满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



Natural resources are pretty important to us today. We should learn more about our earth. There is a place on our earth 1._____. It is on a large island in the Pacific Ocean. The island is North Island in New Zealand.

The earth on which we live is a ball of very hot rock. 2.____. If it were not, no one could live on the earth. The earth’s shell has cracks(裂缝) in it in some places. In New Zealand this shell seems to have more cracks than in other places on the earth. 3.____. In some places, hot water shoots into the air from time to time. In other places, you can see steam coming up from pools of hot water. 4._____. Some of them cook in the hot pools. They put food into basketball and then put it into the water. Washing clothes is done in much the same way. 5.______. They do this by putting a pipe a hundred feet or more into the ground. In this way they get hot water and steam for cooking and washing, and for heating their homes.

A. People love doing sports on the shell.

B. The weather is usually terrible all the year round.

C. Many people bring the hot water into their homes.

D. It is a good thing for us that the outside shell is cold.

E. Hot water and steam come up under the ground there.

F. The people there make use of the heat from inside the earth.

G. There are places where ground is so hot that it burns your shoes.


1.E 2.D 3.G 4.F 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:我们生活的地球有一个地方,蒸汽和热水自地下涌出。它是位於太平洋的一个大岛屿。该岛就是位於新西兰的北岛。我们生活的星球是一个非常热的岩石球。还好的是,这个星球的外壳很冷。否则的话,没有人可以住在这里。人们已经利用了来自地球内部发出的这些热量,通过一条长管道可以取得热水和蒸汽作烹饪和洗涤之用,以及为家中提供暖气。 1.E句意:热水和蒸汽从地下冒出来。依据上句“There is a place on our earth” 我们的地球有一个地方。此句应该为这一地方做一介绍。故答案为E。 2.D句意:这对我们来说是一件好事,外壳是冷的。依据上下句The earth on which we live is a ball of very hot rock.及If it were not, no one could live on the earth. “我们生活的星球是一个非常热的岩石球。”“否则的话,没有人可以住在这里。”可知,星球的外壳很冷。故答案为D。 3.G句意:有些地方地面很热,烧坏你的鞋子。依据下面的句子In some places, hot water shoots into the air from time to time. In other places, you can see steam coming up from pools of hot water.可知,有些地方的地面热度之高,足以燃烧你的脚。故答案为G。 4.F句意:那里的人们利用了来自地球内部发出的热量。依据下面的句子“Some of them cook in the hot pools . They put food into basketball and then put it into the water.” 有些人在炎热的池上煮食。他们把食物放入篮内,然后将篮子放入水中。可知,人们已经利用了来自地球内部发出的这些热量。故答案为F。 5.C句意:许多人把热水带到他们的家里。依据下面的句子“They do this by putting a pipe a hundred feet or more into the ground. In this way they get hot water and steam for cooking and washing, and for heating their homes.” 方法是把一条长管插入地面。这样,他们可以取得热水和蒸汽作烹饪和洗涤之用,以及为家中提供暖气。可知他们把从地下冒出的热水利用起来,引到家中。故答案为C。 考点:考查七选五。

When Mr. David retired(退休), he bought a small house in a village near the sea. He liked it and hoped to live a quiet life in it.

But to his great surprise, many tourists came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most interesting building in the village. From morning to night there were tourists outside the house. They kept looking into the rooms through the windows and many of them even went into Mr. David’s garden. This was too much for Mr. David. He decided to drive the visitors away. So he put a notice on the window. The notice said: “If you want to satisfy your curiosity(好奇心), came in and look round. Price: twenty dollars.” Mr. David was sure that the visitors would stop coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr. David had to spend every day showing them around his house. “I came here to retire, not to work as a guide.” he said angrily. In the end, he sold the house and moved away.

1.Mr. David’s house was _________ that many tourists came to see it.

Aso small         Bso quiet

Cso interesting   Dsuch interesting

2.Mr. David put a notice on the window in order _______.

Ato drive the visitors away

Bto satisfy the visitor’s curiosity

Cto let visitors come in and look round

Dto get some money out of the visitors

3.The notice made the visitors _________ .

Amore interested in his house

Blose interest in his house

Cangry at the unfair price

Dfeel happy about the price

4.After Mr. David put up the notice,___________ .

Athe visitors didn’t come any longer

Bfewer and fewer visitors came to see his house

Cmore and more tourists came for a visit

Dno tourist would pay the money for a visit

5.At last he had to sell his house and move away because _________ .

Ahe did not like it at all

Bhe could not work as a guide

Che made enough money and wanted to buy a new expensive house

Dhe could not live a quiet life in it



Different countries have different greeting customs. Read this article to know about the greeting customs in different cultures, and make sure you greet people in the right way next time you visit one of these countries.


French people greet each other with a handshake, but close friends kiss each other on both cheeks when they meet. They do this gesture when meeting and before leaving.

South Korea

In South Korea, it is sign of respect for people to bow when greeting each other. In South Korea, a bow is followed by a handshake. When shaking someone’s hand, it is polite to support the right forearm(前臂) with the left hand. However, South Korea women do not shake hands with Western men; instead, they bow slightly.


