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语法填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式...



Riding airplanes is always fun. Just the thought of 1.  (fly) high in the sky is exciting. The flight attendants are very nice and they try 2.  (make) your trip as comfortable as possible. If you are on a long distance flight, you even get to watch a movie. Some airlines even have a personal screen for each seat so passengers can 3.  (convenient) watch a movie or TV program of their choice. The food may not be that delicious, but most   4.  (flight) can offer different kinds of menus to choose from.

Airplanes   5.  (be) not always as safe as they are today. In fact, the earliest airplanes were quite simple   6.  style and very old-fashioned. They weren’t even that fast. Nowadays, however, airplanes have jet engines that allow them to travel as fast as 900 km7.  hour. They also have lots of life-saving equipment and   8.  (prepare) well for emergencies. Today, 9.  there were many scary news reports of airplanes crashes,   10. (few) people were hurt because of airplane accidents than because of car accidents. Many people still consider airplanes the safest way of travel.


1.flying 2.to make 3.conveniently 4.flights 5.were 6.in 7.per 8.are prepared 9.though 10.fewer 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文中作者讲述的乘坐飞机是一件有趣的事情,乘客可以在飞机上看电影,享受各种不同的食物。文章还介绍,过去的飞机款式单一,风格老旧,比现在的飞机慢得多。现在的飞机有许多逃生装置和应急配备,比起道路交通工具,飞机事故伤亡更少。许多人依然认为乘坐飞机是最安全的出行方式。 1.根据语境可知,这里of相当于一个介词,后接动词ing形式。结合所给词汇提示可知应填:flying。 2.根据语境可知,这里指的是尽可能的使旅途舒适。try to do sth表示“试着做某事”。结合所给词汇提示可知应填:to make。 3.根据语境可知,这里应用副词修饰动词watch,表示某种程度。结合所给词汇提示可知应填:conveniently。 4.根据语境可知,这里指的是大多数航班,应用名词复数。结合所给词汇提示可知应填:flights。 5.根据语境可知,这里指的是过去的飞机与现在的飞机相比较,时态应用一般过去时。结合所给词汇提示可知应填:were。 6.根据语境可知,这里指的是早期的飞机在款式方面比较简单。in style为固定搭配,表示在款式方面。故应填:in。 7.根据语境可知,这里指的是每小时900公里。故应填:per。 8.根据语境可知,这里指的是现在的飞机应急准备很好,主语为动作的承受者,应用被动语态。结合所给词汇提示可知应填:are prepared。 9.根据语境可知,这里指的是虽然现在还有许多可怕的飞机坠毁的消息,但是比起汽车交通事故人员伤亡要少得多。这里存在转折关系,故应填:though。 10.根据语境可知,这里指的是飞机事故比起汽车交通事故人员伤亡要少得多。这里应用比较级。结合所给词汇提示可知应填:fewer。 考点:语法填空。


Gap year is the time-off taken after high school or university. Many people think that “gap years” are simply an excuse for rich students to take a(n)   1.  (特别) long vacation. But that’s not the case in the UK and other countries. Some students are using their gap year to volunteer or   2.  (提高) life skills.

Tegan Morgan, a student at Cardiff University, volunteered in a language project three years ago, where she helped the kids with their English   3. (语法). “This experience has actually made me feel more   4.  (确定的) about my life goals now.” she wrote on her blog.

A gap year also helps students understand responsibilities in the   5.  (真实的) life world. During the gap year, the students learn to compete basic life skills on their own, 6. (包括) cooking and laundry.

“In fact, volunteers are 7.  (欢迎) by many schools, and for would-be teachers, volunteering is a   8.  (明智的) choice. Universities like to see proof of commitment to subject and self-discipline,” Jennifer, a   9.  (专业的) researcher at the UK’s University of Hull business school told The Guardian.

But the gap years don’t only benefit aspiring teachers. “A year of volunteer work can help graduates develop transferable skills like teamwork,   10.  (交流), problem-solving and planning,” said The Guardian.




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1.It is considered _________ to talk while eating.

2.The couple have been saving up to buy __________ a house.

3.What you said is __________ different from what we saw yesterday.

4.The computer doesn’t work well and I’ll get it __________ tomorrow.

5.We all agree that James is the most __________ person for the project.

6.In winter, I’d like to wear a scarf around my neck for extra __________.

7.I happened to see the old man __________ off his bike when I walked past.

8.Mr. Li has collected several paintings by the artist in the __________ century.

9.Everyone should make more __________ to protect the city against pollution.

10.The teacher showed his love of my article by __________ his head several times.



The earth’s valuable rain forests are in danger. They are getting smaller and the situation is becoming worse. This problem influences the whole world.

Rain forests are the natural habitat for many rare and beautiful animals, birds and insects. There’re various plants as well. For example, the Amazon rain forest in Brazil has a richer plant life than anywhere else on the earth. Some of the plants there are important for medical science. Aspirin, a drug which reduces fever and kills pain, is made from tree bark. Cough medicine can be produced from tree resin. Perhaps they may help us cure disease such as cancer and AIDS one day.

It is a great pity that the rain forests are disappearing.             There are two reasons. In many countries the trees have been cut down because the land is needed for animals and crops. In other parts of the world the trees are cut down because their wood is wanted. This wood is used by local people for firewood, or is sold to Japan, Europe and North America. It is used for buildings or made into furniture there.

