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Kung Fu Panda is a 2008 American compute...

Kung Fu Panda is a 2008 American computer-animated action comedy movie made by DreamWorks. It was directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osborne. It tells the story about a big fat panda named Po who is a kung fu fan. The movie came out in 2008 and stars Jack Black as Po. It received critical acclaim and became a box office success. A successful sequel(续集), Kung Fu Panda 2 was released (发行) in 2011.

A big, fat panda named Po the panda dreams of becoming a kung fu master, but he doesn't know kung fu. One day, kung fu teacher Master Shifu holds a competition to see who will become the Dragon Warrior(龙斗士), the most powerful kung fu master in the land. Everyone thinks one of Shifu's students, the Furious Five(盖世五侠) will become the Dragon Warrior, but Po is chosen instead and begins learning kung fu. Shifu and the Furious Five don't like Po the panda and try to make him quit, but he becomes friends with them. When Master Shifu learns that the evil Tai Lung the snow leopard(雪豹) is coming to the land, he quickly teaches Po kung fu so he can be given the Dragon Scroll that will help him beat Tai Lung. Nothing is written on the scroll, but Po finds out that he doesn't need the scroll to be the Dragon Warrior and beats Tai Lung without it. Po becomes a kung fu master and Dragon Warrior loved by everyone and peace returns to the land.

1.When did the movie Kung Fu Panda first published?

A.2008     B. 2009    C. 2010    D. 2011

2.What’s the dream of Po?

A. To become the Dragon Warrior

B. To become the Furious Five

C. To become the Dragon Scroll

D. To become a kung fu master

3.What’s the meaning of the underline word “quit” in paragraph 2?

A. give up

B. cheer up

C. raise his spirits

D. set off

4.Which of the following is WRONG?

A. Master Shifu is a kung fu teacher.

B. The Furious Five are Master Shifu’s students.

C. The Furious Five become the Dragon Warrior.

D. Shifu and the Furious Five don't like Po the panda.


1.A 2.D 3.A 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:《功夫熊猫》是2008年由梦工厂制作的美国动画动作喜剧电影。它是由约翰斯蒂文森和马克奥斯本导演的。它讲述了关于一个名叫阿宝的大胖熊猫。这部电影2008年出版后受到一致好评。在2011年成功发布了一个续集《功夫熊猫2》。 1.A细节理解题。根据第一段中Kung Fu Panda is a 2008 American computer-animated action comedy movie made by DreamWorks.可知《功夫熊猫》是2008年由梦工厂制作的美国动画动作喜剧电影。所以选A。 2.D细节理解题。根据第二段中A big, fat panda named Po the panda dreams of becoming a kung fu master,可知一个又大又胖名叫阿宝的熊猫梦想成为一名功夫大师,所以选D。 3.A词义猜测题。根据Shifu and the Furious Five don't like Po the panda可知划线词的意思是“放弃”,所以选A。 4.细节理解题。根据短文最后Po becomes a kung fu master and Dragon Warrior loved by everyone and peace returns to the land.可知阿宝成为一个功夫大师和深受大家喜爱的神龙大侠,所以选C。 考点:故事类阅读。

The corridor (走廊) windows at the Hangzhou Entel Foreign Language School look a bit different from other schools. They are all decorated (装饰) with beautiful paper cutting art. But they are not just for decoration. They are also to stop birds from flying into windows.

Chen Zitong, 14, a Junior 3 student at the school came up with the idea. In early January, she wrote a letter to the headmaster and suggested this. She often saw birds fly into the clean windows and get hurt. After some online research, she found this solution. “Some people decorated windows with stickers (贴纸) or posters. Then I thought of replacing (代替) them with our traditional paper cutting art,” Chen said.

To Chen’s surprise, the headmaster took her advice. The school organized a paper cutting art competition. Students’ works that got awards were pasted on the corridor windows.

