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Oxford(牛津)is a city in the UK. It’s in t...

Oxford(牛津)is a city in the UK. It’s in the west of the UK and it’s famous for the University of Oxford. It’s an old university – about 900 years old. It has a longer history than Cambridge University. It’s the oldest university in English-speaking world.

There are about 20,000 students and they are from all over the world. Many students go to school by bike. There are 38 colleges(学院) in the University of Oxford, but Cambridge University has only 31 colleges. There are 104 libraries in the University of Oxford. Stephen Hawking was a student of the University of Oxford. He’s a great scientist. Clinton(克林顿), the 42nd American president was also a student of the University.

1.How old is the University of Oxford?.

A. About 800 years old.      B. About 900 years old.

C. About 700 years old.      D. About 600 years old.

2.How do students go to school?

A. car    B. train    C. bike    D. plane

3.There are ______ libraries in the University of Oxford.

A. 104       B. 114       C. 140      D. 31

4.The underlined(划线的) word ― president means ________

A.总理       B. 教授       C. 学者     D. 总统

5.From the passage we can learn_________.

A. the University of Oxford is in the east of the UK..

B. there are 31 colleges in Cambridge University.

C. Cambridge University is older than the University of Oxford.

D. Clinton wasn’t a student of the University of Oxford.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:本文介绍了世界著名的牛津大学的情况,有39个独立的学院,有100多个图书馆,供学生借阅书籍,但是要想进入这个大学英语需要达到一定的水平。 1.B细节理解题。根据文中It’s an old university – about 900 years old可知牛津大学是一所古老的大学,大约有900年的历史。所以选B。 2.C细节理解题。根据文中Many students go to school by bike可知许多学生骑自行车去上学。所以选C。 3.A细节理解题。根据文中There are 104 libraries in the University of Oxford.可知牛津大学有104个图书馆。所以选A。 4.D词义猜测题。根据文中Clinton(克林顿),可知划线词的意思是“总统”,所以选D。 5.细节理解题。根据文中There are 38 colleges(学院) in the University of Oxford, but Cambridge University has only 31 colleges可知在牛津大学有38个学院,但剑桥大学只有31个学院。所以选B。 考点:社会文化类短文阅读。



Everyone       _an unforgettable experience in life. I have a great experience in my life. I went to visit       ifferent places in America. I       New York, Chicago and San Francisco. They are very famous and beautiful. I was very glad to visit these places. There are many places of       _ in America. You must have a good time if you go there.       _ with American people and _      their life gave me a good impression. They are very friendly and polite. I like American culture and the beautiful buildings. I also like American food. I really want       _ America       again. This      _ a great experience for me. I       it forever.

1.A. have        B. had           C. has            D. having

2.A so many        B. so much      C. such many        D. such much

3.A. go to       B. have been to  C. have gone to     D. have been in

4.A. interesting  B. interested    C. interest         D. interests

5.A. Staying      B. Stayed       C. Stay            D. To be staying

6.A. experience    B. experiencing C. to experience   D. experienced

7.A. go back to    B. to go away   C. to go back to    D. going back to

8.A. to travel     B. travel      C. travelling,      D. travelled

9.A. have been    B. were         C. being           D. has been

10.A. remember   B. remembered    C. have remembered D. will remember



The sun and its planets          solar system.

A.is called    B.are called

C.calls       D.called



I don’t like going out       after dark.

A.alone   B.lonely   C.long      D.along



Before 2015, we finished ______ the park.

A. build  B. building  C. to build  D. built



This kind of beef from India tastes           . We don’t like it at all.

A.delicious       B.good       C.well       D.awful



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