满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—You never feel worried before an exam. ...

—You never feel worried before an exam. How can you?

—Well, I’ve been working hard all the time. Surely I am _________ any exam.

A. busy with          B. afraid of

C. ready for          D. interested in


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:考试前你从来不紧张,你怎么做到的?——噢,我一直都很用功。当然为任何考试做好了准备。本题考查 “be+形容词+介词”短语结构的用法。be busy with 意思是“忙着做某事”;be afraid of 意思是“害怕”;be ready for意思是“为……做好准备”;Be interested in 意思是“对……感兴趣”。结合句意,故选C. 考点:考查固定短语的用法  

—I’m leaving now.

—It’s so late. Better stay with me. Call a taxi if you _______.

A. will              B. must         C. would         D. may



After that terrible disaster, the officer had no choice but to _________ calm to deal with different problems.

A. require        B. reduce     C. remind      D. remain



Twenty-five people died in the traffic accident in Guizhou Province. It’s _______ one that I have ever heard of.

A. a very serious         B. a more serious

C. the most serious       D. the least serious



—What beautiful sunshine! What are you going to do in the afternoon?

—It’s ________that I’ll go camping near the lake. Would you like to go with me?

A. high possible B. highly possible

C. high possibly  D. highly possibly



It’s very dangerous when you drive your car________ a certain speed.

A. beyond  B. beside     C. behind        D. between



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