In fact, there have been paper cutting art classes since 2011. “We have classes once a week for a month to teach paper cutting,” said Fan Ming, an art teacher. The teaching building even has a display (展示) wall to show students’ works.

Through the class, Shi Jiawei, 14, fell in love with the art of paper cutting. “It’s very fun. I can design my own patterns (图案) and present interesting things through it,” she said. She created many works like bears and magpies (喜鹊).

Paper cutting also helps students become more patient. Wang Yiyou, 12, was once an active boy. But now, he can carefully design a delicate (精致的) paper cutting work with scissors (剪刀) and gravers (刻刀). “I am so proud that I can make it look perfect,” he said.

(By Wu Qian, 21st Century Teens Staff)

1.What’s special at the Hangzhou Entel Foreign Language School?

A. The corridor windows there are all decorated with beautiful paper cutting art.

B. The classrooms there are all decorated with beautiful paper cutting art.

C. The corridor windows there are all decorated with beautiful photographs.

D. The classrooms there are all decorated with beautiful photographs.

2.Who figured out this idea to stop birds from flying into the window?

A. Fan Ming         B. Chen Ziton

C. Wang Yiyou     D.Shi Jiawei

3. What does the underline word “solution” mean?

A.线索             B.资料         C. 原因            D.解决方法

4. Which of the following statements is NOT the function of the papercutting art according to the passage?

A. It can be use for decoration.

B. It can stop birds from flying into windows.

C. It can helps students become more patient.

D. It can organize a paper cutting art competition.



THE human face doesn’t lie. We show sadness and happiness through our expressions. But exactly how many emotions can our face make?Scientists used to believe we had six basic facial expressions that tell others how we feel: sad, happy, surprised, fearful, angry and disgusted (恶心的).

But a new study shows that our faces can do more than we think. Scientists from Ohio State University found out that humans can actually make 21 different facial expressions after studying how people move their facial muscles.

The scientists took pictures of 230 volunteers making faces in response to different cues (提示). These cues included phrases like “you just got some great unexpected news”, which produced a “happily surprised” reaction from volunteers. Other cues included “you smell a bad odor (气味)”, which caused “disgusted” faces.

In total, around 5,000 pictures were taken of the volunteers. The scientists then studied similarities of these pictures using a computer expression database. This helped them to define a facial expression. “That tells us that these 21 emotions are expressed in the same way by nearly everyone,” said DrAleix Martinez to The Daily Telegraph. For example, to express surprise, 92 percent of volunteers widened (睁大) their eyes and opened their mouth. And 99 percent raised their cheeks (脸颊) and smiled to show being happy.

We are not always aware of our facial expressions, which can hold clues to how we really feel. So these results may have a big impact (影响) on medical treatment. If doctors were able to recognize more complex (复杂的) emotions, it would help doctors treat patients suffering from certain diseases.

1.Scientists used to believe how many basic facial expressions that tell others how we feel?

A. 21             B.230                C. 92.               D. 6

2.How didscientists from Ohio State University find out the number of facial expressions?

A. They studied how people move their eyes.

B. They studied how people move their mouths.

C. They studied how people move their facial muscles.

D. They studied how people move their eye balls.

3. What does the underlined word “This”refer to?

A. Around 5,000 pictures were taken of the volunteers.

B.The scientists studied similarities of these pictures usingan advanced picture-taking machine.

C. The scientists studied similarities of these pictures using a computer expression database.

D. Scientists from Ohio State University studied how people move their facial muscles.

4. Where can we probably find the article?

A. In a story-book   B. In a travel guide

C. Ina novel        D. In a science magazine



An official media outlet has, for the first time, published a cartoon of President Xi Jinping, with graphic details of his engagements over the past months. Cartoons can make politicians seem more friendly, says Tao Duanfang in an article for The Beijing News.

Cartoons can leave a deep impression about a character in the minds of readers. Presidential campaign teams in countries like the US, Canada and Japan have a tradition of crafting products in the shape of politicians’ caricatures.

