满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Dear editor, I am not a good-looking boy...

Dear editor

I am not a good-looking boy and I'm not good at studying either. Some people don't even want to talk to me. So I usually feel lonely. Sometimes I think that if I wanted to leave home nobody would care. How can I stop feeling like this?


Dear Peter

Without knowing more about you it is hard for me to give you some good advice.

But first I am sure that you are wrong that nobody would care if you left home. What about your parents? And other family members? It seems that you are very sad. You'd better go to see a doctor or talk to your parents. They will be able to help you.

Secondly I'm sure there is someone in your class who feels lonely too. You hever know how other people feel inside. Try to make friends with them.

Or you may join a club to meet new people and to keep yourself busy.

You need to find happiness in yourself. Write a list of all the good things about yourself learn to like yourself and then others will see your confidence and like you too.


1.What's the trouble with Peter?

A. He doesn't like his parents.

B. He doesn't like others.

C. His parents don't like him.

D. He isn't good at studying and feels lonely.

2.Why does Peter write to the editor?

A. Because he wants to make friends with him.

B. Because he wants to ask the editor to help him.

C. Because he wants the editor to know about him.

D. Because he wants to give the editor some advice.

3.If Peter joins a club he can __________ .

A. meet new people and make friends with them

B. keep his friends busy

C. study hard but never think about others

D. be a good-looking boy

4.Peter will probably feel  ________ when he reads the letter from the editor.

A. sad            B. lonely          C. glad         D. afraid

5.How many pieces of advice did the editor give to Peter?

A. one            B. two            C. three        D. four


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:该文首先给出了彼得写给编辑的一封信,介绍了他的麻烦并请求帮助。在第二封信中编辑给了彼得四条建议。 1.D细节理解题。根据第一封信中I am not a good-looking boy and I'm not good at studying, either. So I usually feel lonely.可知彼得不擅长学习,觉得孤独,所以选D。 2.B细节理解题。根据第一封信中How can I stop feeling like this?可推知彼得给编辑写信是想请编辑帮助他,所以选B。 3.A细节理解题。根据第二封信中you may join a club to meet new people and to keep yourself bus可知彼得参加俱乐部可以结识新人并且与他们交朋友,所以选A。 4.C细节理解题。细读信件可知看了编辑的信彼得可能会很高兴,所以选C。 5., …Secondly, …Or you may join a club to meet new people and to keep yourself busy. You need to find happiness in yourself.可知编辑给了彼得四条建议,所以选D。 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。

In many English homes people eat four meals a day breakfast lunch tea and dinner. People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge,eggs or bread. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one o'clock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven. First they have soups and then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things like bananas,apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast dinner tea and supper and all these meals are very necessary.

1.Many English people have        meals a day.

A. two          B. three     C. four      D. three or four

2.People may have       for their breakfast.

A. tea and eggs

B. porridge,eggs,bread,tea or coffee

C. tea and coffee

D. bread and eggs

3.People have lunch at      

A. any time       B. nine       C. five     D. one

4.People don't have        for their dinner.

A. porridge              B. bananas and apples

C. some soup and meat     D. meat and fish

5.In many English homes dinner comes      

A  at one o'clock   B. about half past seven

C. at noon          D. at night




The Americans were getting ready to send their first man to the moon an old Irishman (爱尔兰人) was _________them on TV in a hotel room. There was an Englishman in the room,_________. And he said to the Irishman “The Americans are very _________ aren’t they? They are going to _________ some men to the moon. It’s a very long way from our world.” “Oh that’s _________”the Irishman answered quickly.” “The Irishman are going to send some men to the sun in months’ _________. That’s much_________away than the moon you know. “The Englishman was very _________when he heard this. “Oh yes it is he said “But the sun is too _________ for people to visit.”

The Irishman laughed and answered “Well the Irish are clever too you know. We_________go to the sun during the day of course. We’ll go there during the night.”

1.A. reading   B. watching      C. making       D. mending

2.A. too      B. also          C. of course    D. only

3.A. kind      B. bad           C. clever      D. good

4.A.control    B. send         C. notice      D. imagine

5.A. nothing B. all          C. wrong        D. great

6.A. later     B. ago           C. long ago   D. time

7.A. far      B. never         C. farther      D. longer

8.A. angry    B. surprised    C. glad        D. sorry

9.A. warm      B. big           C. cold        D. hot

10.A. don’t   B. won’t       C. didn’t     D. must



For one week she did not do any housework and        did I.

A. so               B. either           C. neither           D. too



Last night he left home       silence.

A. with    B. for    C. in    D. at



Her dog was playing with another dog when Linda      out of the station.

A. gets    B. getting    C. was getting  D. got



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