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完形填空 Elephants are the largest living an...


Elephants are the largest living animals on land. More than 500 _________  kinds of elephants were found on the earth over the last 55 million years. Only _________  kinds are still alive today the African elephant and the Asian (or Indian) elephant. These elephants can only be found in _________places. However the older kinds lived in cold places a long time   _________ . An example is the mammoth (猛犸象) the largest hairy elephant.

The mammoth was the largest living elephant which was about seven tons.  _________the elephants today mammoths had black or dark brown hairs_________ their bodies. All the mammoths had tusks (长牙).

Scientists found most of the extinct (灭绝的) animals by_________ the fossils_________ their bones and teeth that could be found. However mammoths are quite different. During the Ice Age mammoths died and were covered _________ in the ice. The ice kept them very well. So scientists could find the _________ body of the mammoth.

1.A. same      B. different     C. large        D. small

2.A. two       B. three         C. four        D. five

3.A. hot        B. cold         C. cool        D. warm

4.A. after    B. later         C. ago         D. away

5.A. Aside     B. Unlike       C. As           D. For

6.A. filling    B. covering    C. laying       D. pushing

7.A. dealing   B. studying    C. buying     D. fixing

8.A. for sure   B. as well      C. aside from   D. such as

9.A. sadly    B. gently       C. deeply     D. easily

10.A. whole   B. all         C. part       D. piece


1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要介绍大象的祖先—猛犸象。 1.B考查语境理解题。句意:在过去的5500万年里,在地球上发现了超过500不同种类的大象。A. same相同的;B. different不同的;C. large巨大的;D. small小的。Different kinds of各种各样的;结合句意可知选B。 2.A考查语境理解题。句意:今天只有两种还活着。A. two两个;B. three三;C. four四;D. five五。根据下文the African elephant and the Asian (or Indian) elephant.可知选A。 3.A考查语境理解题。句意:这些大象只能在炎热的地方发现。A. hot热;B. cold冷的;C. cool凉的;D. warm温暖的。根据下文However, the older kinds lived in cold places a long time .及上文非洲象和印度象可知选A。 4.C考查语境理解题。句意:然而,很久以前老种类象居住在寒冷的地方A. after在……之后;B. later以后,迟的;C. ago以前;D. away离开。时间段+ago,在……以前,用于过去式,结合句意可知选C。 5.B考查语境理解题。句意:不像今天大象。A. Aside在……旁边;B. Unlike和……不同,不像;C. As作为;D. For为,为了;因为;给;对于;至于;适合于。根据下文mammoths had black or dark brown hairs their bodies.及语境可知选B。 6.B考查语境理解题。句意:猛犸有黑色或深棕色头发覆盖身体。A. filling填满;B. covering 覆盖; C. laying放置;产卵;D. pushing推;促进;逼迫。结合句意和语境可知选B。 7.B考查语境理解题。句意:通过研究化石科学家发现大部分的灭绝动物。A. dealing交易,处理;B. studying学习;考虑;C. buying购买;获得;D. fixing安装;修理。结合句意可知选B。 8.D考查语境理解题。句意:例如可能被发现的他们的骨骼和牙齿。A. for sure确实;毫无疑问地;B. as well也;同样地;C. aside from除……以外;D. such as例如,比如。结合句意和语境可知选D。 9.C考查语境理解题。句意:在冰河时代,猛犸象死亡,并被深冰覆盖。A. sadly悲哀地;悲痛地;B. gently轻轻地;温柔地,温和地;C. deeply深刻地;浓浓地;在深处;D. easily容易地;无疑地。结合句意和语境可知选C。 10. 考点:考查科普类短文阅读。

      go out for a walk this evening?

—That’s a good idea.

A.Let’s          B.Why not to

C.Shall we        D.What about



Does the sad story ____your heart?

A. push      B. touch     C. feel      D. enter



Tommy don’t play a joke _____ the little boy he is very shy

A. at      B. on        C. to       D. for



The roots of a plant grow _________the stem.

A. at the top of     B. in the bottom of

C. in the middle of  D. at the beginning of



The man decided ______ the house _______the window.

A. enter by           B. to enter through

C. entering through   D. to enter with



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