The soil in the forests is indeed very thin. Without trees and plants, it is easily washed away by the rain or blown away by the wind. Soon nothing can be grown on it and the rain forests then become useless. In addition, the forests cannot produce O2 or absorb CO2. This leads to the greenhouse effect(温室效应), which makes the earth hotter and hotter.

When the forest is destroyed, it is not only the trees that are lost, the homes of millions of animals are destroyed too. Also kinds of animals are in danger—fish, reptile, birds, mammals, insects and shellfish—as well as thousands of plants. If we do not act immediately to save our rain forests, some of them will be gone.

1. The rain forests are in danger because ______.

A. a lot of medicine and furniture factories are built there

B. the greenhouse effect increases the earth’s temperature

C. the trees and the land are often destroyed for some reasons

D. large numbers of animals and plants there are disappearing

2.Which is the best sentence for the blank in Paragraph 3?

A. Why is it a pity?

B. How do they take place?

C. Why is this happening?

D. How are they disappearing?

3.The underlined word “this” refers to the fact that ______.

A. the earth in rain forests is actually poor

B. nothing can be grown in the rain forests

C. the earth is washed away or blown away

D. the forests fail to make O2 or take in CO2

4.The best title for this passage is ______.

A. Save the rain forest

B. Rain forests on the earth

C. Make full use of rain forests

D. Situations in the rain forest



A recent study shows that a third of UK students aged between 16 and 30 are interested in overseas study. Among them, half wish to study at the undergraduate level.

UK students have increasing interest in studying or working in a European country through the EU’s Erasmus Program, an EU student exchange program started in 1987. Recent Erasmus statistics(数据) show that nearly 15,600 UK students spent up to a year in another European country through the program during 2013-2014 school year, up 115 percent since 2007.

The figures reflect that more young people in the UK are realizing the value of receiving international experience. “The UK needs graduates who have the skills and confidence to compete worldwide, and can compete against foreign talent that may speak more languages and have wider international experience,” said Rebecca Hughes, director of education at the British Council.

Most UK students would like to go to the United States, followed by Australia, France, Canada and Germany, the findings show, but 42 percent of those who took the questionnaire were interested in traveling outside of the English-speaking world.

Why do UK students want to go abroad? Among those who are interested in overseas study, nearly 50 percent want to have fun traveling and exploring different cultures, while 30 percent want to work for an international company and live overseas. About 15 percent said they wanted to go to the best university and get the best education offered worldwide. What’s more, the high cost of UK university studies plays a role in over half of students’ interest in overseas study.

Also, the study found the biggest schooling check to studying abroad was a lack of foreign language skills—chosen by over half of those who were not interested or had not made a decision about studying overseas. But the top non-schooling check for students was the great cost.

1.The writer presents UK students’ increasing interests in overseas study by ______.

A. giving examples       B. making surveys

C. having interviews     D. listing statistics

2.It can be learned that ______ is probably the last choice for UK students to study abroad.

A. Australia  B. America   C. Germany   D. France

3.Which is the greatest reason why UK students are interested in overseas study?

A. Working for an international company.

B. The high cost of UK university studies.

C. Receiving the best education worldwide.

D. Travelling in non-English-speaking countries.

4.Which of the following statements is true?

A. UK students are expected to compete with students around the world.

B. Half UK students are unable to afford the university education in the UK.

C. More UK students choose to study abroad through the EU’s exchange program.

D. Overseas UK students all hope to travel around and experience different cultures



A survey shows that the number of fires in government buildings each year is small compared to home fires. This is probably because such buildings are taken good care of and managed. However, at home after work fire safety is your own duty.

For most of us who live in high-rise buildings, the safety of you and your family depends on how much you know to do with an emergency(紧急情况). When a fire happens, there is usually little time to decide what to do or how to act. The best thing is to make your emergency plan as soon as possible.

Sit down with the family and prepare a careful escape project. Do remember that every fire is unpredictable. Fire and smoke can move very quickly and the situations in any part of the building may change very quickly. Smoke is usually more dangerous than fire. It can spread throughout the building and enter your house when the fire is many floors away.

Some information says it is best to leave your house immediately when there is a fire. Others say it is safer to stay there. Which is correct?

Usually the best thing to do is to leave the building as soon as possible. However, do not try to leave your house a long time after the fire alarm has sounded. There is a higher chance that heavy smoke has already spread into stairways and hallways.

Never travel through smoke. You must stay inside your house and place wet towels at the bottom of the door to stop smoke from entering. Call the Fire Services Department by dialing “119”, tell them where you are and then move to the most smoke-free room. Open the window there to let in fresh air if possible. Hang a sheet from the window to show fire fighters where you are.

1.In the writer’s opinion, an emergency plan for a fire should be made early ______.

A. so that the fire can be put out in time

B. because we might lose our way in a fire

C. because we may have little time to call 119

D. so that we can keep ourselves safe from a fire

2.The underlined word “unpredictable” in Paragraph 3 is close to ______ in meaning.

A. unexpected        B. unlikely

C. unacceptable      D. unchanged

3.If it is a long time since the fire alarm sounded, the proper thing to do is ______.

A. to try to put out the fire

B. to stay inside the house

C. to leave the house at once

D. to sit down with the family

4.The writer wrote this passage in order to ______.

A. tell people some information about fires

B. teach people some skills of preventing fires

C. give people some advice on escaping from fires

D. show people some causes of fires in tall buildings



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