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用所给词适当形式填空,每词只能用一次。 fresh pollution anci...


fresh   pollution   ancient   environment   its

visitor     traditional     proud     been     north

Hey, friends! Have you ever 1.     to Scotland(苏格兰)? For many2.      , it’s a wonderful place to take a holiday. It has some of the most beautiful cities in Europe. In these beautiful cities, you can see many 3.   palaces and castles (城堡). Around the palaces or castles, you can see many people in different 4.   clothes doing different things. Talk to them, and you’ll find they love their country and are 5.    of it.Come and enjoy 6.   beauty(美). You can go to the Grampian Mountains. It’s in the7.    of this country. There is no 8.   in this place. You can enjoy blue sky, green water and 9.    air. In the past, it was hard for people to farm. Now people have subdued (征服) the 10.    with their strong arms. In this beautiful place you can see people live in peace.


1.been 2.visitors 3.ancient 4.traditional 5.proud 6.its 7.north 8.pollution 9.fresh 10.environment 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:苏格兰是一个度假的好地方。它有一些在欧洲最美丽的城市。在这些美丽的城市,你可以看到很多古老的宫殿和城堡。在宫殿和城堡中, 你可以看到很多穿着不同传统衣服的人做不同的事情。与他们交谈,你会发现他们爱自己的国家,为他们的国家而自豪。 1.根据句意:你有没有到过苏格兰?结合所给的词汇可知该填写been。 2.根据句意:对于许多旅行者来说,这是一个度假的好地方。结合所给的词汇可知该填写visitors,旅行者。 3.根据句意:在这些美丽的城市,你可以看到很多古老的宫殿和城堡。结合所给的词汇可知该填写ancient,古老的。 4.根据句意:在宫殿和城堡中,你可以看到很多穿着不同传统衣服的人做不同的事情。结合所给的词汇可知该填写traditional,传统的。 5.根据句意:与他们交谈,你会发现他们爱自己的国家,为他们的国家而自豪。结合所给的词汇可知该填写proud,骄傲,自豪。 6.根据句意:来享受它的美丽。结合所给的词汇可知该填写its,它的。 7.根据句意:它在这个国家的北部。结合所给的词汇可知该填写north,北。 8.根据句意:在这个地方没有污染。结合所给的词汇可知该填写pollution,污染。 9.根据句意:你可以享受蓝天,绿水和新鲜的空气。结合所给的词汇可知该填写fresh,新鲜的。 10.用强有力的武器制服 环境。结合所给的词汇可知该填写environment,环境。 考点:短文填空。


1.我叔叔已经工作15 年了。

My uncle                ____ 15 years.

2.他们正在倒计时天数。 They are __________  ____________the days.

3.地球绕着太阳转。The earth ______ _______ the sun

4.我非常高兴收到你的来信。 I’m very glad to ______ ______ you.

5.这些水饺吃起来不是很美味!The dumplings _________ ________ _______


My grandmother is         old         do exercise.


I          the bike for about two years.


We                for three days.

9.What are you up to?___________________________________________

10.Have you caught a cold? ______________________________________




A: 1.____________________________?

B: I’m reading a book.

A: 2.____________ the book before?

B: No, never.

A: 3.__________ have you had it?

B: I’ve had it for two days.

A: 4.________________ the book?

B: It’s interesting.

A: Can you 5._______ it to me after you read it?

B: Certainly.




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A:Morning! What can I do for you?


A: There are many famous places. 2.___________.

B: We'd like to choose the Jinggang Mountain.

A: It's really great visiting. 3.__________.

B: We’re not sure. Which hotel do you think is comfortable?

A:  The Holiday Hotel is very good. What's more. 4.______.

B: We don't want to live in an expensive hotel. So we’ll stay in that one.

A: 5._________.


A: Enjoy your weekend.

B :Thank you.



Mrs Green was very fat. She weighed 100kg and she got heavier every month. So she went to see the doctor. The doctor said,“You have to be on a diet(节食). Mrs Green, I’ve got a good way here.”He gave her a small book and said, “Read it carefully and eat the things on page 11 every day. Then come back and see me in two weeks.” Mrs Green came back again two weeks after, but she wasn’t thinner and was even fatter. The doctor was surprised and said, “Are you eating the things on page 11 of the small book?” “Yes, doctor,” she answered. The next day the doctor visited Mrs Green in the afternoon. She was very surprised to see him. “Mrs Green,” he said, “Why are you eating potatoes and bread? You aren’t on a diet!” “But, doctor,” Mrs Green answered. “I have my diet at lunch time. This is my tea.”


1.Mrs Green weighed         and got heavier and         every month.

2.The doctor had got a         way to make her         .

3.Two weeks         , Mrs Green was even         .

4.The next day the doctor went to         Mrs Green and saw she was         a lot.

5.Mrs Green was on a         only at         time.



Mr. and Mrs. Clark are 70 years old. They look young and they are very healthy. Why? Let me tell you. That’s because they have a healthy lifestyle.

They exercise every day, and every morning they exercise in the park. After that they usually go to the supermarket. They walk there for about half an hour. They don’t take buses. Because they think walking is good for their health. They often take a walk after dinner.

They also have a good eating habit. They drink milk every morning. They eat fruit and vegetables every day. As for meat, they only eat it twice a week. Besides (除…之外) that, they never eat junk food. They don’t drink coffee or cola at all. You see, they look after their health very well.

Mrs. Clark likes watching soap operas and reading books. She reads books every day. Mr. Clark likes Chinese paintings. They usually go to bed at 9:00 pm and sleep for eight hours every night.

1.How old is Mrs. Clark?

A. 60       B. 65      C. 70       D. 75

2.Where do Mr. and Mrs. Clark exercise every morning?

A. In the gym.   B. In their garden.

C. In the park.  D. In their apartment

3.Mr. and Mrs. Clark usually ________ after dinner.

A. take a walk        B. go to the supermarket

C. clean the house     D. watch soap operas

4.How often do Mr. and Mrs. Clark eat meat?

A. Never          B. Once a day

C. Twice a day    D. Twice a week

5.What does Mr. Clark like?

A. Soap operas    B. Chinese paintings

C. Reading books   D. Walking



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