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书面表达 你校美籍教师Thomas在校园网上发了一个帖子,想在九年级中物色一名学...



要点:(1)你能够胜任的理由: good Chinese pronunciation; know Chinese cultures well;





Dear Thomas,

I learned from your post that you want to have a student in Grade 9 to tutor you in Chinese. _______________________________________________________________________________





Hoping for your early reply!

Yours Sincerely,

Li Daming


Dear Thomas, I learned from your post that you want to have a student in Grade 9 to tutor you in Chinese. I think I’ll be fit for it. Chinese is my native language and my Chinese pronunciation is good. I know Chinese culture well. What’s more, I can tell many Chinese traditional folk stories. I’m quite confident that I can help you improve your Chinese. In your post, you say you can teach English in return. This is just what I want. I hope you can help me with my English writing. Besides, we can chat with each other for half an hour in English and half an hour in Chinese every day, so that we can improve our oral speaking. Hoping for your early reply! Yours Sincerely, Li Daming 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇书信作文。作文内容紧贴近学生学习,学生有较大的发挥空间。动笔前要认真审题,深入挖掘题材内涵,勾勒要点,并适当发挥。行文时要注意人称、时态的搭配及主谓一致问题,同时注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。 写作亮点:这篇短文内容丰富,表达准确,意思连贯,符合逻辑。在文章的结构组织上使用了简单句和复合句,文章脉络清晰,自然流畅。同时,文章还使用了一些常用的句式、短语以及连接词,这为文章增色不少,是一篇难得的佳作。 考点:提纲作文。  



Make Your Own Kite

Materials You Will Need:

one 20-inch wooden dowel rod; one 24-inch wooden dowel rod; a pencil; a ruler; a craft knife; wood glue; fishing line; a piece of heavyweight paper, at least 26 inches square; scissors; tape; a sewing needle; string


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Place the kite frame(框架) on the piece of paper. Trace the shape of the kite, and then add two inches to the border. Cut out the larger shape. Center the frame over the paper, and then fold the edges over the frame. Tape the folded edges securely.


After the glue has dried, wind some fishing line around the intersection of the two rods to make sure they stay securely joined together. The fishing line should form an X at the intersection of the rods.


Now take the fishing line, which should still be joined to the X in the center of the frame, and thread in through the notch at each end of the dowel rods. Thread it through each notch a second time, and then return the fishing line to the center X. Make a few more loops around the X. Then knot the line and cut off the rest. The kite frame is OK.


Place the smaller dowel rod on top of the larger one. Glue the two rods together at the places where you made a mark. Be sure that the notches at the ends of the rods are horizontal when your kite frame is lying flat on a table.


Use the needle to make a small hole in the paper at the top and bottom of the kite. From the frame side, push a piece of fishing line through each hole and knot it. Take the rest of the fishing line, and tie the loose end of it about one-third of the way down the middle piece.


























Riding airplanes is always fun. Just the thought of 1.  (fly) high in the sky is exciting. The flight attendants are very nice and they try 2.  (make) your trip as comfortable as possible. If you are on a long distance flight, you even get to watch a movie. Some airlines even have a personal screen for each seat so passengers can 3.  (convenient) watch a movie or TV program of their choice. The food may not be that delicious, but most   4.  (flight) can offer different kinds of menus to choose from.

Airplanes   5.  (be) not always as safe as they are today. In fact, the earliest airplanes were quite simple   6.  style and very old-fashioned. They weren’t even that fast. Nowadays, however, airplanes have jet engines that allow them to travel as fast as 900 km7.  hour. They also have lots of life-saving equipment and   8.  (prepare) well for emergencies. Today, 9.  there were many scary news reports of airplanes crashes,   10. (few) people were hurt because of airplane accidents than because of car accidents. Many people still consider airplanes the safest way of travel.




Gap year is the time-off taken after high school or university. Many people think that “gap years” are simply an excuse for rich students to take a(n)   1.  (特别) long vacation. But that’s not the case in the UK and other countries. Some students are using their gap year to volunteer or   2.  (提高) life skills.

Tegan Morgan, a student at Cardiff University, volunteered in a language project three years ago, where she helped the kids with their English   3. (语法). “This experience has actually made me feel more   4.  (确定的) about my life goals now.” she wrote on her blog.

A gap year also helps students understand responsibilities in the   5.  (真实的) life world. During the gap year, the students learn to compete basic life skills on their own, 6. (包括) cooking and laundry.

“In fact, volunteers are 7.  (欢迎) by many schools, and for would-be teachers, volunteering is a   8.  (明智的) choice. Universities like to see proof of commitment to subject and self-discipline,” Jennifer, a   9.  (专业的) researcher at the UK’s University of Hull business school told The Guardian.

But the gap years don’t only benefit aspiring teachers. “A year of volunteer work can help graduates develop transferable skills like teamwork,   10.  (交流), problem-solving and planning,” said The Guardian.




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1.It is considered _________ to talk while eating.

2.The couple have been saving up to buy __________ a house.

3.What you said is __________ different from what we saw yesterday.

4.The computer doesn’t work well and I’ll get it __________ tomorrow.

5.We all agree that James is the most __________ person for the project.

6.In winter, I’d like to wear a scarf around my neck for extra __________.

7.I happened to see the old man __________ off his bike when I walked past.

8.Mr. Li has collected several paintings by the artist in the __________ century.

9.Everyone should make more __________ to protect the city against pollution.

10.The teacher showed his love of my article by __________ his head several times.



The earth’s valuable rain forests are in danger. They are getting smaller and the situation is becoming worse. This problem influences the whole world.

Rain forests are the natural habitat for many rare and beautiful animals, birds and insects. There’re various plants as well. For example, the Amazon rain forest in Brazil has a richer plant life than anywhere else on the earth. Some of the plants there are important for medical science. Aspirin, a drug which reduces fever and kills pain, is made from tree bark. Cough medicine can be produced from tree resin. Perhaps they may help us cure disease such as cancer and AIDS one day.

It is a great pity that the rain forests are disappearing.             There are two reasons. In many countries the trees have been cut down because the land is needed for animals and crops. In other parts of the world the trees are cut down because their wood is wanted. This wood is used by local people for firewood, or is sold to Japan, Europe and North America. It is used for buildings or made into furniture there.

The soil in the forests is indeed very thin. Without trees and plants, it is easily washed away by the rain or blown away by the wind. Soon nothing can be grown on it and the rain forests then become useless. In addition, the forests cannot produce O2 or absorb CO2. This leads to the greenhouse effect(温室效应), which makes the earth hotter and hotter.

When the forest is destroyed, it is not only the trees that are lost, the homes of millions of animals are destroyed too. Also kinds of animals are in danger—fish, reptile, birds, mammals, insects and shellfish—as well as thousands of plants. If we do not act immediately to save our rain forests, some of them will be gone.

1. The rain forests are in danger because ______.

A. a lot of medicine and furniture factories are built there

B. the greenhouse effect increases the earth’s temperature

C. the trees and the land are often destroyed for some reasons

D. large numbers of animals and plants there are disappearing

2.Which is the best sentence for the blank in Paragraph 3?

A. Why is it a pity?

B. How do they take place?

C. Why is this happening?

D. How are they disappearing?

3.The underlined word “this” refers to the fact that ______.

A. the earth in rain forests is actually poor

B. nothing can be grown in the rain forests

C. the earth is washed away or blown away

D. the forests fail to make O2 or take in CO2

4.The best title for this passage is ______.

A. Save the rain forest

B. Rain forests on the earth

C. Make full use of rain forests

D. Situations in the rain forest



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