满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—I hope our air will become _________. —...

—I hope our air will become _________.

—Me, too.

A.dirtier and dirtier      B.cleaner and cleaner

C.bluer and bluer          Dworse and worse


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-我希望我们的空气变的越来越干净。--我也是。比较级and 比较级,越来越……。结合句意,故选B。 考点:考查比较级的用法。  

—How was _____dinner at Mike’s house?

—It was great. Mike’s mum is a wonderful cook.

A.a        B.an        C.the       D/




假如Jack 是你的朋友,请把他一天中所做的事和发生的时间都记录下来,写成80字左右的短文。要求书写工整。包括以下要点:6:00起床,6:15到7:00锻炼,然后刷牙,8:00上学,匆忙洗澡,吃早餐,11:45吃午饭,4:30放学 回家,然后做家庭作业,10:00睡觉。












Mike likes sports . He p 1. basketball every afternoon .He has a brother. H 2. name is Bob .Bob doesn’t like playing ports ,b 3. he watches sports show o 4. TV every evening .Mike and Bob like French fries (薯条)and they often eat them. .They like to make f5. with other people .So after school they often t 6. to the classmates . They are very good w7. them .When they h 8. time on the weekend ,they like to play sports with their friends .




1.My brother does his homework at seven in the evening .(一般疑问句)

_______your brother_______his homework at seven in the evening .

2.She always has hamburgers for lunch .(变否定句)

She_______ _______hamburgers for lunch .

3.Tom can  sing and dance .(对划线部分提问)

_______can Tom_______?

4. She has time today .(同义句)

She_______ _______today .

5. 你能帮助我学习英语吗?

Can you_______me_______my English ?




Mrs . White has a son .His name is Sam White . The young man begins to work in a store in a city(城市)this year . He asks his mother to visit(参观)the city . The old woman is happy and takes a train to his son’s house .She soon(很快) arrives in the city ,but she doesn’t know where the store is .She begins to look for (寻找)it ,but she can’t find it .At a bus stop she asks an old man ,“Excuse me ,sir .How can I get to the store ?”

“There are hundreds of stores in our city ,”says the old man .“Which one do you want to find ?”

The old woman gives (给)Sam’s letter to him and the old man says ,“Walk along(沿着) this street and take the fourth turning on the left (第四个路口左拐). His store is just there .”

Mrs . White thanks the old man and soon finds her son .They are very happy .A week later(以后) the woman goes to the zoo .She sees all kinds of animals(动物) .But she can’t remember (记住)the way(路) back to the store .At the same bus stop she meets the same old man and she asks the same question again .

“Oh dear !” the old man says .“Are you still looking (还在找) for your son ?”

1.Where does Sam White work ?


2. How does Mrs .White go to the city ?


3.Does the old man think Mrs .White found(找) her son’s store ?


4.Are there many stores in the city ?




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