满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Postman wanted No experience necessary ...


Postman wanted

No experience necessary but you must be hard-working.

Free to choose working hours.

Have a driver’s license.

Write to No. 38 Changhong Rd. Xiangyang

English teacher wanted

Warm and patient college students.

Able to speak standard English, good with children.

Time: on weekends.

E-mail address: sunshine-school@163.com

Taxi drivers wanted

Full-time taxi drivers.

Over five years’ experience, good knowledge of the city.

Under 45 years old.

For more information, please come to Shunda Taxi company to visit the manager.

Tour guides wanted

Two years’ working experience.

Good English and good at talking to people.

Age: 20-30

Go to Friendship Traveling Company to ask the manager for more information.

1.If you want to be a taxi driver, you should ______.

A. be over 45

B. know the city very well

C. write to No. 38 Changhong Rd.

D. speak English well

2.The tour guide wanted should ______.

A. have no working experience

B. be patient with children

C. be good at driving

D. speak good English

3.You can not get information by ______.

A. making a call        B. going to visit the manager

C. sending e-mails       D. writing a letter


1.B 2.D 3.A 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:这篇短文是四个招聘信息。第一个是招聘邮递员;第二个是招聘英语老师;第三个是招聘出租车司机;最后一个是招聘导游。四个广告中都告诉了我们应聘的条件和联系的方式等信息。 1.B细节理解题。根据题干taxi driver可知,这个题目的答案应该在第三个广告中,根据这个广告的内容可知,如果应聘出租车司机,必须要非常了解这个城市。所以选B。 2.D细节理解题。根据题干tour guide可知,答案应还原到第四个广告。根据招聘导游的广告的要求可知,必须有两年的工作经验,英语好,并且擅长跟人交流。由此可知A、B和C都不对,所以选D。 3.细节理解题。根据文中Write to No. 38 Changhong Rd. Xiangyang;E-mail address: sunshine-school@163.com;For more information, please come to Shunda Taxi company to visit the manager;以及Go to Friendship Traveling Company to ask the manager for more information.可知打电话是不能获取信息的,所以选A。 考点:广告布告类短文阅读。



Do you know the big city _________  Zootopia? It’s Disney’s latest cartoon film. Many different kinds of animals live a _________  life in the zootopia. Zootopia is from the two words:”zoo” and “utopia” (乌托邦). The main character Judy Hopps, a rabbit, is a policewoman who is a green hand. She often messes things up(把事情搞砸).On _________ first day, she was given a duty to write parking tickets by a cold and serious boss----a buffalo(水牛) Who believes that Judy is _________  successful. Judy tries to prove to the belief of police that she’s as good as any other police officer, and is given a heavy task. Her mission is to find a missing atter(水獭),who  happens to be one of the fourteen missing animals in a big case that no other police offers can solve. However,  _________  her wisdom and kindness, she made it and won a good fame. Not only did she make her dream  _________  .but also she changed her parents’ view on her decision to be a policewoman.

It tells us that we shouldn’t be afraid to step outside of our comfortable place as we reach our goals. We should never _________  up our dreams. Judy  faces  the common _________ of any new gradutes in a new city----dumpy(狭隘的)apartment, entry-level job, disapproving, as well as over--protective parents. _________ Judy  is a“try-er” who keeps optimistic(乐观)and confident in herself.As the lyrics of the theme song express,“I messed up tonight ,I lost another fight. Lost to myself but I’ll just start again .I won’t give up, and I won’t give in. Till I reach the end”. As _________ as we stick to our dreams, we will make it one day.

1.A. called       B. found     C.made            D.pulled

2.A. hard         B. happy      C. poor            D.rich

3.A. his         B.hers         C.their           D.her

4.A. possibly    B. truly      C. impossibly      D.really

5.A.of           B.from         C. for            D.with

6.A. take place B. come true  C. keep on-1-c     D.get back

7.A. put         B. get         C.give             D.look

8.A.problems   B. questions C. changes         D.chances

9.A.though      B. But         C. Because         D.And

10.A. far        B. soon       C.long             D.possible



--- We will study in different schools next term . Enjoy your time in the new school ! --- __________ .

A. I will take your advice .     B. The same to you .

C. Congratulations !             D. Me too



---Jerry, how was your winter vacation?

---Great. I found ______ fun to stay at home and read some books.

A. it’s        B. it  C. that  D. that’s



Take care, ______ you will make a lot of mistakes in this paper.

A. and    B. so  C. but  D. or



We have enough time to do it, so we     be in such a hurry.

A. needn’t  B.can’t  C. mustn’t   D. couldn’t



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