满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Why are you looking for Mary in a hurry...

—Why are you looking for Mary in a hurry John?

—The boss is wondering where she _____ and how long she ______ there.

A. has been has been

B. has gone has gone

C. has been has gone

D. has gone has been


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-你为什么匆匆忙忙地要找玛丽,约翰? -老板想知道她去了哪里,她去那里多久。Gone to 去了某地,当接副词时不要to;been to去过;been there去了那里。所以选D。 考点:考查延续性动词和瞬间动词。  

You won’t mind me _________ some photos here will you?

___________. You can just enjoy them with your eyes I think.

A. taking Better not.

B. taking Of course not

C. to take Better not

D. to take Of course not



Could you tell me how many books I can borrow at a time?

Sorry ______ at all . Our compute system has broken down.

A. Not        B. Nothing       C. None       D. No



It’s said that few people _________ to the life without mobile phones. They are addicted to (对……上瘾) mobiles.

A. aren’t used       B. used

C. are used           D. didn’t use



The lady didn’t know ______ when the house caught fire. Luckily the police arrived in time.

A. how to do with it   B. what to do it

C. what to do          D. how to do



Since several years ago many supermarkets in China have _______ free plastic (塑料的) bags.

A. to stop providing       B. to stop to offer

C. stopped to provide        D. stopped offering



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