满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。 1.He left as a poor...


1.He left as a poor boy but returned as a __________ (wealth) young man.

2.Hey! How __________ (tidy) you look! Take your dirty clothes off right now!

3.Too many people were absent. The meeting would probably be __________ (cancel).

4.The lanterns on show are so beautiful that we __________ (simple) can’t believe our own eyes.


1.wealthy 2.untidy 3.cancel(l)ed 4.simply 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:他作为一个穷小子离开,但返回时是有财富的年轻人。所填词在句中修饰名词作定语,所以填写形容词形式wealthy。 2.句意:嘿!_你看上去多么不整洁! 马上把你的脏衣服脱掉!根据语境可知该填写所给词的反义词untidy。 3.句意:很多人缺席。会议可能会被取消。此处填写cancel(l)ed,与be一起构成被动语态。 4.句意:展出的灯笼是如此美丽以致我们简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。所填词在句中修饰动词作状语,所以填写副词形式simply。 考点:单词填空。


1.The fans are waiting for the two famous __________ (女演员), Sun Li and Fan Binbin.

2.When an earthquake happens, we should run to __________ (安全) as quickly as possible.

3.Each group should __________ (提交) a report to the teacher after the survey.

4.Life is too busy, and sometimes it will let me breathe __________ (沉重地).



You can’t always know when there’ll be a heavy rain or when to take an umbrella with you. But designer Mikhail Belyaev doesn’t think that forgetting to check the weather report before going out should cause you to get wet in the rain. That’s why he created the Lampbrella—a lamp post (灯柱)with its own “umbrella”.

The designer says he came up with the idea after watching people get wet on streets in Russia. “Once, I was driving on a central Saint Petersburg street and saw people trying to hide from the rain under the street lamps. I thought it would be a good idea to have a Lampbrella built into a street lamp.” he said.

The Lampbrella is a street lamp fitted with an umbrella canopy(遮蓬). It has an inside electric motor(电动马达) which can open or close the umbrella freely. The Lampbrella will offer people cover whenever it starts raining. After three minutes of not being used the canopy is closed.

According to the designer, the Lampbrella would move at a very low speed in order not to cause harm to people. What’s more, it would be grounded to protect from a possible lightning hit. Each Lampbrella would offer enough cover for several people. Being 2 meters off the ground, it would only be a danger for the tallest man.

While there are no plans to take the Lampbrella into production(生产), Belyaev says he recently introduced his creation to one Moscow company, and insists his creation could be on any street where a lot of people walk but there are no canopies to provide cover.

1.According to the passage, for what purpose did Belyaev create the Lampbrella?

A. To know when there’ll be a heavy rain.

B. To check the weather report.

C. To protect people from the rain.

D. To remind people to take an umbrella.

2.What can we learn from Belyaev’s words in Paragraph 2?

A. His creation was encouraged by an experience.

B. It rains a lot in the city of Saint Petersburg.

C. Street lamps are protected by canopies.

D. He enjoyed taking walks in the rain.

3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. The designer will open a company to produce his creation.

B. The Lampbrella could be put into production at once.

C. The designer is confident that his creation is practical.

D. The Lampbrella would be put on show in Moscow.

4.The best title of this passage is           .

A. A special umbrella - Lampbrella

B. Why Belyaev created the Lampbrella

C. A special light - Lampbrella

D. Where the Lampbrella first appear



Dear Mr. Expert,

I grew up in an abusive(虐待的) home. I always promised myself that I’d get out as soon as possible. Now, at age 20, I have a good job and a nice house of my own, and I’m really proud.

Here’s the problem: some of my friends who still live with their parents spend the weekends with me. But now they make mine theirs. They bring boy friends over, talk on the phone, etc.

I enjoy having my friends here sometimes it makes the place feel comfortable and warm, but this is my home, not a party house, what shall I do?


Dear Joan,

If your family didn’t pay attention to your needs when you were a child, you probably have trouble letting others know your needs now.

