满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空 It is very important to stay health...


It is very important to stay healthy. I have a neighbor. She is an old lady. She can do all the housework ____ newspapers watch TV and search on the Internet to learn something new. I often see ____ do taijiquan in the morning and dance in the evening. She looks young and beautiful ____ she is over seventy. Last week a reporter from a magazine interviewed her and asked ____ she kept so young and healthy. She replied with a smile: I have a secret of staying young and healthy. It is quite ____. Keep your mind active,take an interest in the world ____ you and learn at least one new thing every day. Try to do different kinds of housework and do sports as ____ as you can. Don't think you are too old to go back to ____. I know a man who entered a medical college when he was 70 years old. He studied there for 6 years and now he is a doctor. Another man went to a tennis school at the age of 71 and now he is good at ____ tennis. Some people may say staying young is easy only for those who live in the future. In fact no matter how old you are you can make it.

Please tell the story to your family. It would be a good start to ____ the lady's example. I hope all people will stay young and healthy.

1.A.look         B.read     C.see         D.watch

2.A.her          B.him    C.other       D.others

3.A.than         B.since    C.though      D.because

4.A.what         B.why    C.who        D.how

5.A.early        B.dear     C.easy        D.late

6.A.under        B.around   C.above      D.between

7.A.soon         B.busily   C.hardly      D.often

8.A.place        B.song     C.school      D.dance

9.A.buying       B.losing   C.sending    D.playing

10.A.follow      B.give     C.make        D.bring


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.D 10.A 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:本文介绍了一位七十多岁的老人,永保青春活力的“秘诀”,就是多思考,多运动,多学习,并希望所有人都保持年轻健康。 1.B动词及语境理解。句意:她能做所有的家务,读报纸,看电视,上网搜索学习新的东西。look 看;read读;see看见;watch观看。read newspapers意为“读报,看报”,当宾语为书、报纸、杂志时,感官动词用read。所以选B。 2.A代词及语境理解。句意:我经常看到她早晨打太极拳、晚上跳舞。Her她;him他;other 其他的;others其他人。由上文“She is an old lady”可知,她是一位女性。故选A。 3.C连词及语境理解。句意:尽管她七十多岁也,可看起来年轻、漂亮。本题考查让步状语从句。Than“比”;since“自从……以来,既然”;though“虽然,尽管”;because“因为”。句意为“尽管她七十多岁也,可看起来年轻、漂亮”。故选C。 4.D疑问词及语境理解。句意:杂志社的记者采访她,问她如何保持如此年轻和健康。what 什么;why为什么;who谁;how怎么。由下文可知,记者采访她,是想知道她怎样保持年轻和健康。故选D。 5.C形容词及语境理解。句意:那很容易。Early早的;dear贵的;easy容易的;late迟的。由下文紧接的两句话可知,保持活跃的思维是很容易的。故选C。 6.B介词及语境理解。句意:对你周围的世界感兴趣。under 在……下;around在周围;above在…上;between在……之间。根据句意结合语境可知该选B。 7.D副词及语境理解。句意:做家务和做运动要尽可能经常地做。Soon不久;busily繁忙地;hardly几乎不; often经常。由上文可知,做家务和做运动要尽可能经常地做。as often as sb. can尽可能经常地。故选D。 8.C名词及语境理解。句意:不要认为你老得不能学习了。Place地方;song歌曲;school 学校;dance跳舞。 由下文两个例子可知,他们都是进入了学校学习,因此,此处是“返回学校”之意,故选C。 9.D动词及语境理解。句意:现在他很擅长打网球。Buying买;losing 失去;sending发送;playing玩,打。Play tennis意为“打网球”。故选D。 10.A动词及语境理解。句意:仿效这位女士(做),是一个良好的开端。Follow跟随,效仿;give 给;make制作;bring带来。根据句意可知该选A。 考点:考查日常生活类短文。

The boy ________ like Father Christmas.

A.dresses   B.dresses up   C.wears   D.puts on



Do you mind I________ the guitar here?

A.plays         B.playing   C.to play         D.play



As we know the Changjiang River is one of the ______rivers in the world.

A.long      B.longer   C.the longest      D.longest



My friend and I have something ________ common.

A.at       B.in      C.with    D.on



The weather gets ________ in summer.

A.hot and hotter     B.hotter and hottest

C.hotter and hotter   D.hottest and hottest



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