满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

M: Hi, Ann! Tomorrow will be August 1st....

M: Hi, Ann! Tomorrow will be August 1st. When is your holiday going to start?

W: Very soon. I’m going to leave the day after tomorrow.

M: How long are you going to be away?

W: About two weeks.

M: Where are you going?

W: I’m going to the beach this time.

M: Are you going to stay alone?

W: No. I will stay in a hotel with my friends.

M: Oh, good. It’s hard to find a place to stay at the beach in August.

W: That’s right. And in a few days, I will swim every day, play beach ball, lie in the sun and just take it easy.

M: Don’t tell me about that. It sounds so great!

W: What about you, John? Where are you going to spend your holiday?

M: I don’t know. I should think about it.

1.When is Ann going to leave for her holiday?

A.August 1st.      B.August 2nd.

C.August 3rd.      D.August 4th.

2.How long will she be away?

A.3 weeks.         B.About 2 weeks.

C.About 1 week.    D.10 days.

3.Where will she stay?

A.In a hotel.        B.At the beach.

C.With her friends.  D.I don’t know.

4.Is it easy to find a place to stay at the beach in August?

A.Yes, it is.         B.No, it isn’t.

C.No, it won’t.      D.Yes, it will.

5.Do you think Ann will have a wonderful holiday?

A.Yes, she will.      B.No, she won’t.

C.I don’t think so.   D.I think so.


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文讲的是安和约翰在谈论有关听他们假期的一些事情。 1. W: Very soon. I’m going to leave the day after tomorrow.可知明天是8月1号,安后天离开,所以是8月2号,故选B。 2.B细节理解题。根据所给信息M: How long are you going to be away?W: About two weeks.可知安要离开2周,故选B。 3.A细节理解题。根据所给信息Are you going to stay alone?W: No. I will stay in a hotel with my friends.可知她要待在旅馆里,故选A。 4.B细节理解题。 根据所给信息It’s hard to find a place to stay at the beach in August.可知在8月份在海边找个住的地方不容易,故选B。 5. M: Don’t tell me about that. It sounds so great!可知安会过一个愉快的假期,故选D。 考点:日常生活类短文阅读

It is Sunday today. Ann is shopping with her mother. She wants her mother to buy a new sweater for her. In a clothing shop, she finds an orange one. She tries it on. It’s too small. She wants a bigger one, but the bigger ones are not orange. Ann doesn’t like other colours. Her mother asks, “Shall we go to another shop to have a look?” So they go out of the shop and go into another one.

The second shop is bigger than the first, and in it there are many kinds of sweaters of different sizes and colours. Ann tries on an orange one. It’s too big. She tries a smaller one. It’s OK.

“How much is it?” Ann’s mother asks the woman who sells clothes. Then they find it too dear, and they don’t have so much money with them. “Would you like a cheaper one?” the woman asks.

“No, we shall take this one. My daughter likes it. We shall come back to buy it tomorrow,” Ann’s mother answers.

1.It is Sunday. Ann and her mother _______.

A.are at home

B.are walking in a street

C.are in a clothing shop

D. are doing some shopping

2.Ann wants to buy _______.

A.an orange

B.an orange sweater

C.an orange for her mother

D.an orange sweater for her mother

3.There is only one _______.

A.shop near their home

B.orange in the first shop

C.orange sweater in the first shop

D.orange sweater in the second shop

4.The sweater in the first shop is _______.

A.too small         B.OK

C.longer            Dtoo dear

5.In the second shop _______.

A.there are many kinds of dresses

B.they buy a sweater of the right size and colour

C.they find a sweater of the right size and colour

Dthere is one sweater of the right size, colour and price



There are some new students in my class this term. John is from Tokyo. He speaks Japanese very well. Mike comes from New York. He is twelve years old. Kathy’s hometown is Paris. David lives in Toronto. He is now in our city with his parents. And the tallest girl, Vicky is from Brazil. She likes soccer very much. The other forty students are all Chinese. They get on well with each other.

1.John is from _______.

A.China         B.Japan        C.Japanese        D.the USA

2.Where does Mike come from?

A.He comes from England.          B.He is from France.

C.He comes from the USA.          D.He is from Japan.

3.Which is NOT TRUE?

A.David is a Canadian.

B.David’s parents are in Canada now.

C.David and his parents are all in China now.

D.David is from Canada.

4.Vicky _______.

A.is short      B.is from Argentina

C.likes soccer   D.doesn’t like China

5.There are _______ students in our class.

A.forty        B.old Chinese

C. forty-three   D.forty-five




Mr. and Mrs. White have a son. His name is John. They love _______  son very much. But there is something wrong _______ the boy. He can not _______ himself. His parents do not know _______ is wrong. One day they take _______ to see a doctor. The doctor has a look at John carefully and find the boy can not see   _______  . But the doctor can do nothing to help John.

After _______ years, they hear there is a very good _______  in a town not far away. So they _______ the boy to see him. The doctor _______ a small operation(手术)on John, then John can see clearly. All of them are very happy.

1.A.their        B.his              C.her         D. mine

2.A.in          B.with             C.on           D. of

3.A.look at      B.look for        C.look after   D. look up

4.A.who         B.where            C.why         D. what

5.A.her        B.them             C.him          D. me

6.A.something  B.anything        C.nothing     D. everything

7.A.a few      B.a little         C.a lot       D. lot of

8.A.teacher      B.worker         C.friend     D. doctor

9.A.take       B.bring            C.give         D. carry

10.A.do          B.does             C.doing       D. to do



Homes _______ in the future.

A.will warm      B.are warm

C.will be warm   D. is warm



Can you send the file to me _______?

A.by the email      B.on email

C.in email          D. by email



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