满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

任务型阅读 阅读短文,根据短文信息完成文后表格,每空一词。 It seems s...



It seems school children all over the world don’t like their school food. So what do students of your age eat for lunch at school?


High schools have dining rooms, which serve everything from noodles to rice, but not hamburgers and chips. Other children bring food from home such as cold rice balls, meat of fish and vegetables. Students take home a menu for the coming month with notes on nutrition value(营养价值). The class with the fewest leftovers(剩饭) at the end of the month receives a prize.

United States

A menu from a US school is made up of a hamburger with potatoes or chicken, fruit and cookies. School lunches must also provide at least one-third of the daily vitamin(维生素) A, vitamin C, iron(铁), calcium(钙) and calories(卡路里).


Hot dogs are traditional dishes in Australia school shops. But as the country pays more attention to children’s health, healthier foods have started to find their way onto school menus.

Many schools have used a traffic light system(系统). The sale of red-labeled foods, including chocolate and soft drinks, is served only twice a week. Healthier green-labeled foods such as sandwiches, corn and watermelon, however, are provided every day.

South Africa

Most of South Africa’s schools do not provide meals at all. Classes end at 1:30 p.m. and students get their own lunches. Many students bring food from home, usually sandwiches.

Fast food sells the best among students. But as more people began to realize the fact that being too fat may cause different illness, some schools in towns have led the way towards better nutrition. Now students at these schools are provided with lunches of porridge(粥) with vegetables, such as potatoes, carrots and tomatoes.

Schools serve different foods in different   1.   .


In high schools, children can buy everything such as noodles and rice. But

they can’t buy hamburgers and   2.  from dining rooms.

Some children    3.  food from their homes.

The class will get a prize if they have the    4.  leftovers in a   5.   .


Children can get one-third of daily nutrition from their 6.   at school.


School shops 8.   students with traditional dishes.

The sale of green-labeled foods is served every day,   9.  red-labeled foods are sold twice a week.

South Africa

Students like eating fast food so that they are overweight. Students in some schools in towns can eat vegetables to   10.   fit.



1.countries 2.chips 3.bring 4.fewest 5.month 6.lunch 7.Australia 8.provide 9.But 10.keep 【解析】 试题分析:学生们经常会抱怨学校的食堂里的食物不好,那么世界各地的不同国家里,学校食堂的食物到底如何呢?短文中作者给我们介绍了几个国家里学校食堂里提供食物的情况。 1.这篇短文给我们讲述的是世界上不同国家的学校里,给孩子们准备了什么样的午饭。短文中提到了日本、美国、澳大利亚和南非几个国家。故填countries。。 2.根据短文中介绍的日本这个国家的情况中High schools have dining rooms, which serve everything from noodles to rice, but not hamburgers and chips.可知,在日本这个国家的学校里,有餐厅,卖各种各样的食物,但是没有汉堡包和薯条。故填chips。 3.根据短文中关于日本这个国家的学校食堂的情况中Other children bring food from home可知,有一些学生是从家里带食物。此题考查动词,根据句意,故填bring。 4.根据短文中关于日本这个国家的学校食堂的情况中Other children bring food from home可知,有一些学生是从家里带食物。此题考查最高级,根据句意,故填fewest。 5.根据短文中日本这个国家学校食堂情况的介绍中The class with the fewest leftovers(剩饭) at the end ofthe month receives a prize.可知,在日本的学校里,一个月中剩饭最少的班级会获得奖励,因此这里应该填month。 6.根据短文中美国这个国家的情况中School lunches must also provide at least one-third of the daily vitamin(维生素) A, vitamin C, iron(铁), calcium(钙) and calories可知,美国的学校午餐必须给学生提供日常营养的三分之一,故填lunch。。 7.根据文意可知,短文中从第二段开始给我们介绍了几个不同国家,学校里提供食物的情况,第一个是日本,然后是美国,接下来是澳大利亚,故填Australia。 8.根据澳大利亚这个国家的情况中Hot dogs are traditional dishes in Australia school shops可知,在澳大利亚的学校里给学生们提供一些传统的食物。provide提供。 9.在澳大利亚的学校里,绿色标签的食物每天都提供,但是红色标签的食物一周只卖两次。根据文意可知,这里是转折的关系,故填but。 10. 考点:考查任务型阅读。


1.We have already finished our report about the changes to our hometown.(改否定句)

We            finished our report about the changes to our hometown          .

