满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Where is Mr. Smith? —He ________ Guangz...

—Where is Mr. Smith? —He ________ Guangzhou. He ________ there for a week.

A. has gone to has been to

B. has gone to has been

C. has been to has gone to

D. has been in has gone to


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-史密斯先生在哪里?他去了广州。他到那里一周了。gone to去了;been to去过;根据for a week可知第二空上的词该是一个延续性动词。所以选B。 考点:考查延续性动词。  

—Your father’s never been to other countries has he?

________. He plans to go abroad for a second time.

A. No he has     B. Yes he hasn’t

C. Yes he has D. No he hasn’t



________ have you kept the book ?

—Since last Month. I ____ return it to the library today or I can’t borrow one next time.

A. How often must B. How long have to

C. How soon have to D. When must



The poor man lives ________ in the ________ house.

A. alone lonely   B. alone alone

C. lonely lonely  D. lonely alone



Jim _______ride to school. But now he_______walking to school because he wants to keep fit.

A. was used to used to       B. got used to is used to

C. used to is used to        D. used to used to



After talking with the two old people you’ll have        understanding (理解) of the life.

A.  the better  B. the best   C.  a better  D.  a best



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