Kissing women on the cheek is a common way of greeting. In a formal situation, a handshake is often done to show respect. Men should shake hands before and after meeting, and once they have become familiar with each other, a light hug is often given to each other.


In a social situation, it’s polite greet everyone in the room. A handshake is used in greeting, and one palm(手掌)must directly touch the other palm. It’s considered disrespectful to touch the back of the hand.

The Philippines

There are several ways of greeting people in the Philippines. An elderly person places his or her right hand on the forehead of a child to “bless” the latter. This is called “mano”. Relatives and family members greet each other with a kiss on the cheek. Friends greet each other with a polite nod or a handshake.

1.Mike kissed a French boy Jim on the cheek, they may________.

A. meet for the first time

B. be close friends

C. be in a social situation

D. be in a formal situation

2.In Brazil, it is very common to _____between good friends.

A. shake hands

B. kiss on the cheek

C. bow to each other

D. give a light hug

3.Which of the following is NOT true about the Philippines?

A. Friends greet each other with a polite nod or a handshake.

B. An old man blesses a child by putting his right hand on the child’s forehead.

C. It’s impolite to touch the back of the hand when shaking hands.

D. In the Philippines, family members can greet each other with a kiss.

4.The best title for the passage is “________”.

A. Greeting customs in different cultures.

B. How to behave politely

C. All the ways to greet people

D. Friends should greet politely



The term “bionic man” came from The Six Million Dollar Man which was a popular TV show in the U.S.A. in the 1970s. It was a story about a former astronaut whose body was rebuilt by using artificial (人造的) parts after he nearly died. Now, a team of engineers has made a robot by using artificial organs(器官), limbs and other body parts that comes close to a true “bionic man”.

The parts come from 17 manufacturers (制造商) around the world. “This is the first time they’ve been assembled (组装) together,” says Richard Walker, the director of a robot company. “It’s an attempt to show the development of medical science,” he says.

Walker says the robot has about 60 to 70 percent of the function(功能) of a human. It stands six-and-a half feet tall and can step, sit and stand with the help of a walking machine. This kind of machine is used by people who have lost the ability to walk. It also has a functioning heart that beats and circulates artificial blood(血液). Its blood carries oxygen just like human blood.

Although the parts are used in the robot work, there is a long way to go. There are some key parts missing. There’s no liver, skin or brain for the robot.

1.The robot “bionic man” is used to _______.

A. show the development of medical science

B. help those people who have lost the ability to walk

C. help the doctor do more experiments

D. make a popular TV show named “The Six Million Dollar Man”

2.The parts of the robot came from ______.

A. the U.S.A.        B. the U.K.

C. the U.N.           D. all around the world

3.The robot “Bionic man” in the passage ______.

A. has 60 to 70 percent of the function with a man-made liver, skin and brain

B. was made with artificial parts by a former astronaut named Walker

C. has a functioning heart that beats and circulates artificial blood

D. is used in robot work to help the disabled man



Connie Talbot was born on November 20th, 2000. She is an English child singer from Streetly, West Midlands. She is best known for being on “Britain’s Got Talent”(《英国达人》)when she was just six. She has been singing since she was 19 months old. The song she is most known for is Somewhere over the Rainbow. And now she is touring the country with the UK’s biggest children’s choir—Young Voices.

Do you know what the Young Voices Tour is? Well, it’s a great event for children. It is great for them to sing on a big stage with thousands of other children. Everyone waits for the parents to arrive in the evening to watch the children put on a great show. There is so much fun. When the lights turn on, everyone sings together at the same time as one. It’s so loud and powerful(有力的). Connie loves looking around at the choir and seeing everyone so happy when she was performing.

“We’ve heard you got a new Guinness world record!” I asked her. “Yes! I am very proud. It was amazing to get the Guinness world record for the biggest choir at the back of a singer. I am glad to share that world record with more than 6000 other children present that day,” she answered.

1.Connie has been famous _______.

A. since she was only 6 months old

B. since she was 6 years old

C. ever since she was 12 years old

D. since she was 18 months old

2.From the second paragraph, we can infer(推断) that ______.

A. when Connie was performing, she was very happy

B. in fact, Connie didn’t want to perform any more

C. it is difficult to perform with so many children

D. she likes singing and dancing alone

3.What makes Connie so proud?

A. Owning so many prizes for a child.

B. Getting a new Guinness world record.

C. Getting a chance to talk to a famous reporter.

D. Getting many gifts from children all over the world.




remain,  you,  pleasure,  know,  chance,  name,  might,  receive,  surprise,  hand


A professor was standing in front of his 20 students. He was going to 1.___out the final exam papers.

“I want to say that it’s been a2.____teaching you this tern. I 3.___you’ve all worked hard and many of you will be off to medical school after summer. And you’ve been in too many celebrating activities this week. So you worry you 4.___not pass this exam, anyone who like to give up the final exam today will 5._____ a “B” for the course.”

Quite a few students were 6._____at what the professor had said. One by one, they passed by the professor to thank him and signed their 7._____ on a piece of paper. As the last take left the room, there weren’t many students8.___there. The professor asked, “Anyone else? This is your last 9.____.” Then the last student got up and took the advice.

In the end, the professor closed the door and started to count those students who had left. “I’m glad to see you believe in 10.______,” he said. “You all have ‘A’s.”



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