满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

He always forgets all the things he need...

He always forgets all the things       he needs to do.

A .what           B. that              C. that what        D. Which


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:他总是忘记所有他需要去做的事情。本题考查定语从句的用法,先行词是all the things故关系词用that。根据题意,故选B。 考点:考查定语从句。  

----She stayed up late last night. She can hardly do more work now.

----           . I’ m too tired.

A. So can I.         B.So I can

C. Neither can I      D. Neither I can.



--- _______ will the meeting end?        --- In half an hour.

A. How long        B. How often

C. When           D. How soon



--- Is that man Mr. Smith       --- It ______ be him. He has gone to New York on business.

A. may not          B. needn’t

C. can’t           D. mustn’t



Do you know who said the famous __ “one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”?

A. words          B. titles            C.sayings        D. Sentences




In most schools, students in one class have the same schedule. But at Beijing National Day School, each of the 4,174 students can build their o  1.  class timetable.

The school has used this special education system s  2.  2011. The school

p  3. the students with many different courses which are based on their interests and abilities. Each of the courses c  4. of different difficulty levels. Students choose their favourite courses of different difficulty levels by themselves. They don’t have fixed classrooms or regular classmates. I  5.  , they have more than 400 courses and 272 school clubs to choose f  6. . The school hopes students can become m  7. of their own study and enjoy the courses of studying. The system is highly praised by the Ministry of Education. On February 27th 2014, the ministry held a press conference at the school to announce the system to the whole country.

Students also like the system. Tian Yatong, 14, said she learns to be responsible for herself through the system. She has chosen level 2 (the medium level) for math based on her present abilities, a 8.  she has passed the level 3 tests.

“I like the teacher of level 2. I think it works best for me,” said Tian.

The system also “opens a new world” for students, said 13-year-old Li Zixuan.

Li was a  9.  to find that she could learn cooking, sewing, making films and many other interesting things at the school. No other schools have these courses for students.

“You’re sure to find one that interests you.” Li said.

Li has chosen a cooking c 10. this term. Now she can make different cakes at home for her parents.

“I may become a pastry(点心) cook one day. Who knows?” Li said.



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