满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空 An old man lived in a nice house wi...


An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of his     all the time, watering and fertilizing施肥them.

One day a young man went by the      . He looked at the beautiful flowers, imagining how happy he could be if he lived in such a beautiful place. Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was    . He was very surprised about this and asked, “You can’t see these flowers. Why are you busy taking care of them every day?”

The old man smiled and said,” I can tell you four     . First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job.       , although I can’t see these flowers, I can touch them. Third, I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s     .

Me? But you don’t know me,” said the young man.

“Yeah, it’s     that I don’t know you. But I know that flowers are angels that everybody knows. We enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us.”

The blind man’s work opened our eyes and      our hearts, which also made his life happier. It was just like Beethoven, who became deaf in his later life and wrote many great musical works. Beethoven himself couldn’t      his wonderful music, but his music has     millions of people to face their difficulties bravely. Isn’t it one kind of happiness?

1.A. flowers      B. trees       C. vegetables     D. grass

2.A. study       B. garden      C. kitchen       D. balcony

3.A. blind        B. famous     C. smart          D. friendly

4.A. stories      B. reasons     C. excuses       D. conclusions

5.A. And         B. But        C. Second         D. Third

6.A. me          B. you        C. my mother    D. my son

7.A. true        B. hard       C. cool          D. fair

8.A. broke        B. hurt        C. pleased       D. treated

9.A. write        B. hear       C. play          D. believe

10.A. changed   B. discovered  C. encouraged     D. made


1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.C 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:该短文主要描述了一位盲人花匠,自己不能看见美丽的花朵,但是也精心管理着一个花园。通过这位老人的话,让作者明白了每个人都可以在平凡的生活中找到自己的幸福。 1.A考查名词及语境理解。句意:他一直照顾他的花。Flowers花;trees树木;vegetables蔬菜;grass 草。联系前一句描述可知此处指的是他一直照顾他的花。所以选A。 2.B考查名词及语境理解。句意:这个年轻人经过了花园。Study学问,书房;garden花园;kitchen厨房;balcony 阳台,包厢。联系后半句描述可知这个年轻人经过了花园,所以选B。 3.A考查形容词及语境理解。句意:这个老园丁是个盲人。Blind盲目的,瞎的;famous著名的;smart聪明的,巧妙的;friendly 友好的。联系下文You can’t see these flowers.描述可知这个老园丁是瞎子,所以选A。 4.B考查名词及语境理解。句意:我可以告诉你四个原因。Stories故事;reasons原因;excuses借口;conclusions 结论,总结。联系下文描述可知此处指的是我可以告诉你四个原因。所以选B。 5.C考查连词及语境理解。句意:第二,尽管我看不见花,但我可以触摸它。And和,并且;But但是;Second第二;Third第三。联系前一句描述,可知此处指的是第二条原因,所以选C。 6.B考查代词及语境理解。句意:那就是你。me我;you你,你们;my mother我的母亲;my son我的儿子。联系下文“ Me? But you don’t know me,”描述可知那就是你。所以选B。 7.A考查形容词及语境理解。句意:我不认识你是真的。True真实的;hard努力的,坚硬的;cool 凉爽的;fair 公平的。根据句意结合语境可知该选A。 8.C考查动词及语境理解。句意:让我们心里面高兴。Broke爆发,打碎;hurt伤害;pleased使……高兴;Treated对待。结合语境可知此处指的是让我们心里面高兴。所以选C。 9.B考查动词及语境理解。句意:贝多芬自己听不见美妙的音乐。write写;hear听见;play玩耍;believe 相信。联系下文his wonderful music 可知此处指的是,贝多芬自己听不见美妙的音乐。所以选B。 10.C考查动词及语境理解。句意:但是他的音乐鼓舞了成千上万的人勇敢地面对生活。Changed改变;discovered发现;encouraged鼓励;made 制作,使得。根据句意结合语境可知该选C。 考点:人生百味类短文。

--- What ________ is a basketball?

---- It is ________.

A. shape; round              B. height; oval

C. weight; heart-shaped      D. shape; square



- Is the bread enough for you?

- Oh, no. I’m so hungry. I want _________cakes, too.

A. little        B. a little      C. few      D. a few



No one knows ________ in the future.

A.what will be happen

B.what will happen

C.what will it happen

D.what it will happen



Monday will be_________. ________bad weather it is!

A. rainy; What    B. rainy; What a

C. sunny; How   D. sunny; How a



There is nothing in the world ________ can make him give up his dream.

A. what   B. that     C. which   D. who



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