满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The leaders of the Chinese mainland and ...

The leaders of the Chinese mainland and Taiwan met in Singapore ________ November 7,       2015.

A. at             B. in              C. on            D. For


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:2015年11月7号中国大陆领导人和台湾领导人在新加坡会见。根据句意及题干分析具体到某一天要用介词on,故选C。 考点:考查介词的用法  

A comic strip is usually about ________ interesting story with an unforgettable end.

A. a             B. an         C. /           D. The



Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?

A. Tom needs some information for his project. 

B. I have many questions to ask you.

C. His situation is even worse than before.     

D. Cars are a major source of pollution.



Which of the following word matches the sound [seɪf] ?

A. seem          B.  seat             C. sense        D. Safe




随着阳光体育运动在全国的开展“每天锻炼一小时,健康工作五十年,幸福生活一辈子”的理念以深入人心。为配合该活动,你班将举行一次主题班会。请你以“Sports and Health”为题写一篇发言稿,介绍你自己的体育锻炼情况及感受等。



  要点:1、自己的锻炼情况      2、最喜欢的体育活动及原因。

        3、锻炼的效果及感受    4、倡议大家积极参与体育锻炼

Dear friends

I am very glad to be here to say something about sports and health.










A man named Nick went on a fishing holiday. Fishing was his favorite sport and he had many prizes for fish he had caught.

One summer the weather was beautiful and fishing was supposed to be good so he decided to travel around the countryside spending a few days fishing in the rivers.

Unfortunately he didn’t have much luck and he caught only a few small fish. He was quite (A) ________ and was going to go back home when he heard of a large river that was full of fish nearby.

He found the river quite easily and followed it through the country to a place where it flowed(流动) through a farm. He decided to ask the farmer’s permission to fish in the river.

“You have my permission” the farmer said. “But you should be careful. For years I stopped my kids from going near the river.”

“Is the river dangerous?” Nick asked.

“It’s not the river” the farmer said “it’s the (B) ________. They are huge. They’re so big that my kids couldn’t hold them.”

  Nick was very excited. All fishermen want to catch really big fish.

“How big are they?” he asked.

“Well” the farmer told him “ Last week I lost one over three feet long and yesterday I lost one over four feet long.”

“What bad luck” Nick said “I hate losing a big fish once I’ve hooked(钓)him.”

“Who’s talking about the fish?” the farmer said. “It’s two of my kids that I lost.”


1.回答问题:How long would Nick spend fishing in the river?



A. disappointed     B. excited     C. worried    D. interested

3.在文中找出The fish are too big for my kid to hold.的同义句。



5. What happened to the farmer’s two kids?

A. They got lost near the river.

B. They were killed by fish.

C. They were fishing.  

D. They were eating dinner.



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