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阅读理解 Wang Yan , a 15-year-old Chinese gi...


Wang Yan , a 15-year-old Chinese girl , likes eating snacks very much . She prefers cream biscuits, McDonald’s hamburgers and KFC chicken. As a result , she has become overweight .

Today in China , there are many children like Wang Yan . Health experts say children

should have healthy eating habits . First, they must eat regular meals and begin with a healthy breakfast. Second, they should have different kinds of foods such as fruit , vegetables , grain , eggs , milk and meat. Third, children shouldn’t eat too much junk food . It is delicious , but eating it often is bad for their health . If children do as the experts say, they won’t become overweight. They will be healthier. Students won’t become tired at school, and they will have enough energy to study hard.

1.Why has Wang Yan become overweight?

A. Because she doesn’t like sports.

B. Because she likes eating vegetables.

C. Because she likes eating snacks.

D. Because she likes eating fruit.

2.How many pieces of advice do the health experts give in this passage?

A. two          B. three       C. four         D. five

3.What kinds of food are good for our health according to the passage?

A. Milk , fruit , KFC chicken.

B. Cream biscuits , McDonald’s hamburgers and KFC chicken.

C. Packages of biscuits

D. Fruit, vegetables , grain , eggs ,milk and meat.

4.What will be the result if we do as the experts say ? We Will be ____.

A. overweight    B. healthier   C. tired at school  D. confident

5.What does the writer think of the junk food ?

A. Terrible      B. Healthy      C. Unhealthy      D. Sweet


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:如何才能保持身体健康,精力充沛不疲劳呢?专家建议孩子们应该有健康的饮食习惯。首先,他们必须吃一日三餐,以健康的早餐开始。第二,他们应该有不同种类的食物,如水果、 蔬菜、 粮食、 鸡蛋、 牛奶和肉。第三,不应该吃太多垃圾食品。虽然味道鲜美,但经常食用不利于他们的健康。如果孩子按照专家所说,他们就不会变胖。他们将会更健康。学生在学校里也不会累,他们会有足够的精力去努力学习。 1.所以选C。 2. 3.所以选D。 4.所以选B。 5.细节理解题。根据children shouldn’t eat too much junk food. It’s delicious, but eating it often is bad for their health.可知,垃圾食品对身体不健康。所以选C。 考点:健康保健类短文阅读。


Birthday celebrations(庆祝活动) are different in many countries of the world . Now let’s have a look.



The birthday child takes a treat to school for his/her classmates and all teachers . Each teacher gets a treat and gives the birthday child a small gift like a pencil , an eraser or a postcard. The birthday child doesn’t need to wear the school uniform . They can wear any clothes they like .



The birthday child wears new clothes on his/her birthday.



The birthday child always gets a gift or money. Eating noodles means the birthday child can have a long life.


To wish the child a happy birthday, his/her friends are going to pull on his/her ears a few times once for each year.



The birthday person sits in a chair and his/her friends and the other family members lift the chair on time for each year.

1.In which country does a child wear new clothes on his/her birthday?

A. Italy.       B. Japan.      C. China.       D. Latvia.

2.In China , the birthday child eats noodles to ______.

A. treat his/her classmates and teachers

B. get a gift or money

C. wish for a long life

D. make his/her parents happy

3.In Italy, if the birthday child is 7 , his/her friends will______.

A. pull on his/her ears seven times

B. give him/her a bowl of noodles

C. allow him/her not to wear the school

D. lift his/her chair once

4.We can see from the passage that ______.

A. the birthday celebration in Latvia is the same as that in Italy

B. a Chinese birthday child can wear any clothes on his/her birthday

C. Italian people like to eat noodles

D. all teachers give the birthday child a small gift in Aruba

5.The passage mainly talks about _______.

A. cultural differences between Europe and Asia

B. what to wear on one’s birthday

C. birthday celebrations in different countries

D. birthday gifts in different countrie




A poor girl was selling flowers in the street on Christmas Eve. Her parents were ill ,so she        get money for food. It was very cold .The girl felt cold and hungry. She stopped        a beautiful house. The girl knocked        the door and a man came out. She asked       he needed some flowers . The man said he didn’t want       She left the house and felt tired .She sat down at the       of a tall wall. She looked at the flowers .The flowers       very nice. She suddenly had an unusual feeling. She felt she became light,       slowly she began to fly into the sky. She       higher and higher and at last she found herself on the clouds .A group of people were coming to meet her .At the head of them       her granny. She welcomed her and asked her why she didn’t       The girl told her that she had to sell flowers to get money became her parents were badly ill. Granny told her       and gave her lots of beautiful clothes and delicious food. The girl laughed      

It snowed       that night. The girl died       a smile on her face. At the same time, people in the beautiful house began to sing Christmas songs and enjoyed themselves.

1.A. could          B. had better       C. would like        D. had to

2.A. in front of    B. in the front of  C. behind            D. beside

3.A. at             B. to               C. in                D. for

4.A. what           B. why              C. if                D. when

5.A. some           B. any              C. nothing           D. something

6.A. head           B. foot             C. top               D. middle

7.A. feels          B. felt             C. smelt             D. smells

8.A. and            B. but              C. so                D. or

9.A. went           B. got              C. looked            D. flew

10.A. has           B. was              C. had               D. were

11.A. get money     B. go out           C. come to see her   D. stay at home

12.A. didn’t worry B. not to worry     C. to not worry      D. to worry not

13.A. happy         B. happier          C. happiest          D. happily

14.A. heavily       B. heavy            C. largely           D. strongly

15.A. had           B. has              C. with              D. without



How long could I       your bike?    For about two days.

A. borrow     B. lend      C. get     D. keep



My parents’lives were harder 10 years ago because       them had a job.

A. neither of                    B. neither  did

C. neither                        D. both of



Could you please clean your room?

Sorry,  I      .I have to do my homework.

A. can’t     B. couldn’t    C. mustn’t     D. may  not



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