满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Here is some information (信息)about some ...

Here is some information (信息)about some people.

★I am a math teacher. I teach math very well. Do you need help with your math?Call me at 679-8840.(Mr. Brown)

★I lost my blue bag. It's from my mom and I like it very much. Did you find my bag?Please call me at 777-8953.(Lucy)

★I like playing the violin,but I can't play it well. Can you help me?My phone number is 235-7765.(Joan)

★Do you like reading?I have many old books and the books are free (免费的).Call me at 658-0034.(Mark)

Here is some information on today's newspaper.


A blue bag. I found it in the library. My name is Sue. Please call me at 889-0764.


Are you good at math?Are you good with kids?We need a math teacher at our middle school. My name is Nick. My e-mail is nick@gmail.com.


Do you want to be a musician?Do you want to learn how to play the piano and the violin well?Come to our club. Only 20 yuan for one lesson. Call Susan at 776-9898.


We want to build a library for the kids in a small village. We need many books. Please call Mr. Han at 458-2217.

1.If you need help with your math,you can ________.

A.call Mr. Brown

B.call 777-8953

C.see Mr. Brown at his school

D.write an e-mail to Mr. Brown

2.From the passage,we can learn Lucy ________.

A.lost her mom's bag

B.can call Sue for her bag

C.buys a bag for her mom

D.found a bag in the library

3.If Joan wants to have six violin lessons in the music club,she needs ________ yuan.

A. 60   B.80

C.100   D.120

4.The library can call ________for some books.

A.Mr.Brown  B.Mr.Han

C.Mark      D.Susan

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Lucy's phone number is 679-8840.

B.Joan can play the violin very well.

C.You can learn how to play the drums in the music club.

D.If Mr. Brown wants to work at Nick's school,he can write an e-mail to Nick.


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文讲的是关于一些人和今天的报纸的一些信息。 1.A细节理解题。根据文中信息I am a math teacher. I teach math very well. Do you need help with your math?Call me at 679-8840.(Mr. Brown)可知如果数学方面需要帮助可以打679-8840找布朗先生,故选A。 2.B推理判断题。根据文中信息I lost my blue bag. It's from my mom and I like it very much. Did you find my bag?Please call me at 777-8953.(Lucy)可知露丝丢了一个蓝色书包,而在招领启事A blue bag. I found it in the library. My name is Sue. Please call me at 889-0764.中可以知道Sue找到了一个蓝色书包,所以露丝可以去找Sue要书包,故选B。 3.D计算分析题。根据文中信息Do you want to be a musician?Do you want to learn how to play the piano and the violin well?Come to our club. Only 20 yuan for one lesson. Call Susan at 776-9898.可知一节钢琴课是20元,所以6节应是120元,故选D。 4.C推理判断题。根据文中信息Do you like reading?I have many old books and the books are free (免费的).Call me at 658-0034.(Mark)可知Mark有许多免费的书,所以图书馆要书的话可以找Mark,故选C。 5. 考点:广告类短文阅读

Mr. White works in a park. He can't hear or speak. He looks after the chairs in the park.

Some chairs in the park look very old. Mr. White wants to paint (刷漆) them. It is cloudy today. There are few people in the park,so Mr. White starts to paint a chair. After he paints it,he goes back to his office and brings a card with “WET PAINT” on it. He wants to put the card near the chair. He takes the card and walks to the chair.

Dave is taking a walk in the park. He feels a little tired (疲倦的).He wants to sit on a chair. He sees the chair. He is walking to it,too.

Mr. White finds someone behind him walking to the same chair. He walks quickly. When Dave sees this,he begins to run. Mr. White begins to run,too. Dave runs faster than (比……更快)Mr. White and he sits on the chair. He does not know the paint is wet. Mr. White is not happy to see him sitting on the chair. He shows Dave the card. Dave feels very embarrassed (尴尬的).

1.Mr.White's job is to ________.

A.clean the park

B.grow trees

C.help people in the park

D.look after the chairs in the park

2.Mr.White paints a chair on a ________day.

A.sunny  B.cloudy  C.rainy   D.snowy

3.Mr.White goes to his office to ________after he paints the chair.

A.drink           B.Sleep

C.eat something   D.bring a card

4.What's Dave doing in the park?

A.Taking a walk.            B.Painting a tree.

C.Looking for his friends.  D.Waiting for Mr. White.

5.From the passage,we can learn ________.

A.Dave's clothes get wet paint at last

B.there are many people in the park

C.Dave feels hungry when he walks in the park

D.Mr. White doesn't talk to Dave because he doesn't know him




Hello,everyone!I'm Chen Kang. I ______ China. Now I'm studying in a middle school in New York. The ______ is great. I like it very much.

I'm studying new ________,like science. It is my favorite ______it's very interesting. And I'm also ______ how to use the Internet. Now I can use it very well and I can _______ e-mails and send (发送)them to people. I'm making lots of new friends here. They are very _______.I usually do sports with them on the weekend. Sometimes ______ stay in the sports hall to play ping-pong and _______ go out to play soccer. I'm enjoying (喜爱)my life here a lot.

How about your school?Can you tell me________ you're doing in your school?

1.A.go to     B.come from  C.find       D.leave

2.A.trip       B.host        C.school      D.dream

3.A.subjects  B.rules       C.dances      D.sports

4.A.or       B.because     C.but         D.before

5.A.teaching   B.saying      C.learning   D.asking

6.A.bring      B.read       C.remember  D.write

7.A.terrible  B.friendly  C.sorry      D.funny

8.A.we        B.they      C.I          D.he

9.A.never     B.usually     C.often      D.sometimes

10.A.when     B.who        C.what        D.Why



—Does your sister like ________?

—Yes,you can see all kinds of clothes in her room.

A.reading  B.shopping  C.swimming  D.Dancing



(平凉中考)The zoo keeper is worried because the number of visitors ________smaller and smaller.

A.become       B.are becoming

C.is becoming   D.have become



Look!Some boys ________the  river.

A.are swimming in  B.swim in

C.swimming on      D.swim on



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