满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Rewrite the following sentences as requi...

Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子,1-6题,每空格限填一词。第7题注意大小写)

1. Martin sets out early to catch the first bus every day. (改为一般疑问句)

________Martin ________ out early to catch the first bus every day?

2.The shop is crowded with people because the Spring Festival is coming. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ the shop crowded with people?

3.Some kids rarely know how to control themselves in front of a computer. (改为反意疑问句)

Some kids rarely know how to control themselves in front of a computer, ________________?

4.This movie was boring enough. He fell asleep halfway. (合并为一句)

This movie was________ boring ________ he fell asleep halfway.

5.“Do you like the famous cartoon series named Pleasant Goat and Big Wolf?” the little girl asked her mother? (同义转换)

The little girl asked her mother _________ she _______ the famous cartoon series named             “Pleasant Goat and Big Wolf”.

6.Did they find the pet cat after a day’s search? (改为被动语态)

________ the pet cat _______ after a day’s search?

7. is, nice, puppies, in ,arms, hold, it, to, our (连词成句)



1. Does set 2.Why is 3.do they 4.so that 5.whether/if... liked 6.Was...found 7.It’s/It is nice to hold puppies in our arms. 【解析】 试题分析: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 考点:句型转换

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子 )

1.Tu Youyou(屠呦呦) is the first Chinese ________ to win a Nobel Prize in science. (city)

2.Mr. Smith and his wife are preparing for their son’s ________ birthday party. (nine)

3.Let’s hope that all our troubles will________ in the coming new year. (appear)

4.Mathew wanted to build a ________ dog house for his pet dog, Snowball. (wood)

5.Making a picture in your mind is a good way to help you to ________ something.  (memory)

6.In _________ years, many people choose to read e-books instead of paper ones.  (recently)

7.She has been very __________ since her brain was injured in the accident.  (forget)

8.Kobe Bryant, one of the ________ players in NBA history, will say goodbye to his great love----basketball. (great)



Complete the following passages with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次):

A. if        B. that      C. after       D. same      E. grew up

Late regrets

I’ve read many stories about family memories. In those stories, I’ve found voices of sadness and longing(渴望). It is true ___1.__ so much in our daily lives makes us busy all the time. We have less 满分5 manfen5.comand less time to spend with our families and friends. I’ve had the   2.   experience myself.

I used to spend happy times with my grandfather when we lived together. When I was very young, I often enjoyed his garden, looking at the blooms (花) and watering his fruit trees. As I   3.    , I gradually started to become self-centered.

Once, when I was 6, I went out shopping with him. As he and I took the wrong bus and got lost outside, I couldn’t stay calm and shouted rudely in his face. And I didn’t say sorry to him                                                                     4.     returning home, believing that I had done nothing wrong.

A. speak     B. ones      C. how      D. truly       E. say

I know now how ridiculous (荒谬的)I was at that time. I now realize    5.    late it was when Ifinally said it was my fault! Yet, when I   6.   wanted to express my regret, my grandfather had left me forever, leaving me with no more chances to apologize for my mistake. I couldn’t    7.     even the three simplest words: “I am sorry.”

We are spending more and more time at school, while little time is left for us to spend at home with our families. So make the most of every second you still have with your loved  8.    , because time keeps going, waiting for no one.



I think keeping pet dogs isn’t a good idea. Dogs create a lot of mess.

   –_______________. In my opinion, it can help you become a more responsible person.

A. I think so, too        

B. So do I

C. That’s a good idea     

D. I don’t agree with you



A: I’m sorry I’m late, Tony, but the bus broke down, and there were no taxis.

B: _________________, Arthur. I’ve just got here myself, so I wasn’t waiting for long.

A. It’s my pleasure  

B. That’s all right.

C. Enjoy your time

D. Good idea



________ do you fly to New York on business?

Nearly once every two months.

A. How fast              B. How soon

C. How long              D. How often 



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