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A Survey Report On The Middle School Stu...

A Survey Report On The Middle School Students Laptop Buying

The students in Sunshine Middle School hope to know the specific situation on the middle school students buying laptop through the questionnaire survey. By this, they could analysis(分析) the statistical data to find the laptop brand(品牌), price and the main use which the middle school students prefer. They gave out 200 questionnaires. The followings show the results of it.

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1.Which brand is the most popular among middle school students?

A. Dell.       B. ASUS.     C. Lenovo.     D. HP.

2.What price may be more acceptable by the middle school students?

A. 2000-2999.    B. 3000-3999.

C. 4000-4999.    D. 5000-5999.

3.How many middle school students choose to buy laptops at specific stores?

A. 64.      B. 72.      C. 20.     D. 34.

4.The main purpose for the middle students to buy a laptop is       .

A. to study and work       B. to play games

C. to watch films          D. to chat

5.Where can you read this article?

A. In a comic book.

B. In a novel.

C. In a travelling magazine.

D. In a newspaper.


1.C 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文就中学生购买笔记本品牌、价格、地点以及用途做出调查。得出的结论是:联想品牌居多,价格在4000-4999居多,多数学生都在电脑城购买,购买笔记本用于学习的学生居多。 1.C细节理解题。根据第一个图表分析:联想品牌占52%;惠普占22%;华硕占10%;神州占6%;戴尔和宏基各占4%,其他品牌占2%。因此,比较受欢迎的品牌是联想,故选C。 2.C细节理解题。根据第二个图表分析:价格在2000-2999占10%;3000-3999占24%左右;4000-4999占38%左右;5000-5999占29%左右。因此,多数中学生接受的价格区间在4000-4999,故选C。 3.A细节理解题。根据第三个图表分析:选择在专卖店购买笔记本的学生比例是32%,根据正文第四行They gave out 200 questionnaires.这是200分问卷的调查结果,故人数应该是200乘以32%,故答案为A。 4.A细节理解题。根据第四个图表分析:中学生购买笔记本用于学习占59%左右;用于玩游戏占18%左右;用于看电影占16%左右;用于聊天占15%左右;因此中学生购买笔记本主要用于学习。故选A。 5.D推理判断题。这是一张调查表格,因此最有可能出现在报纸上。A项译为“漫画书”;B项译为“小说”;C项译为“旅行杂志”;故选D。 考点:广告布告类短文阅读。



The ability to forgive others is a great thing that can certainly help to make life happier for everyone. However, some people think that it is very    _________  to do, and they don’t know how to forgive others, especially their family and friends. This is all _________ they don’t understand the meaning of “forgiveness”.

In the dictionary, “to forgive” means “to _________   feeling angry with somebody that has done something bad to you.” I’m happy that many people have _________ in doing this. I have succeeded, too, and I know how hard it is.

I lived with a friend for two years. During that time, he did cause me many _________ . I easily got angry when communicating with him. However, we   _________  had a talk about our problems. When he pointed out that I wasn’t treating him like a friend, I was   _________  . I never knew that I also needed to be forgiven for doing something wrong. I thought however   _________ I might get, I did love my friend deep in my heart. Then I understood the saying, “To love is to forgive.” And when we _________ each other, we feel great. After that long talk, we both   _________ those bad moments. Our friendship became fresh again.

Now I understand the meaning of forgiveness better.

1.A. late      B. difficult C. strange    D. useless

2.A. why       B. when       C. because   D. that

3.A. stop      B. suffer     C. keep       D. consider

4.A. spent      B. continued C. succeeded D. enjoyed

5.A. dangers   B. mistakes   C. questions D. problems

6.A. firstly    B. finally    C. suddenly   D. always

7.A. surprised B. excited    C. satisfied D. bored

8.A. worried    B. frightened C. angry     D. nervous

9.A. control    B. help       C. protect   D. forgive

10.A. learn     B. forget     C. imagine   D. consider



—Could you please pass me my mobile phone?


A. Yes, I could   B. No, I couldn’t

C. With pleasure  D. My pleasure



—Do you know       ?

—By underground.

A. when did your teacher come here

B. when your teacher came here

C. how did your teacher come here

D. how your teacher came here



—Anna, must I return the book to you today?

—No, you       . You can read it for another two days.

A. mustn’t  B. can’t    C. needn’t   D. shouldn’t



—Why not come and join us in the game, John?

      , but I have to finish my homework first.

A. I’d love to  B. Let’s go

C. Yes, please   D. It’s a pleasure



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