满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据句意和首字母提示,完成短文。 It’s hard to make frien...


It’s hard to make friends if you always stay at home. Get o  1.   of the house and do things with other people. It’s easier to make friends when you have the s   2.  hobby.

Don’t be a   3.  to show you to others. Talk about your f  4.   things. People will find that they are very interesting if you show yourself freely.

Look a  5.   people in the eyes when you talk to them. In this way, they will find it easier to talk to you. If don’t, people may think you are not interested in them and may s   6.   talking to you.

Be a good listener. Let people talk about their own things b  7.  talking about ‘me, me, me’. Ask a lot of q   8.   . Show interest in their answers.

T   9.  to make friends with the kind of people you really like. Be kind to a lot of people. I   10.  so, you will have more people to choose(选择) from and have more chances(机会) to make friends.


1.out 2.same 3.afraid 4.favourite 5.at 6.stop 7.before 8.questions 9.Try 10.If 【解析】 试题分析:短文主要介绍了一些交友的方法。如果你独自一人呆在家里,很难交朋友。交朋友要走出家门,多与别人接触;不要害怕展示自己;与别人交流时,要用眼睛看着他们;做一个好的聆听者;试着与你真正喜欢的人交朋友;善待很多人。 1.句意:走出家门,与别人一起做事。依据句意及首写字母,答案为out。 2.句意:当你们有相同的爱好,会很容易交朋友。the same hobby相同的爱好。志同道合,更利于交友。答案为same。 3.句意:不要害怕向别人展示自己。be afraid to do 害怕做某事。依据首字母,答案为afraid。 4.句意:谈论你最喜欢的事情。根据下一句“People will find that they are very interesting if you show yourself freely.” 人们会发现他们非常有趣如果你自由展示自己。可知是自己最喜欢的东西。答案为favourite。 5.句意:与别人交流时,要用眼睛看着他们。look at “看”的意思。固定的动词词组,依据首字母,答案为at。 6.句意:人们可能会认为你不感兴趣,可能会停止和你谈话。stop doing sth.停止做某事。依据句意,答案为stop。 7.句意:先让人们谈论自己的事情,然后你可以谈论一下你自己。此处缺少介词,依据句意,答案为before。 8.句意:询问大量的问题。依据汉语意思,是询问问题,question为可数名词,故用复数形式,答案为questions。 9.句意:设法与你真正喜欢的人交朋友。try to do sth. 尽力做某事,试图做某事。依据句意,答案为Try。 10.句意:如果这样的话,你会有更多的选人余地与交友机会。此处缺少连词,依据句意及首字母提示,答案为If。 考点:单词语法填空。


1.Look at the clouds. I think it ____________ (rain).

2.Our classroom is on the ____________ (three) floor in that red building.

3.—Who is the boy with you? —He is a good friend of ____________ (I).

4.The computer doesn’t work. Let’s ask someone ____________(fix) it, shall we?

5.It takes me about an hour ____________ (buy) some presents for my family and friends.




1.These exchange students are from different _______________ (国家).

2.The new theatre is very big. It can hold _______________ (千) of students in it.

3.Could you please keep the children ____________ (安静的) while I am on the phone?

4.“Simon, ____________ (检查) your homework carefully .” the mother says to the little boy.

5.—What’s wrong with you, John? —My new cup is ____________ (损害了的,破碎的).




Old Brown lived in a city. He had no job but he was rich because he was good at stealing(偷). He was never in prison. So none of his neighbors knew that he was a thief.

One day one of his friends went to see him, but he was out. His son, young Brown, came out to meet the man and asked him to have a cup of tea in the sitting room. About half an hour later, old Brown came back.

“Mr. White asked me to give back five hundred dollars to you, Mr. Brown,” said his friend. “Thank you, my friend,” said old Brown.

But to his surprise, the man couldn’t find his wallet. He looked very worried. “What’s wrong, my friend?” asked old Brown. “I can’t find my wallet,” said the man. “But it was in my pocket just now.” “Who was here?” “Only your son” “I see,” said Old Brown. “Don’t worry. I will get it back for you.” Old Brown went out.

Soon he came back with the wallet. His friend was happy and asked, “Did you blame(责备) your son?” “Please don’t speak loudly,” said old Brown. “My son doesn’t know I took out the wallet from his pocket.”

1.What was Old Brown good at?  (in no more than 5 words)


2.How long did the visitor wait for Old Brown?  (in no more than 5 words)


3.Why couldn’t his friend find his wallet?


4.Did Old Brown know where the wallet was? (in no more than 5 words)


5.Who did Old Brown get the wallet back from for the visitor? (in no more than 5 words)





Do you know an old city with the name of “Pingyao” in Shanxi? The old city is not far from Taiyuan, the capital of Shanxi. It’s a town with a long history of more than two thousand years.

The old city is not very large. It is only 2.25 square kilometers in size. And there are no tall buildings here. Most of the buildings have only two floors. And most of them are made of stones(石头). There are many Chinese-style shops on each side of the street.

Pingyao is a square city with a wall around it. It’s about 6 km long and 12 m high. The wall has six gates. And you mustn’t miss the nice food there. Try Pingyao beef and you are sure to fall in love with it.

Pingyao is a wonderful place to visit. You can take buses or trains here. It’s less than 2 hours’ bus ride from Taiyuan. It costs you only 20 yuan. If you take a train, it will take you less time, only one and a half hours. And if you want to go to Pingyao from Beijing, the train ride takes only about 6 hours.

An old city 1.  Pingyao


In Shanxi,    2.   Taiyuan.


4.  2000 years.


2.25 square, kilometers.



Buildings: Most of them have two 6.  . They are made of stones.

Shops : There are shops on     7.  sides of the street.

Wall: There is a 6-km-long wall around the    8.    city.

Food: Pingyao    9.   tastes nice.


Visitors can come to Pingyao by bus or 10.    .



Hi Suzie,

I have a big problem again! You know that I love to cook. Everyone says that I am the next “celebrity chef”. I never miss favourite cookery shows on TV. I always like to try new recipes. Curry is one of my favourite meals. I love all the spices and that is the problem!

I am in the kitchen when the telephone rings. I answer the phone and chat for five minutes to my friend Kate. I go back to my curry, but I don’t remember that the spices are already in and I add more. My curry smells delicious, but when we eat it everyone looks at me. The curry tastes very bad. My mum says, “Why is it so hot?”

Then I remember about the spices.

I’m off for a hamburger.



1.What is the main idea of the letter?

A. Mike’s hobby     B. Suzie’s hobby

C. a celebrity chef  D. a bad cooking experience

2.What food does Mike like best?

A. Chips   B. Curry   C. Dumplings   D. Hamburger

3.What does Mike do to show that he likes cooking so much?

A. He goes to restaurants to try all kinds of dishes.

B. He learns how to cook from his parents.

C. He watches shows on TV and tries new recipes.

D. He puts spices into the food to make it tasty.

4.What does Mike leave the kitchen for when he is cooking?

A. Because he wants to answer the telephone.

B. Because Kate arrives at home at that time.

C. Because he need to get some more spices.

D. Because he watches a show about cooking on TV.

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the letter?

A. Mike’s curry smells and tastes very delicious .

B. Mike’s parents call him when he is cooking.

C. Mike love both the curry and hamburger very much.

D. Mike cooks badly this time because he is so careless.



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