满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Not only _____ polluted but ______ crowd...

Not only _____ polluted but ______ crowded.

A. was the city; the streets were

B. was the city; were the streets

C. the city was; the streets were

D. the city was; were the streets


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:不但城市被污染,而且街道也很拥挤。not only.., but also... 句式中,当not only放在句首时,not only分句倒装,but also不倒装。故答案为A。 考点:考查倒装句。  

They all say Avatar is a good movie which is worth _____ second time.

A. seeing the      B. to see a

C. seeing a       D. being seen the



—Have you all decided to attend the graduation party?

—Yes, _____we are busy these days, _____of us want to miss it.

A. because; all    B. because; none

C. although; all   D. although; none



By the time the police arrived, the thief (小偷) _________.

A. had caught       B. have caught

C. had been caught  D. have been caught



—Dad, where are my favorite cartoon books? I’d like to read them.

—Sorry, dear, the books _____ when I got to the bookstore.

A. are sold out     B. sell out

C. had sold out    D. had been sold out



—What’s happening over there, dear?

—The building is on fire. Can’t you see the black smoke ___ above the ____building?

A. rise; burning        B. rise; burned

C. rising; burned       D. rising; burning



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