满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Complete the following passage with the ...

Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次):

Dear editor,

A. expensive    B. hand in    C. ready    D. complete   E. look up

Last Sunday, I went to the post office to subscribe (订阅) some magazines. I was there for half an hour and there was still a long line in front of me.

My turn came at last. I quickly got everything done, and was   1. to leave. Just then, someone came nearer to me. I stopped to   2.  and saw him old and thin, with a dirty coat on him which had been worn out. I could see easily that he was poor, from the far mountain area. I stepped backward. I was in my   3. new coat.

He told me he wanted to send some money home but didn’t know how to 4.  the table in the sheet. He asked me if I could help him.

“But you can ask the clerk.” After these few words, I looked away and froze into silence.

A. mind     B. especially   C. attitude     D. sadly    E. excuse

“I have asked her. But I still don’t finish it. Would you kindly help me?”

Just then, my mobile phone rang. It was a(n)   5. to refuse him. I had my own business to do. Hopelessly and 6.  , he gave up begging me and tried to find someone else who would lend him a hand.

As I stepped out, I became very nervous about it. How could I refuse someone who was in need of help, 7.  such an old man? Was it because he was poor and dirty?

I want to say sorry to this old man in this newspaper. It’s been on my   8. for a long time. And I hope to feel better by doing this.



1.C 2.E 3.A 4.D 5.E 6.D 7.B 8.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文讲的是作者由于没有对一位来自山区的衣着破烂的贫穷老人进行帮助而一直耿耿于怀,所以在报纸上写这篇文章来向那位老人道歉并希望自己能感觉好一些。 1.C句意:我很快就做好了全部事情然后准备离开。根据句意及所给词汇此题应选ready ,be ready to do sth.是准备做某事,故选C。 2.E句意:我停下来抬头看了看,看到他一个又老又瘦,身上穿着已经穿破的脏衣服。根据句意及所给词汇此题应选look up,抬头看。 3.A句意:我穿着很贵的新上衣。根据句意及所给词汇此题应选expensive,昂贵的。 4.D句意:他告诉我他想往家里寄点钱但不知道怎样完成单子上表格。根据句意及所给词汇此题应选complete,完成。 5.E句意:这是我拒绝他的理由。根据句意及所给词汇此题应选excuse,理由。 6.D句意:绝望并悲伤着他放弃了对我的请求并试图找到愿意帮助他的其他人。根据句意及所给词汇此题应选sadly,悲伤地。 7.B句意:我怎么能拒绝一个需要帮助的人,尤其是这样一个老人。根据句意及所给词汇此题应选 especially,尤其是。 8. 考点:短文填空

We should be more independent in order to meet the needs of our modern life.


A. It’s a pleasure. B. What a pity!

C. I think so, too.   D. The same to you.



I won a big prize, an iPad mini2, in our school talent show this year.


A. Congratulations! B. You are welcome!

C. Best wishes!     D. Not at all!



Let’s bring our friends confidence and hopes when they are in trouble, ______?

A. do you B. shall we C. will you D. do we



______ are you able to type the English words?

About forty to fifty words a minute.

A. How often B. How long

C. How fast D. How far



The Greens ______ the welcome party already before Henry came to talk about it.

A. has arranged    B. would arrange

C. were arranging D. had arranged



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