满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Look! That building is on fire. Maybe s...

—Look! That building is on fire. Maybe some people are in danger.

—Don’t worry. Some firemen are trying their best to save them and_______ the fire.

A. put up   B. put on      C. put out  D. put off


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:看!那幢大楼着火了。也许有些人处于危险之中。-不要担心。一些消防员正尽全力拯救他们并扑灭了大火。A. put up举起,张贴;B. put on 穿上;C. put out扑灭;D. put off推迟。结合句意,答案为C。 考点:考查动词词组辨析。  

We should encourage our students _____ hard instead of ____ too much time playing games.

A. work; spend         B. to work; spend

C. work; spending       D. to work; spending



—How many workers are there in your factory, Mr. Brown?

—________ workers in our factory________ more than ________.

A. The number of; is; two hundreds

B. The number of; is; two hundred

C. A number of; are; two hundreds

D. The number of; are; two hundred



—I’m sorry, Mr. Li. I ________ my exercise book at home.

—Oh, don’t forget ________ it here tomorrow, please.

A. left; to bring       B. forgot; to bring

C. left; to take       D. forgot; to take



Nick has________ money than Tony, but he has ________ friends in the class.

A. fewer; more     B. more; less

C. less; more      D. less; fewer



—I’m sorry I often feel weak or fall ill at school.

—Keep ________ more after-school activities, and you will feel better soon.

A. attending      B. joining

C. taking part    D. taking part in



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