2.An iPad Mini isn’t as expensive as an iPad 4. (保持句意基本不变)

An iPad Mini is _________ _________ an iPad 4.

3.We haven’t seen the film star because of too many people.(对划线部分提问)

__     __ ___      __ you seen the film star ?

4.I think the trip was boring. (改为否定句)

I _______  ___ think the trip ___    _____boring.

5.To read English in the morning is very important. (改为同义句)

___     ___ very important ____      _ read English in the morning.




A.with pleasure,  B. made up of,    C. such as,  D.all year round,     E.so much for


1.The park is __________ five parts.

2.Kunming is a good place to visit, you can go there __________.

3.Jim likes many sports, ________ running and skating.

4.OK, ________today’s fashion show. Let’s have a talk on Project Hope.

5.-- –Tom, could you help me with my English?





1.---- Where is your father?   ---- He has gone to Shanghai on ______    ___ (busy).

2.Great changes______________ (take) place in our hometown over the past 8 years.

3.It __________  _ (rain) heavily and I’m afraid you have to wait until it stops.

4.Do you see the dog _____    __ (lie) on the ground now?

5.There _           _(be) a strong typhoon in the north of Fujian next Sunday, isn’t there?

6.My father told me ____________ (not stay) out late to play basketball after school.

7.This is the _______(good) model plane I have ever seen..

8.For ___________(far) information, you can visit our website.

9.The Summer Holiday we are looking forward to        (arrive) already.

10.It has been famous for its theatres since the early ____________ century. (twenty)




1.We all know that there is a long river in                (美洲)

2.Kitty got____        __(结婚) last year. Her husband is a computer programmer.

3.I like travelling. I hope to visit the __________   __ (南方) part of China.

4.I had an___        ____ (采访) with a famous host last night.

5.There are _____   _____ (几个) foreign students in our class.

6.The restaurant is open every day ___________ (除了) Monday.

7.________       (交流) with different kinds of teenagers isn’t so difficult as you think.

8.When I studied in Beijing, I lived in my______________(亲戚) house.

9.The little girl will travel__________   __ (在国外) to learn more about art.

10.Who               (预订)the room for you yet?



Computers are useful machines. They can help people a lot in their everyday life. For example, they can help people save much time, and they can help people work out many problems they can’t do easily. Our country asks everyone to learn to use computers except the old people.

Today more and more families own computers. Parents buy computers for their children.

They hope computers can help them improve (提高) their studies in school. Yet many of the children use computers to play games, to watch video or to sing Karaoke, instead of studying. So many teachers and parents complain (抱怨) that computers can not help children to study but make them fall behind. So computers are locked by parents in the boxes.

In some other countries, even some scientists hate computers. They say computers let millions of people lost their jobs or bring them a lot of trouble.

Will computers really bring trouble to people or can they bring people happiness? It will be decided by people themselves.

1. Why do we say the computer is a useful machine? Because _______________.

A. our country asks us to learn it

B. it can help us a lot

C. we can use it to play games

D.it can help us to find jobs

2.What do many teachers and parents complain about? _______________.

A. Their students and children use computers to play games.

B. Computers let them lost their jobs.

C. Computers make the students and children fall behind.

D. Computers bring people a lot of trouble.

3.In this passage we know computers _______________.

A. also bring us trouble

B. bring us happiness only

C. are hated by people

D. are bad for people’s health

4.Can computers really help children to study? _______________.

A. Yes, they can.   B. It’s hard to say

C. No, they can’t. D. Of course not.

5.How do you understand the last sentence of this passage? I think it means _______.

A. computers are used by people

B. people can live well without computers

C. one must decide how to use computers

D. computers are strange machines



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