And if you’ve gathered your friends around you to rebuild a happy family, you may fear that saying no will bring back the kind of conflict that you grew up in. You need to understand that in true friendship it’s okay to put your own needs first from time to time.

Be clear about the message you want to send. For example, “I really love you, but I also need some personal space. So please call before you come over.”


1.We can infer(推断) from the first letter that           .

A. Joan considers her friends more important than her personal space

B. Joan’s friends visit her more often than she can accept

C. Joan doesn’t like the parties at all

D. Joan dislikes the boyfriends that her friends bring over

2.According to Mr. Expert, why can’t Joan tell her friends her feeling?

A. She is afraid of hurting her friends.

B. She does not understand true friendship.

C. Her family experience stops her doing so.

D. She does not put her needs first.

3.The underlined word “conflict” in the second letter means           .

A. free life         B. angry fight

C. bad manners      D. sad feeling



Characters: Sandy, Rose, Jane, Justin, Mrs. Lin

Setting: A middle school

Rose: Sandy, follow me after class.

(They go to the office together.)

Rose:   You are often absent and your grades are not as good as before. What’s happened to you?

Sandy:  No, it’s nothing. Thanks for your care.

Rose:  Are you sure? Anyway, if you have any problem, tell me.

(After school, Sandy and Jane are on the way home.)

Jane:  Sandy, I called you yesterday. Your mother told me that you had a part-time job. What’s the matter with you? We have to study hard during this year before we take the entrance examination. This year is very important to us.

Sandy: (Crying) My father has lost his job, and we have no money to pay all the spending.

Jane:  Oh, Sandy, don’t worry. I will help you.

(After the day, Jane decides to tell Rose about Sandy’s problem.)

Jane:  Miss Lee, I have to tell you something about Sandy.

Rose:  Jane, you are Sandy’s good friend. Do you know what’s wrong with Sandy?

Jane:  Eh...I hear that Sandy’s father has lost his job, and Sandy has a part-time job...

Rose:  OK, I understand.

(Rose is in the social worker’s office.)

Rose:  ...I’ve told you everything about Sandy.

Justin:  I see. I’ll manage it as soon as I can.

(In Sandy’s home, Mrs. Lin is in bed.)

Justin:   Mrs. Lin, I understand your feeling, but it’s her time to study hard to enter a good senior high school. She can’t do a part-time job after class.

Mrs. Lin: I know what you want to tell me. But, in fact, her father hasn’t found a job and I...(Crying) I’ve been here several years!

Justin:  Don’t worry. I can introduce some work I know to her father.

Mrs. Lin: Thank you very much.

1.Who is Justin in the play?

A. The teacher.       B. Sandy’s classmate.

C. The social worker.  D. Sand’s father.

2.The words in brackets, such as “(They go to the office together.)” tell          .

A. what the play is about

B. what the writer acts in the play

C. what the characters are saying to each other

D. what the characters are doing and how they are acting

3.Which is the correct order according to the play?

a. Jane goes to see Mrs. Lin.

b. Sandy has got a part-time job

c. Mrs. Lin meets Justin.

d. Sandy’s mother is ill in bed.

e. Sandy’s father has lost his job.

A. e-d-a-b-c        B. e-d-b-a-c

C. d-e-a-b-c        D. d-e-b-a-c



Study the contents page of the book below and choose the right answer to each of the following questions.

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1.How many main parts, chapters(章)and pages does the book have?

A. It has 2 main parts, 7 chapters and about 86 pages.

B. It has 2 main parts, 7 chapters and over 100 pages.

C. It has 3 main parts, 8 chapters and more than 100 pages.

D. It has 3 main parts, 7 chapters and less than 100 pages.

2.Where will you probably find information about Wuxi’s traffic problem?

A. In Chapter 7.      B. In Chapter 6.

C. In Chapter 4.      D. In Chapter 5.

3.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. The history of Wuxi.

B. The geography of Wuxi.

C. Social study for Wuxi.

D. Something about old Wuxi.



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