满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达 即将初中毕业的你,应该怎样完善自己?为此你围绕主题为“How to b...


即将初中毕业的你,应该怎样完善自己?为此你围绕主题为“How to be an excellent student?”采访了一些学生和老师。请你根据下表内容,用英语写一篇短文进行交流,并阐述你的观点。










注意:1. 短文必须包括表中所有内容,可适当增加细节;

      2. 你的观点至少两条;

      3. 词数:80—100,短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。






One possible version: How to be an excellent student Recently we’ve made a survey about how to be an excellent student. Here are our answers. At first we must obey the school rules. We will go to school on time and we will not smoke. As a school student,it is important to have good study habbits. We should listen to the teacher carefully in class.go over and relax after school. And we are going to communicate better with our teacher and classmates. Share something good with oury friends and help each other. At home we will try our best to help our parents do some housework. We will wash the dishes and clean the room. At last we will protect the environment and take an active part in the volenteer work as often as possible. I believe we will be excellent and successful students. 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇给材料作文。本文给出了一些要点。我们要做的就是用正确的英语把要点表达出来,并适当发挥想象说出自己的观点。动笔前要认真阅读材料,不要遗漏要点,并适当发挥。根据材料内容可知本文主要是用一般将来时态来写。要注意句子的上下文的衔接,不要漏掉要点。要注意主谓一致等问题。写作中要适当使用连词,注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系 写作亮点:该文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,例如 each other,try one’s best to do,it is+形容词+to do sth等。文章层次清晰,内容饱满,表达流畅。 考点:提纲作文。  



A. Remembering the reader     B. Writing the first sentence

C Reading and rewriting         D. Thinking on paper

Sooner or later everyone has to write something like a thank-you note a report at a meeting a complaint or an apology.If you hate writing assignments in school or if you still fear to put pen to paper facing that empty page is almost as frightening as you’re facing a tiger.How to write it? There’s no mystery.Clear writing is just clear thinking.Here are some techniques for you.


  Sit down with a pencil and paper or at the computer screen and start thinking about what you want to say why it’s important why it matters and what its impact is on the reader.Just get the ideas down.The next step is to go back and put them in order.


  Try to make your first sentence catch the reader’s eyes because if it can’t the reader isn’t going to read on.Get a good clear lead sentence that summarizes your points and that answers the reader’s question “What’s in it for me?” If you can’t do it in one sentence then do it in two or three but keep them short.


  Short simple words are better than long words.Short sentences are better than long sentences.Remember that the goal is to communicate not to express yourselves.Most people are so devoted to what they want to say that they forget somebody else has to be able to read it.Too much information makes you lose readers before they understand what you want to say.


  Read what you have written out aloud and listen for any awkward sentences.All good writers read then rewrite.Back off a little bit from what you’re writing.It’s an old standard but if you can write something and come back a day later.

5.How do you write a good article? Please write down one of your suggestions.(不少于5个单词)                                                                                





Last week our class was on duty in the cafeteria for student self-management. On the first day I was shocked   1.  (see) so much leftover(剩余物)thrown away by students. What   2.  waste! Being concerned about it my classmates and I had a heated   3. (discuss) on how to solve the problem. Lots of good ideas came up 4.  as holding class meetings putting up wall newspapers and charging a fine for wasting food. Finally we all agreed that the wall newspaper would be the 5.  (good) choice.

The next day we put our idea into reality(现实) 6.  we discussed. Towards lunch time we put up a wall newspaper outside the school cafeteria calling on students not to waste food. Many students gathered around to read and 7.  (express) their support. To my   8.  (happy) there were changes soon. In the cafeteria I found the dishes returned after lunch all empty 9.  any leftover. Food 10.  (save) and the dining hall was cleaner. Seeing this I felt relieved and proud of what we did.




    All of us want to be heard but are we listening when other people are speaking? Doing it well takes lots of practice. Here are some    1.  (有用的) tips.

First give them your full attention. Put down your pen. Turn off your cell phone. Show them you are    2.  (感兴趣) in listening to them.

Second use body    3. (语言) . Meet their eyes. Nod smile and say “Mm hum.” “Yeah!” “I see.” or “Really?” to show that you are listening.

         4.  (第三) let them talk. Say things like “That’s really interesting.” or “I’d like to hear more.” Don’t finish their sentences for them. Don’t change the subject to talk about yourself   5.  (也). A good listener listens about 80% of the time    6.  (在……期间) the conversation and only   7.  (花费)20% of the time talking. Remember that we have two ears and one mouth for a reason--listen more speak 8. (少).

Fourth be slow to share your ideas. It’s possible that the speakers just want to feel heard and understood. So share your own ideas only when they are    9.  (需求).

Last but not least put yourself in their shoes. You may not have a lot in common with them. But you can try to see their problems   10.  (通过)their eyes. In doing so you are better able to understand them and their problems.




  it   unexpected   value   litter   recycle 

1.Mr Smith loves reading and he has a large collection of        books.

2.Sally        won the first place in the competition and we were all surprised.

3.As we all know it is impolite for us to throw away the        everywhere.

4.Recently some materials from old things have been        to make beautiful art pieces.

5.The mobile phone    is not bad for us but teenagers should know how to put it to good use.




With rising food prices growing population and environmental problems many people are worrying about how we will feed ourselves in the future. Don’t worry. Scientists are trying to find some answers.

Some scientists believe insects will become a staple of our diet. Insects provide as many nutrients as ordinary meat and a great source of protein(蛋白质) they also cost less to raise than cows and use less water. About 1400 species are suitable as food for humans. Many people have already eaten insects as a part of their diet. Locusts are popular in Africa wasps are a dish in Japan and crickets are eaten in Thailand. The Dutch government is preparing for insect farms and has invested one million euros into research.

In the future land and fresh water will be in short supply. It is possible that people need to find a reliable food source in the ocean. Scientists have already found one at the bottom of the food chain---seaweed. It has long been a staple in Asia and countries including Japan have huge seaweed farms. Such farms can easily work in other countries and be very successful. The great thing about seaweed is that it grows at an amazing rate. It’s the fastest growing plant on earth.

Scientists are also working in the lab to solve the problem of food shortage. A few years ago European scientists successfully produced lab meat also known as cultured meat. They grew muscle tissue using stem cells(干细胞)taken from cows. The experiment was funded by NASA to see if lab meat was a food astronauts could eat in space.

In 20 years’ time lab meat is likely to become a popular dish of our diet. According to research growing meat in a lab rather than slaughtering(屠宰) animals can greatly reduce greenhouse gases along with energy and water use. People can also reduce fat from the meat and add nutrients.

1.According to the passage which of the following is NOT a potential problem humans face in the future?

A. Rising food prices.           

B. Growing population.

C. Fewer skillful farmers.      

D. Less fresh water available

2.How many kinds of future food are introduced in the passage?

A. Two          B. Three         C. Four           D. Five  

3.Which of the following are the features of insects?

They are great sources of protein.

They are at the bottom of the food chain.

People can spend less money in raising insects.

They provide as many nutrients as ordinary meat.

A.        B.         C.         D.

4.Why did NASA fund the experiment of creating lab meat?

A. Because they wanted to make extra money.

B. Because astronauts didn’t like the taste of beef and pork.

C. Because they wanted to solve the problem of food shortage.

D. Because they wanted to see if lab meat was a suitable food for astronauts.



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