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Connie Talbot was born on November 20th,...

Connie Talbot was born on November 20th, 2000. She is an English child singer from Streetly, West Midlands. She is best known for being on “Britain’s Got Talent”(《英国达人》)when she was just six. She has been singing since she was 19 months old. The song she is most known for is Somewhere over the Rainbow. And now she is touring the country with the UK’s biggest children’s choir—Young Voices.

Do you know what the Young Voices Tour is? Well, it’s a great event for children. It is great for them to sing on a big stage with thousands of other children. Everyone waits for the parents to arrive in the evening to watch the children put on a great show. There is so much fun. When the lights turn on, everyone sings together at the same time as one. It’s so loud and powerful(有力的). Connie loves looking around at the choir and seeing everyone so happy when she was performing.

“We’ve heard you got a new Guinness world record!” I asked her. “Yes! I am very proud. It was amazing to get the Guinness world record for the biggest choir at the back of a singer. I am glad to share that world record with more than 6000 other children present that day,” she answered.

1.Connie has been famous _______.

A. since she was only 6 months old

B. since she was 6 years old

C. ever since she was 12 years old

D. since she was 18 months old

2.From the second paragraph, we can infer(推断) that ______.

A. when Connie was performing, she was very happy

B. in fact, Connie didn’t want to perform any more

C. it is difficult to perform with so many children

D. she likes singing and dancing alone

3.What makes Connie so proud?

A. Owning so many prizes for a child.

B. Getting a new Guinness world record.

C. Getting a chance to talk to a famous reporter.

D. Getting many gifts from children all over the world.


1.B 2.A 3.B 【解析】 试题分析:康妮自从六岁上《英国达人秀》节目就开始出名了。康妮为自己拥有一项吉尼斯世界纪录而感到骄傲。 1.B细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“She is best known for being on “Britain’s Got Talent”(《英国达人》)when she was just six.”可知, 康妮自从六岁上《英国达人秀》节目就开始出名了。答案为B。 2.A 细节判断题。根据短文中的句子It is great for them to sing on a big stage with thousands of other children. 及“Connie loves looking around at the choir and seeing everyone so happy when she was performing.”可知,每个在台上表演的学生都非常开心。故答案为A。 3.B 细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“We’ve heard you got a new Guinness world record!” I asked her. “Yes! I am very proud.”可知,康妮为自己拥有一项吉尼斯世界纪录而感到骄傲。故答案为B。 考点:考查人物介绍类短文阅读。


remain,  you,  pleasure,  know,  chance,  name,  might,  receive,  surprise,  hand


A professor was standing in front of his 20 students. He was going to 1.___out the final exam papers.

“I want to say that it’s been a2.____teaching you this tern. I 3.___you’ve all worked hard and many of you will be off to medical school after summer. And you’ve been in too many celebrating activities this week. So you worry you 4.___not pass this exam, anyone who like to give up the final exam today will 5._____ a “B” for the course.”

Quite a few students were 6._____at what the professor had said. One by one, they passed by the professor to thank him and signed their 7._____ on a piece of paper. As the last take left the room, there weren’t many students8.___there. The professor asked, “Anyone else? This is your last 9.____.” Then the last student got up and took the advice.

In the end, the professor closed the door and started to count those students who had left. “I’m glad to see you believe in 10.______,” he said. “You all have ‘A’s.”





Receiving money makes me uncomfortable.

People _____ many books about “the art of giving”. How about the art of receiving? Sometimes, it can be hard to receive a gift, _____ when you get a gift you don’t want.

“I remember at the age of about twelve years old, my parents _____ a purple purse for me,” laughs Guo Xiaojing. “It really _____me, to tell the truth, the purse was really ugly in my opinion! However, I pretended _____ it as I knew it would make my parents happy.”

Han Ling, the twenty-year-old girl agrees. “That _____ me of my grandparents. _____ years ago, my grandparents gave me an orange sweater _____my birthday. _____ I visited them, I used to wear it. But I would _____ as soon as I left their house. Of course, this made me feel guilty. It was a very nice thought, but my taste is totally different from _____ . I think it’s difficult to buy clothes or other personal things for people.

_____ make things more difficult, some people _____ give money. However, in some cultures, people may feel uncomfortable _____ money. “When I get money from someone as a gift, I just feel they are being lazy,” says John Wilson from England. “We also have a saying: It’s the thought that counts. When someone gives me money, I don’t think they thought at all. I really like to receive a gift that has some thought behind it. I don’t mind if the gift is what I don’t need. I’m always happy that someone has thought about a gift for me.”

There are many very different thoughts on this subject from different people. So the art of receiving may be _____ difficult than the art of giving! What’s your opinion?

1.A. are written B. have written        C. have been written  D. been written

2.A. specially       B. especially        C. specifically      D. particular

3.A. get            B. brought          C. bought            D. gotten

4.A. embarrassed  B. was embarrassing  C. made embarrassed   D. was embarrassed

5.A. to like         B. liking           C. that I like        D. to liking

6.A. reminds       B. sounds like       C. comes              D. thinks

7.A. Few            B. Twenty          C. A little           D. Several

8.A. in              B. for              C. at                D. during

9.A. Each time       B. Everyday          C. After              D. By the time

10.A. take it off    B. take off it       C. put it down       D. put down it

11.A. them         B. their            C. theirs            D. theirs taste

12.A. To             B. So as to        C. So that           D. In order not to

13.A. feel like      B. prefer            C. like               D. prefer to

14.A. when receiving B. when giving     C. when they receiving D. when they giving

15.A. much          B. much more        C. very more        D. a little more



Jim’s father said to him, “I hope you _____what I _____ you to buy.”

A. didn’t forget; told

B. not to forget; have told

C. won’t forget; have told

D. haven’t forgotten; will tell



Not only _____ polluted but ______ crowded.

A. was the city; the streets were

B. was the city; were the streets

C. the city was; the streets were

D. the city was; were the streets



They all say Avatar is a good movie which is worth _____ second time.

A. seeing the      B. to see a

C. seeing a       D. being seen the



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