满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

_______of them can work out the problem,...

_______of them can work out the problem, so I have to turn to a third person for help.

A. None       B. Either       C. Both       D. Neither


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:他们当中的两个人都解决不出那个难题,因此我不得不要再请一个人来帮忙。此题考查代词,A三者,三者以上都不;B两者中的任何一个;C两者都;D两者都不。根据句意,应选D。 考点:考查代词。  

The robot needs ____________once a month. And we will check it for you for free.

A. to check       B. be checked

C. checking     D. check



The rocket will travel to Mars _________ a speed of over 25,000 miles per hour.

A. at          B. by             C. with            D. for



I watched __________ romantic film with my friends from __________ London yesterday afternoon.

A. a, /      B. the, the   C. an, /      D. a, the





Dear Meghan:

I am really angry with my parents recently. Next Sunday is my birthday. My parents promised to buy a cell phone for me as my birthday present this year. But now when I ask about the birthday present they say they have changed their ideas, because they worry about my study if I get a new cell phone since the final exam is coming soon. They say a cell phone may take up too much of my time. But I think I can control myself, they just don’t believe me. What’s more, they broke their promise!

Liu Yang


1) 理解父母亲的良苦用心:。他们出发点一定是为你好的。临近毕业,学业为重。

2) 手机的确有很多好处,比如:查字典,听音乐,查资料……但是也有不少危害,如使用不当,的确影响学习和生活。

3) 注意:以上信息不能遗漏,并适当发挥。但不要逐条翻译中文提示。文章不能少于100个单词。

Dear Liu Yang












A. An unforgettable teacher

B. An unforgettable competition

C. An unforgettable trip

D. An unforgettable running exercise

1.Hello, I’m Tom. I remember at one time, when we were running on the playground, I was too tired to go on. As I wanted to give up, some of my classmates cheered me up. My classmates’ encouragements helped me finish the run. I’ll never forget it.

2.Hello, I’m Mary. When I was in Grade Two, I didn’t prepare well for an English contest. I said sorry to my teacher. He said: “Any opportunity is important. You should never give it up easily.” Later on, I made good use of every opportunity. I’ll never forget him.

3.Hi, I’m Lucy. The time I traveled to Qingdao with my classmates was the most unforgettable experience. We swam in the sea and caught crabs (螃蟹) on the beach. We played games and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. I will never forget that trip.

4.Hi, I’m Jim. I took part in the red song competition with my classmates last year. Every day, we rehearsed(排练) very hard in order to get a good result. Because of our hard work, we achieved a good result in the competition.

5.In which part of a magazine can you most probably read this passage?




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