满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

-- ______ can you finish the report on f...

-- ______  can you finish the report on food safety?

--- In two days.

A. How far        B. How much

C. How often     D. How soon


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:—多久以后可以完成对食品安全的报告吗?--在两天后。how much意为“多少”,主要是不可数名词的量提问。how soon意为“还要多久,多久以后”,通常是对从某个基本时间到将来某动作结束或某动作发生这段时间提问,常用在一般将来时态的句子中,其答语通常是“in + 一段时间”。 how often意为“多久一次”,通常用来提问在某一特定的时间进行某个动作的次数,答语通常是always,usually,often,sometimes,once/twice a day/month等。how far意为,“多远”,通常对距离提问。所以选D。 考点:考查疑问短语辨析。  

—Jenny and Peter, could you tell me something about the new film ‘The Penguins(企鹅) of Madagascar’?

—Sorry, ______ of us has ever seen it.

A. either          B. none

C. both          D. neither



As we all know, Britain is ______ European country and China is ______ Asian country.

A. an; an           B. a; a

C. a; an            D. an; a




同学们,在日常的英语学习中,我们了解到一些有关西方饮食文化的有趣知识。现在某国外旅游杂志向你约稿,请你以 When in China, do as the Chinese do!为题,写一篇文章,向西方读者介绍我们中国的饮食文化。



Are meals in China the same as meals in the West?

What time are lunch and dinner served in China?

How to eat food?

How to behave politely while eating with the old?










1.be made up of, one fifth of the air, oxygen


2.you, have a fight with, do, ever, a good friend,


3.is, penny wise, and, pound foolish, Don’t


4. be involved in, thousands of people, can, make a TV play


5.should, every person, treat equally





wife  handsome   queen  take turns  thanks to



I met a musician on the train to Shenzhen. He has just got married. His 1.is a German lady. The musician looked very 2.and behaved like a gentleman. His wife looked like a3.. They were going to spend their honeymoon in South China. There were many people on the train. When they heard this, they 4.to give their best wishes to the couple. The musician sang several beautiful songs for us. 5.them, we enjoyed our journey very much.



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