满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Tomorrow is my mother’s ______ birthday....

Tomorrow is my mother’s ______ birthday.

A. thirty-eight        B. thirty-eighth

C. the thirty-eight     D. the thirty-eighth


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:明天是我妈妈的三十八岁生日。所填数词在句中修饰单数名词作定语,该用序数词形式。所以选B。 考点:考查序数词。  

Mr Green has two children. One is a son, and ______ is a daughter.

A. another           B. others            C. other             D. the other



Our school is ______ old and beautiful school. It is one of ______ most beautiful schools in Jiangyin.

A. an; a            B. the; a

C. the; the           D. an; the



单词辨音  在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项,并将该选项填涂在答题卡相应的位置。

1.A. quiet    B. twelfth   C. message  D. check

2.A. grow      B. shower    C. own       D. below

3.A. lamps    B. potatoes   C. forks     D. giraffes

4.A. across   B. follow     C. opera     D. notice

5.A. full      B. hundred   C. suddenly D. funny

6.A. sound     B. around     C. group     D. cloudy

7.A. wheat     B. treasure  C. beach     D. leaf

8.A. finished B. passed     C. listened D. stopped

9.A. also      B. talk       C. salt     D. already

10.A. other   B. theirs     C. theatre   D. without




即将初中毕业的你,应该怎样完善自己?为此你围绕主题为“How to be an excellent student?”采访了一些学生和老师。请你根据下表内容,用英语写一篇短文进行交流,并阐述你的观点。










注意:1. 短文必须包括表中所有内容,可适当增加细节;

      2. 你的观点至少两条;

      3. 词数:80—100,短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。









A. Remembering the reader     B. Writing the first sentence

C Reading and rewriting         D. Thinking on paper

Sooner or later everyone has to write something like a thank-you note a report at a meeting a complaint or an apology.If you hate writing assignments in school or if you still fear to put pen to paper facing that empty page is almost as frightening as you’re facing a tiger.How to write it? There’s no mystery.Clear writing is just clear thinking.Here are some techniques for you.


  Sit down with a pencil and paper or at the computer screen and start thinking about what you want to say why it’s important why it matters and what its impact is on the reader.Just get the ideas down.The next step is to go back and put them in order.


  Try to make your first sentence catch the reader’s eyes because if it can’t the reader isn’t going to read on.Get a good clear lead sentence that summarizes your points and that answers the reader’s question “What’s in it for me?” If you can’t do it in one sentence then do it in two or three but keep them short.


  Short simple words are better than long words.Short sentences are better than long sentences.Remember that the goal is to communicate not to express yourselves.Most people are so devoted to what they want to say that they forget somebody else has to be able to read it.Too much information makes you lose readers before they understand what you want to say.


  Read what you have written out aloud and listen for any awkward sentences.All good writers read then rewrite.Back off a little bit from what you’re writing.It’s an old standard but if you can write something and come back a day later.

5.How do you write a good article? Please write down one of your suggestions.(不少于5个单词)                                                                                



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