满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Can you tell me what life will be like i...

Can you tell me what life will be like in ______ time?

A. 100 years’   B. 100 years

C. 100-year’s   D. 100-years


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你能告诉我100年后生活是什么样子吗?名词前应该用复数名词所有格的形式。依据句意,答案为A。 考点:考查名词所有格。  

If a girl doesn’t know______ to wear or ______ to dress up, she can ask her best friend for help.

A. what; how     B. what; what

C. how; what      D. how; how



Tom, with his classmates, ______ the windows at the moment.

A. is cleaning        B. are cleaning

C. cleaning           D. clean



“There is ______ in today’s newspaper, so you needn’t read it,” the father says to his son.

A. anything interesting   B. interesting anything

C. nothing interesting    D. interesting nothing



—What kind of home do you ______?    —A flat ______ the centre of the city.

A. live; on       B. live; in

C. live in; on    D. live in; in



—I don’t have red shoes for the fashion show.

My sister has ______ pair. Would you like to try ______ on?

A. one, it    B. one, them    C. two, them   D. a, it



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