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任务型阅读 下列A-F为六本书名,请在阅读1-5题的叙述后,根据个人所需,为每人...



1.Karen often worries about her bad teeth.

2.Bob doesn’t know how to deal with the used empty bottles.

3.Mike is going to have a holiday. He hasn’t decided where to go.

4.Betty would like to own a shop that sells clothes she has designed.

5.Maria is going to have a baby, but she doesn’t know how to be a good mother.

A. Don’t Talk To Strangers

B. With A View To Designing Clothes

C. A Tour Guide

D. Treat Your Teeth With Care

E. Recycle Makes Us Rich

F. Tips For A New Mother



1.D 2.E 3.C 4.B 5.F 【解析】 试题分析: 1.D题意:凯伦经常为她的坏牙齿而担忧。所以选D,关注你的牙齿。 2.E题意:鲍勃不知道如何处理用过的空瓶子。所以选E,回收使我们变富。 3.C题意:迈克将要度假。他还没有决定去哪里。所以选C,导游。 4.B题意:贝蒂想开自己的商店,卖她设计的衣服。所以选B,设计衣服的视野。 5.F题意:玛丽亚打算生孩子,但她不知道如何成为一个好母亲。所以选F,给新妈妈的建议。 考点:任务型阅读。


What will you do __1.___ you don’t have any pocket money(零花钱)? Well, it’s a good way to get some _2.___ your parents.

Most children in America get pocket money by __3.__ (do) chores. They usually start to do chores at the __4.___ of 10. Parents ask their children to do__5.___ easy and interesting. Then parents give their children some pocket money for their work. Of course, school students have to do their homework and study for__6.___ (test). So they often do some chores on weekends. Young kids can only do easy chores, so they__7.__ get much money. They just buy some candy with their own money. Candy is cheap! When kids get _8. ___ (old), they want to buy something more expensive. They have to work harder and they can get more money.

President Obama says that he gives his two daughters just two dollars every week. Two dollars is little for the housework, but the two girls are happy_9.___ (make) their pocket money. They buy their favorite books or food with it. Obama__10.___ (hope)his daughters can learn some money-management (理财)skills.




Last Saturday, I went to Shaoxing Library___1.___(独自). On the way there, I saw one of my __2.___(邻居), a __3.___(瞎的)man, walking across the street. So I came up to him to help him . He thanked me a lot. After that, I ___4.___(继续) to go to the library. __5.____(突然地), it began to rain ____6.___(大). I had to run as fast as I could. When I got there, I was all wet. Then I went into the reading room, I saw ___7.____(数个)people reading in ___8.___.(无声) I was interested in reading so___9.___(以致于)I forgot the time. Though on that day I put ___10.___(推迟) eating dinner, I was very happy.




she      knife      decide     rise    nervous

1.Look, the sun is ____________slowly in the east.

2.Last week we made _____________to go to foreign countries to take vacations.

3.How __________she felt when she spoke in front of the whole school!

4.Lucy loves reading. On weekends she always loses _________in reading in the library.

5.Be careful when we use _________to cut things.



You’ve probably heard of working dogs that help police officers, or horses that help farmers. Did you know that carrier pigeons(信鸽)can be trained to help people too? Here are some examples.


Carrier pigeons can be trained to carry messages to people. The note is placed into a small bottle. The bottle is tied to the pigeon’s leg. Then the pigeon flies off with the note.


From high up in the sky, specially trained pigeons can find orange life jackets in the sea. Sometimes it is difficult for humans to find people lost at sea, especially when the weather is bad. However, pigeons can fly quickly over a large area of water to look for people


Many years ago, carrier pigeons were used to help our country during wars(战争). “Spy pigeons” had small cameras that were tied to their feet. As a pigeon flew over enemy(敌人)land, the camera took photos of the land below. This would allow our soldiers to see where the enemies were and what they were doing. So next time you see a pigeon, stop and watch it closely. What might look like an ordinary bird to most people, might actually be helpful.

1. Which part of the carrier pigeon is the bottle tied to?

A. The pigeon’s back.

B. The pigeon’s head.

C. The pigeon’s neck.

D. The pigeon’s leg.

2.What kind of people can the carrier pigeons find?

A. The people in orange life jackets at sea.

B. The people in red jackets in the boats.

C. The people swimming in the ocean.

D. The people lost in the mountains.

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. A pigeon could predict what the weather would be like.

B. A pigeon was tied with a small camera around its leg.

C. A pigeon could help us to know the number of the enemy.

D. A pigeon carried the camera to take photos of the enemy land.

4.What kind of jobs are mentioned(提到)for a carrier pigeon?

A. A mailman, a lifeguard and a spy.

B. A trainer, a spy and a police officer.

C. A soldier, a police officer and a mailman.

D. A farmer, a weather reporter and lifeguard.

5.What is the purpose(目的)of writing this article?

A. To make readers like pigeons more.

B. To teach readers about the lives of wild pigeons.

C. To tell readers about real jobs held by carrier pigeons.

D. To share science fictions about pigeons helping people.



Chinese food in Britain has over 100 years of history. Since then, they’ve been springing up around the country. Today, Chinese food is one of the top choices for hungry Englishmen.

But since coming to China, I’ve found some differences. Much of the Chinese food in Britain is influenced by western tastes. For example, dishes are not hot and had fewer kinds. It’s difficult to find the hot food of Yunnan food in Britain. The most popular Chinese dishes in Britain are chou mein, egg-fried rice and spring rolls. Also, meat dishes are always sweet and sour.

The Chinese food in Britain not only gives a different taste. In most Chinese restaurants, food is served as a buffet(自助的). And once you sit down in a Chinese restaurant, don’t hope to rotate(旋转) the dishes around a big round table to share. This kind of table in English is called a Lazy Susan because it’s convenient to move dishes around. But in Britain they are very uncommon.

At the end of the meal, don’t forget your lucky cookie! In most Chinese restaurants, you’ll be given a cake that you break a half. Inside is a small piece of paper with your lucky words written on it. Although you can hardly find lucky cakes in China, no Chinese meal in Britain is complete without reading these letters of good luck.

1.What does the underlined phrase “springing up” in paragraph 1 mean?

A. 出现         B.变化          C. 服务         D. 分享

2.According to the writer, Chinese dishes in Britain ___________.

A. are hotter

B. are the same as Western dishes

C. have fewer kinds

D. have the same taste as those in China

3.From the last paragraph, we can learn that _________________.

A. People will become lucky if they have lucky cakes.

B. lucky cakes are also very popular in China.

C. English people like reading lucky words in the cakes

D. Chinese meals are too much for an English person to finish

4.What’s the title of the passage?

A. Chinese Lucky Cakes           B. Chinese Food in Britain

C. English Food from China       D. a Lazy Susan



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