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A rich man was riding along the road and...

A rich man was riding along the road and saw an old man digging(挖) in his garden. There was a young tree lying on the ground. The rich man asked the old man.” what kind of tree are you planting there, my good man?”

“This is a fig(无花果)tree, sir.” He said.

“A fig tree?” The rich man was very surprised. “How old are you, may I ask?”

“I am ninety years old.”

“What!” shouted the rich man, “You're ninety years old. You are planting a very young tree now and it'll take years to give fruit. You certainly don’t hope to live long enough to get any fruit from this tree.” The old man smiled and said, “Tell me, sir, did you eat figs when you were a boy?”

“Sure” the man did not know why he asked this question.

The old man asked, “Who planted the fig trees?”

“Well, I don’t know.”

“You see, sir.” The old man said slowly, “our forefathers(祖先)planted trees for us to enjoy and I am doing the same for the people after me.”

The rich man was quiet, then said, “You are right, my good man. We should do some things for the people after us. Thank you very much.” Then he rode away.

1.The old man was planting ________________when the rich man saw him.

A. an apple tree     B. a fig tree

C. a pear tree      D. a banana tree

2.The old man was planting the tree________________.

A. to get himself some fruit to eat

B. for the people after him

C. to make his garden more beautiful

D. just for fun

3.The sentence in the last paragraph “The rich man was quiet” means_____________.

A. he was thinking about who were his forefathers

B. he didn't want to disturb the old man

C. he couldn't communicate with the old man

D. he understood why the old man planted the young tree

4.What kind of personality does the old man has?

A. creative        B. brave       C. wise        D. curious

5.We can express the main idea of this passage “_____________” in Chinese.

A. 前人栽树,后人乘凉         B. 光阴似箭,一去不返

C. 君子爱财,取之有道         D. 财多惹祸,树大招风


1.B 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本篇文章介绍的是一个富人看见一位老人种植无花果,他感到很惊讶。然后老人告诉这位富人说,我们应该为后人做一些事情。不能只是享受前人带给我们的果实。 1.1】B细节理解题。问题:当这个富人看到这们老人时,他正在做什么?分析原文:"What kind of tree are you planting there. My good man?" "This is a fig(无花果)tree, sir." He said.句意:富人问老人。“你在种植什么样的树。”“这是一个无花果树,先生。”他说。故选B。 2.2】B细节理解题。问题:这位老人正在植树的目的是什么?分析原文:our forefathers(祖先)planted trees for us to enjoy and l am doing the same for the people after me.句意:我们的祖先先种树对我们喜欢,我做同样的人。故选B。 3.3】D 细节理解题。问题:最后一段的这句话是什么意思?分析原文:you are right, my good man. We should do some things for the people after us. Thank you very much.句意:我们应该为人民做一些事情。非常感谢你。故选D。 4.4】C细节理解题。句意:这位老人有什么样的品质?通读全文可知,有聪明的品质。故选C。 5.A细节理解题。问题:你能用中文表达出全文的主要思想吗?通过对全文的理解,故选A。 考点:考查故事类阅读。


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1.We may read the passage from a ________________.

A. notebook          B. dialogue

C. test paper       D. diary

2.What does “PAT DAY” mean?

A. The day for the students to make music tests.

B. The day for the teachers to practice teaching.

C. The day for parents to meet teachers at school

D. The day for students to ask questions about music.

3.According to the above, the class will______________ on Friday.

A. decorate the classroom

B. sing their thanks to their parents

C. buy presents for their parents

D. welcome a new music teacher

4.Why does Millie’s mother feel nervous?

A. Millie does not do well at school.

B. She is afraid of talking to teachers.

C. Millie’s father is going to the school, too.

D. She has to sing a song in front of the class.

5.What can you infer(推测)from the passage?

A. Millie likes the activities on the PAT Day.

B. Mothers Day is on May 17th.

C. Millies mother wont go to PAT Day.

D. Millie will buy her mother a present.




Hundreds of years ago in a small town, a moneylender(放债者)lent a lot of money to a poor man. The moneylender, who was old and ugly, _________ the poor mans beautiful daughter. So he came up with an idea. He said the poor man didnt need to return the money to him _________  he could marry his daughter. Both the man and his daughter were _________ .

The moneylender then told them that he would put a small _________ stone and a small white stone into an empty bag. The girl would have to _________  one. If she took the black stone , she would become the moneylenders _________ and her fathers debt (债务) would be let go. If she picked the white stone, she didnt need to marry him and her fathers debt would _________  be let go. Her father would be put into prison if she refused to pick a stone.

As they talked, the moneylender picked up two stones. As he did that, the girl _________ that he had put two black stones in the bag. He then asked the girl to pick her stone from the bag.

The girl thought for a while and then had an idea. She put her hand into the bag and took out a stone. _________  looking at it, she let it fall onto the path where it _________ became lost among all the other stones. Oh how  _________ I was! she said, But never _________  . If you look into the bag for the one that is left, you will be able to _________  which stone I picked. This _________ tells: Sometimes we can think about things in a   _________ way. Most difficult problems do have a solution.

1.A. pleased       B. attracted       C. loved          D. saw

2.A. if           B. unless         C. so           D. but

3.A. bored         B. frightened      C. relaxed       D. excited

4.A. pink         B. red           C. black         D. yellow

5.A. show         B. damage         C. check          D. choose

6.A. daughter      B. cousin          C. wife          D. friend

7.A. again         B. still          C. never         D. hardly

8.A. said          B. feared          C. thought      D. noticed

9.A. On           B. About         C. For           D. Without

10.A. usually      B. surprisingly   C. immediately(立刻) D. slowly

11.A. worried      B. clever          C. careless       D. lucky

12.A. laugh      B. mind           C. cry            D. complain

13.A. tell        B. explain       C. ask            D. arrange

14.A. saying       B. story           C. news           D. man

15.A. careful      B. funny           C. different      D. normal



Hello! There is something wrong with my computer and it can’t work now.

Don’t worry. _____________ What’s your telephone number?

A. What can I do for you then?

B. I’m sorry to hear that.

C. Our engineer will contact you soon.

D. Please take care of your computer.



A survey about protecting the Earth was ____________ in our school last Friday.

A. taken out          B. carried out

C. put out            D. given out



Food ______________ as______________ as they are today.

A. will be not; tasty    B. will not be; tasty

C. will be not; taste      D. will not be; taste



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