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Here _______ a map of China. A. are B. a...

Here _______ a map of China.

A. are           B. am         C. be           D. is


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:这里有一张中国地图。主语a map of China属第三人称单数,所以选D。 考点:考查主谓一致。  

We have _______ for you as a waiter.

A. a work      B. a job          C. works         D. a jobs



He can finish the work in _______ hour.

A. a          B. an      C. the         D. /



Write at least 60 words about the topic “Learn to relax myself!”(请以“学会放松自己!”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)



You are busy with lots of school work in and after school. You need to spend some of your spare time relaxing yourself. Tell us the importance of it and show us one example.



Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题):

Isabel Allende’s novels are enjoyed all over the world. She is famous for her creativity and imagination. And her own personal story is as amazing as any she has ever told in a novel. Born in 1942, Allende’s family moved often during her childhood. She went to school in South America, Europe, and Asia. As a young woman, she became a journalist in Santiago, Chile’s (智利) capital city. Then, she got married and had two children. In 1970, everything began to change.

Leaving home

Isabel Allende’s uncle was a political leader named Salvador Allende. In 1970, her uncle was elected president of Chile. In 1973, Augusto Pinochet led a military takeover (军事接管) of the Chilean government. President Allende was killed during the fighting. When Isabel Allende began to fear for her life, she and her family decided to move to Venezuela (委内瑞拉).

From Newspaper to Novels

It was really a painful experience for Isabel Allende to flee her country. Without this experience, however, Allende says she never would have begun writing novels. Then she got a phone call from Chile. Her grandfather was dying. She knew she could not return home to be with him, but she wanted to respect him in some way. “I decided to write a letter about all the things he told us when we were young,” Allende explains. Later, he wrote a long letter which became Allende’s first novel, The House of the Spirits.

The Writing Life

“I spent ten, twelve hours a day in a room, writing,” Allende says, “I don’t talk to anybody; I don’t answer the phone.” When she finishes the first draft (草稿) of a new novel, Allende mails a copy to her toughest critic (最严厉的评论家). “I send it to my mother in Chile. She reads it and comes here with a red pencil. We fight for a month at least.” Allende then goes back to work until she feels the book is finished. “The storytelling is the fun part,” she says. “The writing can be a lot of work!”

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1.Isabel Allende’s own personal story is very amazing, isn’t it?

2.What was Isabel Allende before she got married?

3.How did the military takeover influence (影响) Isabel Allende’s life?

4.Why did Isabel Allende start writing her first novel?

5.How do you understand We fight for a month at least in the last paragraph?

6.What kind of person do you think Isabel Allende is? Give your reason(s).



Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词使其内容通顺每空格限填一词首字母已给) : (14)

Many travelers feel nervous about going to a new and unfamiliar place. By planning carefully, and being careful enough during your trip, you can relax and enjoy yourself.

While you prepare for your journey, make sure that you travel with proper m  1.  insurance, in order that if you are sick or injured during your travels, you will be able to get treatment (治疗). Also, be sure to get an international driver’s licence (驾照) if you expect to drive yourself while you are travelling a  2.  . Make sure your paperwork is all in order. You don’t want to get to your destination and find that you have the wrong visa (签证).

Buy a guidebook and read about the local culture of the country you will be visiting. Also, try to learn a few b  3. words and phrases of the local language to enable you to communicate a bit. Don’t just expect that everyone will speak your language, or that they will understand English.

Remember that a tourist will attract a lot of attention from people. While most of the local people you meet will be friendly and welcoming, there are always difficulties or even d  4. for travelers. Theft is the most common one. Leave expensive cameras and valuable jewelry at home. If you prefer to stay in cheap hotels while traveling, make sure you l 5.  the door of your room from inside. If you must travel with a lot of paper money or other valuable things, you should ask your hotel about a safe for s  6.  them in. And just as in your home country, do not expect everyone you meet to be honest.

If you have trouble in communicating, look for students and young people who might speak a foreign language. And finally, remember to smile. It’s the friendliest and kindest f  7.  of communication, and is sure to be understood in any part of the world.

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