Tao points out that caricatures of politicians have become part of pop culture in many countries, with their purposes ranging from publicity to commercial use. Cartoons and caricatures can be used to criticize or ridicule political leaders, too. Besides, they can also help politicians introduce their political views.

Tao says that cartoons and caricatures can bring politicians closer to the people and demonstrate the spirit of an inclusive and lively political climate, which is conducive (有利于) to social progress.

1.According to Paragraph 1, a cartoon of whom has been published by an official media outlet?

A. De Xiaoping           B. Xi Jinping

C. Jiang Zemin          D. Hu Jintao

2.Which of the following countries hasn’t been mentioned in the passage?

A. the United States       B. Canada

C. Japan                  D. China

3.Which is not the function of cartoons and caricatures according to Paragraph 3?

A. Cartoons and caricatures can be used to criticize or ridicule political leaders.

B. Cartoons and caricatures can help politicians introduce their political views.

C. Cartoons and caricatureshave become part of pop culture in many countries.

D. Cartoons and caricaturescan bring popular stars closer to the people.

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Why political cartoons are useful

B. How to make political cartoons

C. Who reads political cartoons

D. Where to make political cartoons



Unlike other people, my Olympic heroes are not Olympic champions or the important people on the Olympic Committee (委员会). They are just the ordinary ones who do the everyday things. They work without the recognition (公认) the famous people get. They are the Olympic volunteers.

These people aren't the great stars of sport. They just want to do their part for the Olympics by smiling and helping the Games go smoothly.The stars of the Games are like brightly colored sailboats on the sea, racing through the waves. How lovely to watch them! But the volunteers are the wind, which nobody sees. Without the wind the sailboats would not be able to move and no one would want to watch them. The volunteers breathe (发出) the wind of life into the athletes.

The volunteers may never win medals, but they always do their best to encourage the athletes, whether the athletes win or lose.Some might think what the volunteers do is boring, hardly worth mentioning (提及). But in my eyes, they are as important as the champions and the stars. They are just as much heroes, despite (尽管) not appearing in newspapers or on TV.

I truly admire them and I will always cheer for them. They are my Olympic heroes.

1.From the first paragraph we know that the writer’s heroes are .

A. Olympic champions

B. the important people on the Olympic Committee

C. the ordinary people who don’t do the everyday things

D. the Olympic volunteers

2.The writer compares the Olympic volunteers to.

A. brightly colored sailboats                  B. the wind

C. the sun                                      D. the water

3.What does the underlined word “athletes” in Paragraph 3 mean in the passage?

A. 教练             B. 裁判

C. 运动员           D. 观众

4. What does the writer think of the volunteers’ work?

A. boring              B. important

C. interesting         D. excellent




When you wave to a friend, you are using body language. When you _______at someone, you mean to be friendly. When you put one finger in front of your mouth, you mean "________".

Yet, people in different countries may use _________ body languages.

Once an Englishman was in Italy. He could speak __________ Italian. One day while he was walking in the street, he felt hungry and went into a _________. When the waiter came, the Englishman ________ his mouth, put his fingers into it and took them out again and moved his lips. In this way, he _________ to say, “Bring me something to eat.” But the waiter brought him a lot of things to _________. First tea, then coffee, then milk but no food. The Englishman was sorry that he was not able to tell the waiter he was hungry. He was ________ to leave the restaurant when another man came in and put his hands on his stomach. And this sign was good enough for the waiter. In a few_________, the waiter brought him a large plate of bread and meat. At last, the Englishman had his meal in the same way.

1.A laugh                B. smile              C. look

2.A. Be quiet             B. speak loudly       C. hurry up

3.A. same              B. difficult          C. different

4.A. much               B. little           C. few

5.A. office              B. library          C. restaurant

6.A. closed              B. opened           C. washed

7.A. meant               B. decided           C. asked

8.A. play                B. eat                C. drink

9.A. read                B. right            C. ready

10.A. hours               B. minutes            C. months



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