满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Are you interested in history of China? ...

Are you interested in history of China? Would you like to visit some of the museums in Beijing?Here are some information about the three museums.


The National Museum

The Military Museum

The Lugouqiao Museum


Chang’an Street. In the east of Tian’an men Spuare

Fuxing Road

Jinggangao Highway


Subway No.1/Bus No.52

Subway No.1/Bus No.728

Bus No.310

Opening Hours

















1.The Military Museum is on         .

A. Chang’an Street      B. Fuxing Road

C. Jinggangao Highway    D. Tian’an men Square

2.Which bus can take you to the National Museum ?

A. Subway No.1.         B. Bus No.52.

C. Bus No.728.         D. Bus No.310.

3. When does the Lugouqiao Museum open?

A. 8:00—17:00           B. 9:00—17:00

C. 8:30—17:30           D. 8:00—16:00

4. Which number can you telephone when you want to know more information about the National Museum?

A. 010—65764685        B. 010—87254652

C. 010—76548588        D. 010—87258588

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the table?

A. You can visit the Military Museum at any time from 9:00 to 16:00.

B. Tom and two of his classmates can visit the three museums with ¥180.

C. Xiao Ming visited the National Museum on Saturday morning.

D. We can take the Subway to visit the three museums.


1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:短文介绍了三个博物馆的一些信息:军事博物馆、国家博物馆、军事博物馆。 1.B细节理解题。根据表格中The Military Museum提供的信息Address :Fuxing Road可知,军事博物馆地址在复兴路。 答案为B。 2.B细节理解题。根据表格中The National Museum提供的信息:Subway No.1/Bus No.52可知,乘坐52路公共汽车去国家博物馆。答案为B。 3.C细节理解题。根据表格中The Lugouqiao Museum提供的信息:Opening Hours:8:30—17:30卢沟桥博物馆的开馆时间是8:30—17:30。答案为C。 4.A细节理解题。根据表格中The National Museum提供的信息:Telephone:010—65764685可知,答案为A。 5.A细节判断题。根据表格中The Military Museum提供的信息Opening Hours:8:00-16:00 (Mon,—Fri.)9:00-17 :00(Sat.—Sun.)可知,你可以从9点到16:00任何时间参观军事博物馆。故答案A正确。 考点:广告布告类短文阅读。

In the USA, some kids raise money by working as a newspaper boy or girl. Some newspaper shop owners employ(雇用) them to deliver(投递) newspaper. Early in the morning, newspaper boys and girls send newspapers to the readers.

Darren first delivered newspaper when he was 13 years old. Now he still remember that clearly, at five o’clock in the morning, he got up. He ate breakfast quickly and then went to the newspaper shop by bike. At the newspaper shop, he picked up a big, heavy bag which was full of newspapers. Then he rode his bike along the street and gave the newspapers to the readers.

Usually, he spent about one and a half hours on the street. He felt very tired because the bags were too heavy. But each Saturday he was happy because he could get the money from the newspaper shop owner. He felt very proud because he could make money all by himself.


1.In the USA, kids only make money by working as a newspaper boy or girl.

2.Darren began to deliver newspapers when he was 14 years old.

3.Darren rode to the newspaper shop.

4.Darren felt happy on each Monday.

5.Darren thought it was tiring to deliver newspapers, because he walked a long way.




A terrible earthquake happened in Wenchuan on May 12, 2008 . _________ people lost their lives and homes. During those days, people could hear a lot of stories about _________ . Here is _________  of them.  After the earthquake, some people found that a _________ died in a very strange way. When they were ready to take her away, they were_________ to find that a baby in her arms was still alive(活着). The baby was sleeping and _________ hurt at all. Between the mother and the baby, there was a cellphone(手机)with a short _________on the screen(屏幕), “My dear baby, if you can survive(幸存),remember I love you.” Everybody _________when they read the words.

Many other moving stories also moved us . _________ these we know more about love.

You are _________ if others love you. You are great if you love others, when you’re in danger.

1.A. All        B. Many          C. Few         D. No

2.A. home     B. life           C. love         D. hope

3.A. one        B. none          C. some       D. each

4.A. man       B. woman         C. boy         D. girl

5.A. surprised  B. disappointed  C. interested   D. afraid

6.A. is         B. was           C. isn’t      D. wasn’t

7.A. film       B. song         C. message     D. story

8.A. cried      B. smiled         C. shouted     D. laughed

9.A. On       B. From           C. To         D. With

10.A. cruel      B. lucky         C. worried    D. poor





A: Hello, this is Wang Xin. Is that Joseph ?

B: 1. oh, Wang Xin, I’m very glad to hear your voice. I miss you very much.

A: Me, too   2.   .

B: Not too bad. My grandparents were very happy to see me when I came back from China.

A: That’s nice. How about your school?

B: 3.  what about you?

A: I’m OK. I won the first prize in the English-speaking contest last month.

B: 4. By the way, my parents miss you, too . They hope you can come to

America during your summer holiday.

A: OK,   5.  .

B: That’s great! We hope to see you soon.

A: See you then.

A: How’s everything going?

B: You’re great.

C: I’ll go to America to see you as soon as the holiday comes.

D: I’m in a new class, and the teachers and classmates are kind to me.

E: Yes, this is Joseph speaking.




Mr. Lee     have a bad cold. He doesn’t have lunch today.

Oh, dear! I’m sorry to hear that.

A. seems that       B. seems to      C. would like to



It’s good for your health if you are always      good spirits.

A. for       B. in       C. at



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