满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空 Is the river water clean now? Have ...


Is the river water clean now? Have you______drunk water directly from a river? I'm sure your answer is“No".Perhaps you may have tried the water from a well(井)or from a tap.______ ,as I know,most of you only drink water from a water boiler ______ the bottled water bought from a shop nowadays.

But things were quite ______  many years ago.At that time,all the small rivers around us were very clear and the water was very clean.If you were______,you could just take some water from the river with your hands and drink it directly.It was cool and sweet.In ______ ,when it was hot,you could swim in the rivers.How pleasant it was!

But all these are in the past.Things ______a lot over these years.There is more and more waste in the world.The rivers are full of  ______ kinds of waste.Most of the river water has become very dirty ______ the pollution.Some of the river water is not even clean enough for us to wash our hands.

What a  ______ ! I wonder when I can taste the clear river water again.

1.A.already      B.just        C.ever           D.never

2.A.However     B.Though       C.Since         D.Yet

3.A.and         B.or          C.but           D.so

4.A.same        B.easy        C.difficult     D.different

5.A.thirsty      B.hungry     C.tired       D.sleepy

6.A.spring       B.summer       C.autumn       D.Winter

7.A.turned       B.have turned C.changes     D.have changed

8.A.either       B.both        C.all           D.same

9.A.because      B.because of   C.instead        D.instead of

10.A.matter      B.fact         C.1uck          D.Pity


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章讲的是以前河水很干净,但现在情况变了很多,由于污染河水变得很脏,这是非常遗憾的事情。 1.C考查副词与语境理解。A.Already已经; B.Just刚刚;C.Ever曾经;D.Never从来不。句意:你曾经喝过直接来自河里的水吗?根据句意及语境是曾经喝过,故选C。 2.A考查副词与语境理解。A.However然而;B.Though虽然;C.Since自从;D.Yet还。句意:然而据我所知,现在大多数我们只喝水壶里的水或从商店买的瓶装水。根据句意及语境此空表示转折,故选A。 3.B考查连词与语境理解。A.and 和;B.Or或者;C.But但是;D.So因此。句意:然而据我所知,现在大多数我们只喝水壶里的水或从商店买的瓶装水。根据句意及语境此空是“或者”,故选B。 4.D考查形容词与语境理解。A.Same相同的;B.Easy容易的;C.Difficult困难的; D.Different不同的。句意:但是许多年前事情相当不同。根据句意及下文是说许多年前情况与现在不同,故选D。 5.A考查形容词与语境理解。A.thirsty 口渴的;B.Hungry饥饿的;C.疲劳的;D.Sleepy困乏的。句意:如果你口渴了,你就可以用手从河里取水直接喝。根据句意及语境可知此空是指如果你口渴的话,故选A。 6.B考查名词与语境理解。A.Spring春天;B.Summer夏季;C.Autumn秋天;D.Winter冬天。句意:在夏天天气很热的时候,你可以在河里游泳。根据句意及语境可知此空是夏天的时候,故选B。 7.D考查动词与语境理解。A.Turned拐弯;B.have turned已经拐弯; C.Changes改变;D.have changed已经改变。句意:事情这许多年已经改变了。根据句意及语境此空应用现在完成时态,故选D。 8.C考查不定代词与语境理解。A.Either两者之一;B.Both两者都;C.All三者或三者以上都; D.Same相同的。句意:河里充满了各种各样的废弃物。根据句意及语境此空应选C。 9.B考查连词与语境理解。A.Because因为,后跟从句;B.because of因为,后跟名词或代词; C.Instead代替;D.instead of代替,后跟所代替内容。句意:大多数河水因为污染已经变得非常脏。根据句意及语境此空后是名词the pollution,故选B。 10. 考点:日常生活类短文

There ______ great changes in our hometown in the past fifteen years.

A. has been   B. have been  C. was   D. were



Jim has many hobbies, ______ swimming, hiking, sailing.

A. for example       B. such as

C. such for          D. as the example of



-_______ did your uncle leave his hometown? He _______ for nearly twenty years.

A. When; has left      B. When; has been away

C. How long; has left  D. How long; has been away



There may be _________ in Mount Huang, but the weather is very nice.

A. some rains      B. some rain

C. some rainy    D. a lot of rains



--You've never been to China, _______?   --_______. I've been there three times.

A. have you; No, I haven't

B. haven't you; No, I haven't

C. have you; Yes, I have

D. haven't you; Yes, I have



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