满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达。 假如你叫Tina,请用下面提供的信息给你最好的朋友Sara写封信告诉...




Dear Sarah,










Dear Sarah, I have a problem these days, and I need your help. I am not getting on well with some of my classmates. I don’t know why. Last Saturday one of my classmates had a birthday party at home. She invited many classmates in my class, but she didn’t invite me. I feel worried and I don’t know what to do. Could you tell me what I should do? 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇应用文写作,写一封给你的朋友的信。本题给出的材料较为详细,动笔前先要围绕要点组织材料,然后用正确的英语句子把这些内容表达出来,在此基础上亦可适当发挥,注意不要遗漏材料中给出的要点。根据材料可知本文主要是应用第一人称,一般现在和过去时态,注意时态和时间状语的搭配问题,注意标点符号及大小写等问题,不要犯语法错误。注意上下文之间的逻辑关系,语意连贯。 写作亮点:这篇短文语句通顺,表达准确。学习中注意总结,牢记一些固定句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章的表达更有逻辑性,更富有条理。 考点:话题作文。  

连词成句,标点已给出 注意词语形式的变化。

1.be  do  friends what  you


2.study  last I until night midnight


3. than  friendly  my best be  I friend


4.could  finish show  this  watch  I


5.doctor  would Mary to  like be a





deaf   feel   cloud  her  hurt

1.I get such a strong           of satisfaction when I see the animals get better.

2.Jenny cut           . She should put some medicine on the cut.

3.What would it be like to be            ?

4.Black          were making the sky very dark.

5.He           himself. He has a sore back.




1.I           (讨厌)to do chores.

2.It is not            (足够的)to just get good grades at school.

3.At school he always   feels          (焦虑的).

4.You shouldn’t          (抄袭)others’ homework.

5.As a mountain        (登山者) Aron is used to taking risks.




It’s Sunday today. Mrs. Jackson was cleaning the rooms when her husband came in. “Go and cook lunch dear said the man. The woman had a look at the clock on the wall and said “It’s only a quarter to ten. We never have lunch before eleven.”

Mr. Jackson said “There’s a big football game on TV at half past eleven.” After lunch Mr. Jackson was sitting on the sofa. The game was nice and he hoped his team would get the gold medal. His five-year-old daughter Emma came in and put her hand on his face. “Oh how cold your hands are!” the man said watching the game. “Go and ask your mummy to warm them. “Why is it so cold daddy?” the girl asked. “Because it’s winter now.” He said. “ Why is it cold in winter then?” the girl asked. “I never asked so many questions when I was small!” he answered. “That’s just why you can’t answer it” said the girl.

1.Mr. Jackson and Mrs. Jackson often have lunch before eleven.【  

2.Mr. Jackson wanted to watch a big football game after lunch.   

3.Mrs. Jackson was               when her husband asked her to cook lunch.

4.What season(季节) is it?






Tanzania(坦桑尼亚)is a country which has a lot of animals such as gnus(角马) lions cheetahs(猎豹 elephants giraffes crocodiles and so on. Every year many people in the world travel to this African country to watch the animals closely. But do you know how they travel?

By bus—This is the most common way. When people get on a bus they’ll find that the bus is a little strange. It is different from the buses we often see. There are no big windows at all but some small windows. And it looks like a cage. What are they used for? Oh people can use it to watch animals especially those dangerous animals and take photos. We know that people are most interested in the lions. So when two buses meet the drivers will stop and ask each other whether they have found lions.

By boat—We can often see many people are in a boat enjoying the beautiful scene along a river of a lake and they can also enjoy hippos(河马)and crocodiles from a nearer distance.

By hot balloon(热气球)—In the early morning when the sun is beginning to rise a large hot balloon is also starting its journey. Taking a hot balloon makes most of the travelers excited. After some time the balloon will land in a certain place and the waiters will serve people a delicious and special breakfast. But the cost of taking a hot balloon is also very high. A person should pay 400 dollars for an hour’s trip.

1.Which is the most common way of traveling in Tanzania?

A. By bus  B. By plane  C. By boat  D. By hot balloon

2.The bus is a little strange because     .

A. it has no doors          B. it looks like a cage

C. people can take photos   D. it has no driver

3. If you want to watch hippos carefully you’d better    .

A. take a bus    B. take a hot balloon

C. be on a boat D. swim in the river

4.Which one is not right?

A. Taking a hot balloon for a whole morning will cost 400 dollars.

B. Many people go to Tanzania for travelling.

C. Tanzania is an African country

D. The different traveling ways make people happy and they’ll have a good time.

5.Which one can be the best title?

A. The beautiful country-Tanzania

B. The ways of traveling in Tanzania

C. Why do we take a bus to travel.

D. Different animals in Tanzania



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