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Babysitter Wanted Do you like children? ...

Babysitter Wanted

Do you like children? Do you have free time in the afternoon? We need a babysitter for our son. He is five years old. Hours are 3:00p.m. to 6:00p.m. from Monday to Friday. Sometimes you have to work on the weekend. Pay(薪水) is $10 each hour.

For the job, you will: Watch our son

Read to him

Play with him

You will work at our house. We live in Fourth Road, near Huaxing Clothes Store.

Please call Mr. Wang at 010-58899333.


1.On Friday, the babysitter will _______.

A. not work           B. get $10

C. live there           D. work three hours

2._____ is not a part of the job.

A. Cooking for the child

B. Working at the child’s house

C. Taking care of(照顾,照看) the child

D. Reading books to the child

3.The babysitter must ______.

A. drive a car to work

B. go to the office to work

C. play with the child

D. work every Saturday and Sunday

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The child is less than(不足)ten years old.

B. The babysitter must be a college student(大学生)

C. The babysitter must work six days a week.

D. The babysitter can get more(更多) pay(报酬) on weekends.

5.The best babysitter for the job _____.

A. get $10 every day

B. is busy on Wednesday afternoon

C. can’t read story-books

D. is good with children


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了一则招聘临时保姆的广告。他们需要一名临时保姆,照顾五岁的儿子。临时保姆从星期一到星期五每天工作从三点到六点,每小时10美元。临时保姆照看我们的儿子,给他读书,和他一起玩,并且将在他们家工作, 1.D推理判断题。根据Hours are 3:00p.m. to 6:00p.m. from Monday to Friday. 可知临时保姆从星期一到星期五每天工作从三点到六点,故推断在星期五会工作三小时。故选D。 2.A细节理解题。根据For the job, you will: Watch our son、Read to him、 Play with him和You will work at our house.可知临时保姆的工作有照看我们的儿子,给他读书,和他一起玩,并且将在我们家工作,故不包括给孩子做饭。故选A。 3.C细节理解题。根据For the job, you will: Watch our son、Read to him、 Play with him和You will work at our house.可知临时保姆的工作必须照看和孩子一起玩,故选C。 4.C推理判断题。根据 Hours are 3:00p.m. to 6:00p.m. from Monday to Friday. Sometimes you have to work on the weekend. 可知临时保姆从星期一到星期五工作,有时周末也不得不工作,故推断一周必须工作六天。故选C。 5. 考点:广告布告类短文阅读。

A lot of boys and girls in the western countries(西方国家) are wearing the same kinds of clothes, and many of them have long hair, so it is hard to tell whether they are boys or girls.

One day, an old man went(go的过去式)for a walk in a park in Washington, and when he was(is的过去式) tired, he sat(sit的过去式) down on a bench(长凳). A young person (人)was standing on the other side of the pond(池塘).

“My goodness” the old man said(say的过去式)to the person sitting next to him on the bench.“Do you see the person with loose pants(宽松裤)”and long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?”

“A girl,” said the person sitting next to the old man. “She’s my daughter.”

“Oh!” the old man said quickly, “please excuse me. I didn’t know that you are her mother.”

“I’m not her mother,” said the person.“I’m her father!”

1.where did the story happen(发生)?

A. At a school.          B. on a farm.

C. In the street.          D. In a park.

2.Why is it difficult to tell whether a child is a boy or a girl in western countries?

A. Because many boys and girls are wearing the same kinds of clothes, so it is hard to tell whether a child is a boy    or a girl in western countries.

B. Because many of them have long hair.

C.They all go to the same school.

D. A or B

3.The young person standing on the other side of the pond was_______.

A. a boy                     B. a girl

C.the old man’s son         D. the old man’s danghter

4.The person sitting next to the old man was _______.

A. the young person’s father

B. the young person’s mother

C. the old man’s brother

D. the old man’s sister

5.From the story we know that person sitting next to the old man was ______.

A. something like a man     B. something like a woman

C. very tired               D. eastern countries



Jack is a clerk. He _______in an office in a small town. One day his boss _____ to him“Jack, I want you to go to London, to my office there, to see Mr. Brown. Here’s the address.” Jack goes to London by train. He leaves the ______ and thinks,“The office isn’t far from the station. I will find it ______.” But after an hour he still _____ for it, so he stops and asks an old woman, she says,“Just go along this street, turn  left at the end, and it is the second building on the right.”Jack ______ and finds it.

Some days later, he goes to the _____ city, but again he doesn’t find the ______, so he asks _____ the way. It is the same ______!She is very surprised and says“Are you still looking for that place?”

1.A. likes            B. works             C. walks             D. runs

2.A. speaks           B. tells              C. sees             D. says

3.A. station           B. shop               C. London          D. there

4.A. easy              B. happy              C. easily           D. happily

5.A.watches            B. looks              C. finds             D. has

6.A. comes             B. goes               C. can               D. think

7.A. same              B. some              C. different         D. nice

8.A. station          B. office             C. shop             D. school

9.A. anyone            B. nobody             C. somebody         D. something

10.A. woman           B. man               C.girl              D. boy




Mrs. White lives in the country and she doesn’t know London very well. One day, she goes to London. She can’t find her _____. Just then, she ______ a man near a bus stop.

“I can ask him the way,” she says to _____ and asks, “Excuse me, can you _____ me the way to King Street” The man smiles with _____answer. He doesn’t ____ English. He speaks Japanese. He is a visitor. Then he _______  his hand into his pocket(口袋), ___ a piece of paper and lets her _______ it. On the paper are those words , “Sorry, I ____ English.”

1.A. street         B. way            C. room            D. house

2.A. look at        B. watches          C. sees             D. looks

3.A. herself        B. himself          C. myself           D. themselves

4.A.speak          B. say              C. talk            D. tell

5.A. not           B. an               C. no               D. any

6.A. know           B. say              C. has             D. teach

7.A. puts         B. takes            C. brings          D. gives

8.A. bring out      B. take out        C. takes out      D. take away

9.A. to see        B. look at          C. to look at     D. watches

10.A.am not speak  B. can’t speak    C. don’t say     D. don’t talk



--- What time do you usually get up? --- _____.

A. It's six o’clock    B. From six o’clock

C. At six o’clock      D. To six o’clock



Can you help children ______?

A. with playing piano     B. playing the violin

C. play the volleyball    D. play the guitar



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