满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空 Several years ago, I was waiting at...


Several years ago I was waiting at a train station in Amsterdam. I saw a young homeless man   _______ people for money so that he could buy breakfast. Most of the _______ simply took no notice of the young man or gave him a dirty look. There was an exception (例外) an older well-dressed lady. When the young homeless man moved_______ this lady she turned and looked straight into his eyes and   _______ asked “How much do you need?” I couldn’t hear what the young man said but watched _______ the old lady pulled several dollars from her purse and_______them in the young man’s hands.

I don’t know if the young man used this money for breakfast or for some other purpose. What I do know is that I saw two completely different reactions (反应) to the same _______ . I saw people who were either afraid or angry or distrustful (猜疑的). And then I saw this old lady who_______ the homeless man as her brother. I decided then and there that even though (虽然) we have to be _______  in this world I would rather (宁愿) be like her.

Every day may bring us many chances for _______  . The key is to do it or not.

1.A. asking      B. calling       C. leaving        D. helping

2.A. guests        B. friends     C. neighbours     D. travelers

3.A. from         B. after        C. before         D. over

4.A. softly       B. sadly       C. loudly         D. hopefully

5.A. because      B. if          C. as            D. since

6.A. checked     B. put         C. covered        D. threw

7.A. information   B. report      C. situation      D. programme

8.A. ordered       B. treated      C. gave         D. recommended

9.A. famous      B. active        C. careful        D. useful

10.A. sadness      B. happiness    C. fitness        D. kindness


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.D 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:几年前,我在火车站等候。我看见一个年轻的流浪汉在向人要钱,这样他可以买早餐。大部分的旅行者根本就没有注意到那个年轻人或给他一付不悦的表情。有一个异常例外:一个年长的,穿着考究的女士。当年轻的流浪汉跟着这位女士移动时,她转过身。她盯着他的眼睛,温柔地问道:“你需要多少钱? ”我听不清这个年轻人说,但是看到老太太突然从包里掏出几美元时放在了年轻人的手中。 1.A考查动词及语境理解。句意:我看见一个年轻的流浪汉在向人要钱,这样他可以买早餐。 asking 问;calling 打电话;leaving离开;helping帮助。ask sb for sth向某人要某物,所以选A。 2.D考查名词及语境理解。句意:大部分的旅行者根本就没有注意到那个年轻人或给他一付不悦的表情。 guests 客人; friends朋友; neighbours邻居; travelers旅行者。联系前面句子I was waiting at a train station in Amsterdam.可知该选D。 3.B考查介词及语境理解。句意:当年轻的流浪汉跟着这位女士移动时,她转过身。 from从; after 在……之后;before在……之前;over在……上方。联系后面的she turned可知该选B。 4.A考查副词及语境理解。句意:她盯着他的眼睛,温柔地问道:“你需要多少钱?”softly柔软地;sadly悲伤地;loudly大声地;hopefully充满希望地。根据后面问句“How much do you need?”结合语境可知该选A。 5.C考查连词及语境理解。句意:我听不清这个年轻人说,但是看到老太太突然从包里掏出几美元时放在了年轻人的手中。because因为;if 如果;as当……的时候,同时;since自从。根据句意结合语境可知该选C。 6.B考查动词及语境理解。句意:我听不清这个年轻人说,但是看到老太太突然从包里掏出几美元时放在了年轻人的手中。checked检查;put 放;covered 覆盖;threw扔。根据句意结合语境可知该选B。 7.C考查名词及语境理解。句意:我所知道的是,我看到了在相同的情况下两种完全不同的反应。information信息;report报告;situation情况;programme程序。根据句意结合语境可知该选C。 8.B考查动词及语境理解。句意:然后我看到了这个老妇人对待那个无家可归的男就像是她的兄弟。ordered 订购;treated对待;gave给;recommended推荐,劝告。treat sb as one’s brother像兄弟一样对待某人,所以选B。 9.C考查形容词及语境理解。句意:在那时,我决定了,虽然我们在这个世界上必须小心,但我宁愿像她一样。famous著名的;active积极的;careful 仔细的;useful有用的。根据句意结合语境可知该选C。 10.考查名词及语境理解。句意:每天都可能会给我们带来很多的慈善的机会。sadness悲伤;happiness快乐;fitness 健康;kindness慈善。根据句意结合语境可知该选D。 考点:故事类短文。

—It’s been such a wonderful evening with you! Thank you very much!


A. Glad to hear that.     B. My pleasure!

C. It’s nothing.         D. No thanks.



________ great fun I have _______ Frisbee(飞盘)with my dog! He can always catch it quickly!

A. What to play         B. What a to play

C. What a playing      D. What playing



—When will Wuxi Metro Line 3 open?

_______ next year. Only 10% ______ been built.

A. Until has                B. Until have

C. Not until has              D. Not until have



Mary didn’t know who _________ the problem she met with at that time. But now her true friend Betty is always with her.

A. to talk about          B. to talk to about

C. will talk to about    D. will talk about



Must I wash the clothes now?

No you _______. You _______ clean the room first.

A. don’t have to may       B. needn’t need

C. mustn’t may               D. mustn’t must



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