满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读理解(二) 阅读下面短文,简要回答所给问题。 Jo always rides...



Jo always rides her bike to school. It’s four miles(英里) to school and it takes her about fifteen minutes. Jo likes riding to school. She says it’s good for her health.

Edward usually goes to school by bus. He likes talking with his friend on the bus. It’s about ten minutes’journey(旅程) to school by bus.

Mary’s home is next to the school. She usually walks to school. It’s about five minutes’ walk. Mary says she likes taking walks after meals.

1.How does Jo go to school?


2.How far is it from Jo’s home to her school?


3.Why does Jo like riding to school?


4.How long does it take Edward to get to school by bus?


5.How far is it from Mary’s home to her school?



1.She rides her bike to school. 2.Four miles. 3.Because it’s good for her health. 4.It’s about ten minutes’journey. 5.It’s about five minutes’walk. 【解析】 试题解析:本文大意:乔伊总是骑自行车上学,到学校四里路,用大约15分钟,她喜欢骑车上学,因为对身体好;爱得华通常乘公交车上学,他喜欢在车上和朋友交谈,到学校大约十分钟的路程;玛丽的家在学校附近,她通常步行上学,大约走5分钟,她说喜欢饭后散步。 1.根据Joy always rides her bike to school. 乔伊总是骑自行车上学,可知答案是She rides her bike to school. 2.根据It’s four miles(英里) to school and it takes her about fifteen minutes. 可知答案是Four miles. 3.根据She says it’s good for her health.可知答案是Because it’s good for her health. 4.根据It’s about ten minutes’journey(旅程) to school by bus.可知答案是It’s about ten minutes’journey. 5.It’s about five minutes’ walk. 可知答案是It’s about five minutes’walk. 考点:阅读回答



A:Can you speak Chinese?

B:Sorry, I can’t.

A:1.     .

B:I want to join the Chinese club and the chess club.

A:Can you play chess?

B:Yes, but2.     .

3.     .

A:I can play it well, but I can’t sing well, so4.     .

B:I want to learn to sing, too. 5.     .

A、I can’t play it well.

B、What about you?/ How about you?

C、What club do you want to join?

D、I want to learn to sing.

E、I don’t like swimming.

F、It’s interesting.

G、Thank you!





How do you get to school?


I live far from the school. I usually get to school by subway. The subway station is not far from my home. I walk to the subway station and take the subway. It usually takes me about twenty-five minutes to get to school. Sometimes, my dad drives me to school when he goes to work.


My school is not far away from my home. I usually walk to school with my friends, Jack and Tony. It’s about fifteen minutes’ walk. Sometimes we ride our bikes to school. The bike ride only takes about eight minutes to school. We like riding the bike. It’s good exercise.


I go to school on the school bus. The bus comes at a quarter past seven and I get to school at a quarter to eight, I love to take the school bus because the bus ride is never boring. I always talk with my friends. And we can listen to many nice songs.


1.How does Rick get to school every day?

A、Walk or take the train.

B、By school bus.

C、By subway or car.

2.How long does it take Maria to walk to school?

A、It’s about half an hour.

B、It’s about fifteen minutes.

C、It’s about twenty-five minutes.

3.Why does Sarah love to take the school bus?

A、Because it’s good exercise.

B、Because it’s not far from her home.

C、Because she thinks the bus ride is very interesting

4.How long does it take Sarah to get to school by bus?

A、Twenty minutes.

B、Twenty-five minutes.

C、Thirty minutes.

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A、Maria thinks the bike riding is good exercise.

B、Jack and Tony live far from the school.

C、Sarah can listen to music on the bike.



Hello! I’m Selina. This is my school day.

I get up at seven thirty in the morning and then eat breakfast. I go to school at eight thirty and school starts at nine o’clock. At eleven o’clock, I have a break(休息) and some of my classmates go to play soccer. But I don’t like soccer! I only have a free talk with my friends.

I eat lunch at half past twelve. I like the school lunch! I eat meat, rice and many vegetables.

At three in the afternoon, school is over. Then I go home. I get home after thirty minutes.

In the evening, I have dinner and watch TV. I do my homework and then go to bed at ten o’clock.

1.What time does Selina go to school?

A、At seven thirty.    B、At eight.     C、At eight thirty.

2.Does she like soccer?

A、No, she isn’t.

B、Yes, she does.

C、No, she doesn’t.

3.Where does she have lunch?

A、At home.     B、At school.      C、I don’t know.

4.When does she get home?

A、At three pm.

B、At four pm.

C、At three thirty pm.

5.What time does she go to bed?

A、At nine.     B、At ten.      C、At nine thirty.



“Can I learn to play the piano, Daddy?” Alice asks her father.

“That sounds good. But how long can you learn?”

“A month,” Alice says. “After a month, I can play for you. If(如果) I don’t play well, I will not play it.”

“All right”, her father says.

He soon finds a piano teacher and Alice starts her lessons. The fee(费用) isn’t cheap(便宜的), but her father doesn’t say anything.

A month passes(过去). The time comes for Alice to play for her father.

She says to her father, “I want to play for you, Daddy.”

“OK, Alice,” her father says. “Start.”

She starts to play. She doesn’t play well. Her father has a friend with him, and the friend can’t stand(忍受) it.

When Alice stops, her father says, “Great! Alice, you can have more(更多的) lessons.”

Alice runs out of room. Her father’s friend says to him. “I don’t think your daughter plays well.”

“Well you’re right,” her father says. “But she’s very happy, right?”

1.Alice thinks playing the piano is        , so she wants to learn it.

A、difficult        B、boring      C、interesting

2.Alice wants to learn to play the piano for       first.

A、two weeks        B、six weeks     C、a month

3.       finds a piano teacher to teach her.

A、Alice’s father

B、Alice father’s friend

C、Alice’s mother.

4.Alice’s father wants Alice to have more lessons because         .

A、Alice plays well

B、he loves Alice

C、he likes the piano

5.From the passage we can see that        .

A、Alice doesn’t like playing the piano

B、Alice can have more lessons

C、Alice doesn’t want to have more lessons




I have two friends, Lucy and Lily. They are       , but they are different. Lucy likes music. She can play       piano. She often helps me      my homework. She speaks English        . Lily likes sports. She plays        tennis every day.       she thinks it’s       . She often plays sports        me. They both get up         6:30. They eat      fruit and vegetables for lunch. They have a         life. They go to school       bus. It takes        about 10 minutes      to school. Their father is a math teacher. They love       very much.

1.A、sisters         B、sister         C、brother

2.A、a               B、the            C、×

3.A、do              B、doing          C、does

4.A、good           B、well           C、is good

5.A、×              B、the            C、a

6.A、Because        B、So             C、But

7.A、boring          B、relaxing      C、late

8.A、for            B、about          C、with

9.A、at             B、in            C、on

10.A、lot of        B、many          C、a lot of

11.A、health        B、unhealthy    C、healthy

12.A、take a        B、by            C、by a

13.A、them           B、they           C、their

14.A、get            B、to get         C、getting

15.A、her           B、he           C、him



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