满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

After he heard the ______ news that Wang...

After he heard the ______ news that Wang Yaping gave chidren a lesson in China's new manned spacecraft Shenzhou-10, he was very __________.

A. amazed; surprising    B. amazed; surprised

C. amazing; surprising   D. amazing; surprised


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:他听说王亚平在中国新人造飞船神州10号给孩子们上课的那个惊人的消息后,他非常惊讶。amazed感到惊讶的,修饰人; amazing令人惊讶的,修饰事物; surprising令人吃惊的,修饰事物; surprised感到惊讶的,修饰人。第一空修饰news故用形容词amazing修饰。第二空修饰主语he,故用形容词surprised。故选D。 考点:考查形容词的用法。  

It’s _____ unusual thing for ______eight-year-old girl to find ____UFO.

A. a; a; a          B. an; an; a

C. an; a; an        D. a; an; an





要求:1. 根据提供的信息及话题材料写出结构完整,语句通顺,条理清晰,语法准确的文章。

2. 词数70左右。

3. 不可使用真实姓名,校名。

4. 题目自拟。









选词填空  请根据对话内容从方框中选择正确的单词,将其适当形式填在空白处,使对话完整、正确。

P.E., favorite, why, boring, art

A: Hello, Liu Bin!

B: Hello, Tim! What’s your   1. subject?

A: Music. How about you, Liu Bin?

B:   2.  Because I can play basketball on the playground. Tim,   3.  do you like music?

A: Because it’s interesting.

B: Who is your music teacher?

A: Mrs. Jones. She teaches us very well.

B: When do you have your music class?

A: We have it on Monday. It’s my favorite day. How about you?

B: I don’t like that day, because we have an   4.  class on that day. I don’t like drawing. It’s   5.  .



根据所给汉语意思完成句子, 每空限填一词。

1.—— 你通常多久做一次户外运动?

—— How often do you do _________ _________?

—— 一周一次。

—— Once a week.


There is a ping-pong game _________ Class 5 _________ Class 7 on the playground.

3.—— 你认为这部电影怎么样?

—— What do you think of the movie?

—— 很棒。我们正在讨论它呢!

—— It’s wonderful. We are _________ _________ it now.


I like the town because everyone in it is very _________ _________ me.


History is my favorite. I can _________ _________ the past.




1.——How can we go to Beijing from Dalian?

——We can go there by t________ or by plane.

2.——What time do classes b________ in the morning?

——At 7:50.

3.——What do A________ students usually do in their free time?

——Many things. They often play soccer, go swimming and so on.

4.Bill is on duty(值日)today, so he gets up e________.

5.Bill doesn’t like math. He thinks it’s too d______.



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