly?

“I beg your pardon, sir?” he asked.

The Frenchman repeated, “I want some medicine for my‘cow’.”

“For your cow?” asked the man, “are you a farmer?”

“A farmer?” said the Frenchman in surprise, “What makes you think I'm a farmer? I come from Paris. I'm not a farmer.”

“But where is your cow?”

“It's here!” answered the Frenchman. He put his hand on his chest(胸口) and began to cough. “Here it is,”  he said, “I've a very bad ‘cow’ here.”

Then the man in the shop understood what the Frenchman meant. He wanted some medicine for his cough.

1.The Frenchman said, “I want something for my‘cow’, please.” Here by the word ‘cow’ he meant _______.

A. cow     B. cough     C. medicine    D. cold

2.What made the man in the shop think the Frenchman was a farmer?

A. The Frenchman looked like a farmer.

B. The word ‘cough’ was pronounced [kau] by him.

C. The Frenchman said he came from a farm in Paris.

D. We can't learn about it from the story.

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The man in the shop had heard the Frenchman correctly.

B. The man in the shop didn't understand the Frenchman clearly at first.

C. The Frenchman told the man in the shop he had a very bad cow.

D. The Frenchman asked for some medicine for his cow.


1.B 2.B 3.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述一个法国人得了重感冒去药店买药,但是他不知道“咳嗽”这个词怎么发音。于是他根据别的词猜测cough发音同cow,之后来到药店闹了一个笑话。 1.B词义猜测题。根据第一段最后一句话So he thought that c-o-u-g-h must be pronounced [kav].“所以他认为咳嗽cough的发音应该同奶牛cow的发音。”因此本文中cow意思是cough,故选B。 2.B细节理解题。根据文章第四段I want some medicine for my 'COW'.“我想要为我的牛买一些药。”他将cough发音成cow,因此药店的人认为这个法国人是一个农民,故选B 3. 考点:故事类短文阅读

You can see Pizza Hut(必胜客) every some blocks, so it must be a very big business. Indeed it is. But believe it or not, the business was started in 1958 by two college students with a loan of 600 dollars.

The Carney brothers were trying to make some money .so that they could pay their way through college. They borrowed the money from their mother and sold pizza in a small house in their neighborhood. That's how they got the name of the business. On the first day of business, they gave away pizza to draw(吸引) customers(顾客).

Year after year, their business grows and now they often give free meals and work chances to those in need.

1.Pizza Hut has been set up for about _______ years.

A. 21    B. 31    C. 58    D. 100

2.The word “loan” here in the story means _______.

A. money the brothers borrowed from others

B. money the brothers lent to others

C. something bought for nothing

D. something given away

3.What do you think of the two students from the last paragraph?

A. They are clever.      B. They are hard-working.

C. They are generous.    D. They are smart.





Years ago, while I lived in England, part of my college task was to help the children with special needs. I was chosen to   ______ in a school with disabled children. The teacher asked me to ______ Nancy, a ten-year-old girl. One of ______   hands could not move. At her school the teachers would think it was an achievement ______  she was able to put on her own coat. But I saw more in her. She had always wanted to put a string ______ the hole of a key.

For the 5 years Nancy was in the school, the teachers always ______  to help her, but always ended up doing all the work for her. I knew Nancy could do ______ , so I encouraged her to do something herself. At first Nancy often failed and got very______ .  Sometimes I wanted to give up too. ______ , after a week Nancy was able to do ______ she had wanted to alone for so many years. Her teachers cried ______   when they saw the thing she was able to do with just some encouragement.

Disabled people should ______ be told they can't do this or that. With just some encouragement they can do it. The look ______ that girl's face when she was able to do it herself meant ______ to me. I hope everyone will encourage people to do all they want by themselves ______ telling them they can't do it.

1.A. read        B. study         C. work          D. visit

2.A. look after   B. look for       C. look at       D. look over

3.A. his        B. her            C. my           D. your

4.A. before      B. through       C. if           D. until

5.A. through     B. across         C. over        D. into

6.A. failed      B. refused        C. agreed        D. tried

7.A. less        B. more           C. nothing        D. anything

8.A. excited    B. pleased        C. unsafe        D. unhappy

9.A. And          B. However      C. But          D. So

10.A. which      B. that           C. what         D. how

11.A. in danger   B. in fear       C. with care     D. with joy

12.A. never      B. always        C. often         D. sometimes

13.A. of          B. in            C. on           D. at

14.A. the earth   B. the sun      C. the moon     D. the world

15.A. instead of B. because       C. together with  D. more than



______the boys are playing!

A. How happy       B. How happily

C. What happily    D. What happy



Reading English newspapers ______ good for your study.

A. are       B. is             C. have          D. has



It's clever ____ Jim to find out the answer_____ this question.

A. for; to   B. of; to  C. for; of   D. of; of



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