满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— Did you ____ the book from your school...

Did you ____ the book from your school library? May I have a look at it?

Yes, but I have ____ it at home.

A. lend; left      B. borrow; forgot

C. lend; forgot    D. borrow; left


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:—你从你的学校图书馆借书了吗?我可以看看吗?—是的,但我忘在家里了。根据句意及题干分析第一空是“借入”,所以要用borrow,lend是向外借;第二空把东西忘在某地应用动词leave,而forget是忘记做某事,故选D。 考点:考查动词的用法  

—He had a lot of ____ when he studied in the USA.

But he has no ____ in doing this knd of job.

A. experiences, experiences

B. experiences,experience

C. experience experience

D. experience ,experiences



—What a nice mobile phone! How long ____ you ____ it?

Just a week.

A. will, buy     B. have, bought

C. are, having    D. have, had



  –– Where’s your father?

–– He ________ France. He’ll stay there for a month.

A. has left               B. has been to

C. has gone to            D. left for



No free plastic bags in the supermarkets helps to __________  white pollution.

A. provide         B. produce        C. reduce           D. Remove



–– Why did you look so __________ when you saw Tom?

––Oh, it’s almost ten years _________ we met last time.

A. excited; since   B. exciting; after

C. excitedly; since   D. excited; since



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