满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Happy Middle School is a bilingual (双语) ...

Happy Middle School is a bilingual (双语) school for children of 6-15. Now we want a cook a library assistant(助理) a PE teacher and a language(语言) teacher.





Other terms (条件)


25- 40


can cook Chinese and Western food


Library assistant

20 - 35

Chinese and English

read different kinds of books


PE teacher

20- 40

Chinese and English

major in(主修) PE

healthy and strong

language teacher


Chinese and English

major in English

healthy and kind

1.Who can go to Happy Middle School?

A. A four-year-old child.

B. A ten-year-old child.

C. A sixteen-year-old child.

D. A five-year-old child.

2.Happy Middle School doesn’t want ______.

A. a cook        B. a library assistant

C. a nurse     D. a PE teacher

3.The cook can cook ______.

A. Chinese food

B. Western food

C. Chinese and Western food

D. everything

4.Which of the following may not speak English?

A. The cook.

B. The library assistant.

C. The PE teacher.

D. The language teacher.

5.Which of the thing that a PE teacher doesn't need?

A. He majors in PE.

B. He must be healthy and strong.

C. He can speak Chinese and English.

D. He can cook Western food.


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:本文叙述了幸福中学是一个双语学校,这个学校要招聘厨师,图书管理员、体育老师及语言老师各一名,表中给出了招聘的人员的要求。 1.B细节理解题。细节理解题。根据短文第一行Happy Middle School is a bilingual (双语) school for children of 6-15. 可知10岁的孩子可以去幸福中学,故选B。 2.C细节理解题。根据表格第一栏可知,幸福中学招收6至15岁的学生,还要招聘一名厨师,一名图书馆助理,一名体育老师和一名语言老师。故选C。 3.C细节理解题。根据表格第二行can cook Chinese and Western food可知,厨师会做中餐和西餐。故选C。 4.A细节理解题。根据表格第二行可知厨师只会讲汉语就行,故选A。 5. 考点:广告类短文阅读。

完形填空   先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。

Jack ______  in a small town in England. He always stays in England ______  his holidays but this year he thinks “I’ve never been to ______ countries. All my friends go to Spain______ they like it very much so this year I’m going there too.” So he gets on a ______ to Spain and ______ at the airport of the capital Madrid and stays in a hotel for a few days. On the first morning he goes ______ for a walk. In England people drive on the left but in Spain they drive on the right. Jack forgets about this and ______ he is walking on a busy street a bicycle knocks him down

Jack ______ on the ground for a few minutes and then he sits up and says “Where am I?” Just then an old man selling maps goes past him. When he hears Jack’s words he says to him ______ “Maps of the city sir?”

1.A. flies          B. lives              C. goes          D. drops

2.A. for            B. off                C. with           D. into

3.A. all            B. both                C. other          D. any

4.A. and            B. but                 C. though        D. however

5.A. bus            B. plane              C. train         D. bike

6.A. reaches        B. leaves              C. arrives       D. stays

7.A. down          B. up                  C. away           D. out

8.A. before        B. while              C. since          D. after

9.A. lies           B. stands              C. falls          D. jumps

10.A. once again   B. on time            C. at times       D. at once



--- Would you like some milk ?

--- _________.

A. Yes please. B. The same to you.

C. Help yourself   D. You’re welcome.



The supermarket is about 20 kilometers ________ our school.

A.far from          B. away

C.far away from     D. away from



---I hope you ____________to my birthday party tomorrow.

---OK I___________.

A. come do          B. to come will

C. can come will    D. will come do



There is an old bridge _______ the river. Be careful (小心) when you _______ it.

A over across    B. over cross

C. on cross      D. on across



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