满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完型填空 Mrs. White lives in the country and...


Mrs. White lives in the country and she doesn’t know London very well. One day, she goes to London. She can’t find her _____. Just then, she ______ a man near a bus stop.

“I can ask him the way,” she says to _____ and asks, “Excuse me, can you _____ me the way to King Street” The man smiles with _____answer. He doesn’t ____ English. He speaks Japanese. He is a visitor. Then he _______  his hand into his pocket(口袋), ___ a piece of paper and lets her _______ it. On the paper are those words , “Sorry, I ____ English.”

1.A. street         B. way            C. room            D. house

2.A. look at        B. watches          C. sees             D. looks

3.A. herself        B. himself          C. myself           D. themselves

4.A.speak          B. say              C. talk            D. tell

5.A. not           B. an               C. no               D. any

6.A. know           B. say              C. has             D. teach

7.A. puts         B. takes            C. brings          D. gives

8.A. bring out      B. take out        C. takes out      D. take away

9.A. to see        B. look at          C. to look at     D. watches

10.A.am not speak  B. can’t speak    C. don’t say     D. don’t talk


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了怀特太太去伦敦,问路的故事。她向站在公交车站附近的一个男人问路。他说日语,不懂英语。因此当怀特太太问路时,他从兜里拿出一张纸,上面写着:“对不起,我不会英语。” 1.B考查名词及语境的理解。A street 大街;B way 道路;C room 房间;D house房子;句意:她找不到路。根据“I can ask him the way,” she says to __43___ and asks,可知她问路,因此是找不到路。故选B。 2.C考查动词及语境的理解。A look at 看;B watches 观看;C sees 看见;D looks看起来;句意:正在那时,她看见一个男人在公交车站附近。此处表示看到的结果,故用动词see。故选C。 3.A考查代词及语境的理解。A herself 她自己;B himself 他自己; C myself 我自己; D themselves他们自己;句意:她自言自语说,“我可以问他路”。故选A。 4.D考查动词及语境的理解。 speak 说,强调说某种语言;B say 说,强调说话的内容;C talk谈话;D tell告诉;句意:她自言自语地问道,“打扰了,你能告诉我到国王街的路吗?”,根据短语tell sb sth“告诉某人某事”,故选D。 5.C考查冠词和副词及语境的理解。A not 不;B an 一;C no 不;D any 任何;句意:那个男人微笑着,没有回答。修饰名词answer,故用形容词no。故选C。 6.A考查动词及语境的理解。A know 知道;B say 说;C has 有;D teach教;句意:他不懂英语。根据后文的He speaks Japanese.可知他说日语,因此他不懂英语。故选A。 7.A考查动词及语境的理解。A puts 放;B takes 拿走;C brings 拿走;D gives给;句意:当他把手放进口袋里。put... into把……放进……,故选A。 8.C考查动词短语及语境的理解。A bring out 显示出;B take out拿出;C takes out拿出;D take away拿走;句意:然后他把手放进口袋里,拿出一张纸,让她看它。根据lets her_49__ it可知让她看它,故此处为拿出来,再看看。主语he是第三人称单数,故谓语用第三人称单数形式takes out。故选C。 9.B考查动词及语境的理解。A to see 看见;B look at 看;C to look at 看;D watches观看;句意:然后他把手放进口袋里,拿出一张纸,让她看它。根据短语let sb do sth“让某人做某事”,故此处用动词原形look at。故选B。 10.B can’t speak不会说;C don’t say不说;D don’t talk不谈论。句意:纸上写着那些话“对不起,我不会英语。”因为宾语English表示语言,故用动词speak。故选B。 考点:故事类短文。

--- What time do you usually get up? --- _____.

A. It's six o’clock    B. From six o’clock

C. At six o’clock      D. To six o’clock



Can you help children ______?

A. with playing piano     B. playing the violin

C. play the volleyball    D. play the guitar



The young _______ writes lots of good ______.

A. write; story          B. writer; story

C. writer; stories        D. writer; storys



     you      your brother can join us. We need one of you.

A. Between; and            B.First; next

C. Either; or              D. not only; but also



—My father       in a shop, but he      there these days.

A. works, isn’t work    B. is working, works

C. works, doesn’t  work D. is work, doesn’t  work



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